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  1. 7 points
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
    As I see you are carrying the "heavy ordinance", we'll take care of any issues in your flight path...
  4. 4 points

    Version 2.0.0


    Version 2.0 Mirage III V Very Minor update, which corresponds to the actual description of the aircraft. Flight model & main aircraft data not changed, left as is (as the author, very careful takeoff/landing control is required). 1.Main engine update (Added Afterburner / Effects). 2.Cockpit/ Avionics.(In my opinion, since this is still a prototype aircraft). 3.Default Loadouts. Thanks Plane Authors.
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
    McDonnell Douglas A-4H Skyhawk - Aggressor Flight, Escuadrón Aéreo 2, Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, 1996 Template Credit: Nyghtfall
  7. 4 points
    ...and lastly, The U.S. Coast Guard
  8. 3 points
    which would you take, the early morning commuter or the midnight train?
  9. 3 points
    Found this nice story and wanted to share with you, guys. https://www.cia.gov/legacy/museum/artifact/seven-days-in-the-arctic/?fbclid=IwAR30Nt3ahm_tPx_Wr4mMSB-xYA5H4xnqH4O79tSvhbU2Oc31CcAXe9yBO9c
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    SitRep: i added more buildings to the Campana Oil Refinery. The refinery and the Steel Plant now have Flak protection. If you have SAM for the Argentinians then one SAM site is part of the Steel Plant defence.
  13. 3 points
    Coming in for a bad trap. If I was flying a real plane they would have waved me off and I would have struck the ship, possibly damaging the landing gear and turn in my wings. But this is SF2 and I can get away with it.
  14. 3 points
    Early morning Janet back to McCarran
  15. 2 points
    (Probably of more interest to the Arab Air Forces after the Six-Day War)
  16. 2 points
    I - W - A - N - T - I - T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
    Hey Tom, I see a whale down there. SHUT UP, CARL, DO SOME OF THAT PILOT SH17! Let's goooo! The faster, the higher. Flying along, singing a song...
  20. 1 point
    The latest iteration of the Tommo Inc Falcon 4.0 total conversion modification - Benchmark Sims 4.37 U2 - is available for you to enjoy RIGHT NOW! BMS 4.37 U2 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message. For those of you who are new to Falcon and still need a legacy Falcon 4.0 license, you’re lucky, as there are various season sales going on. Retroism GOG If you have already installed BMS 4.37 Full Installer you will need to launch the “updater.exe” in Falcon BMS root folder (or from the new launcher). Alternatively, you can use the offline incremental installer available on the Falcon BMS Download page. This mod may not be used for any commercial purposes. Any such use may constitute a violation of the intellectual property of Tommo Inc and the non-commercial Terms and Conditions under which Benchmark Sims make this mod available to you. After the update, when starting BMS, the version string in the BMS UI will now read: FALCON BMS 4.37.2 (X64) BUILD 521 DISCLAIMER: Do not update over a modded 3D KTO Database, it will corrupt your install… CHANGELOG https://www.falcon-bms.com/changelogs/falcon-bms-4-37-2/ A big THANK YOU to everyone in the BMS development team and to the gents from TOMMO INC who made this release possible!
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    This aircraft has nice mustaches. beautiful
  23. 1 point
    [LeftGun] ... MuzzlePosition=-0.788,1.42,-0.83 LightPosition=-0.788,1.42,-0.83 ... [RightGun] ... MuzzlePosition=0.788,1.42,-0.83 LightPosition=0.788,1.42,-0.83 ....
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    No no, you did well. It would just be logical to add to Main Engine. but that works too. I understand your reason. Do not modify the main engine. All the same, at full throttle, it is set on fire, even so, even in your modification. Well, it's a convention. Just do not need to give full throttle when taking off. If we talk about what I change for myself, then I returned AvionicsDataFilename=SHAHAK_AVIONICS.INI and changed in SHAHAK_COCKPIT.INI [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Mirage_III_CJ_pit.LOD offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,3.45,0.53 ViewAngles=0.0,-0.9,0.0 this made it possible to combine the explosions from the cannons with the sight marker when attacking ground targets. You did well. Well done. I will use your version. in [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=Mirage_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect
  26. 1 point
    Thank you for the Iraqi 'Suzanne'. I have adjusted the weapon stations, because the right could not carry the Exocet, and adjusted height relative to pylons. see below. [LeftWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.87,0.0,-0.490 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1600 AllowedWeaponClass=ASM,EP,RP,NP,RCN AttachmentType=NATO,FRANCE,ITALY ModelNodeName=RL PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.06 ;;LaunchRailNodeName= ;;LaunchRailHeight=0.10 ;;LaunchRailMass=22.22 [RightWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.87,0.0,-0.490 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ;;LoadLimit=453.6 LoadLimit=1600 AllowedWeaponClass=ASM,EP,RP,NP,RCN AttachmentType=NATO,FRANCE,ITALY ModelNodeName=RR PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.06 ;;LaunchRailNodeName= ;;LaunchRailHeight=0.10 ;;LaunchRailMass=22.22
  27. 1 point
    Decided to try out the F-16C Block 52 and doing some BVR familiarization earlier.
  28. 1 point
    Journal of FLt Douglas Bell-Gordon, RNAS Part 14 27 February 1917. Furnes, Belgium. Tea at La Panne with Simpson. The sky was grey, the colour of putty. Wind swept salt spray across the beach and boulevard, speckling the window panes of the seaside hotel tearoom. Wisps of fine snow furled and unfurled across the pavement outside. Simpson poured us each another cup of tea and lit his pipe. He went on about a letter he had received from a young lady in London who had got his name from the sister of our old chum Galbraith. Galbraith was drafted to Eastchurch as an instructor. His sister is over from Canada and working as a nurse in London. “I could tell Huntington was jealous of Reggie Soar’s getting that first letter from the nurse in England a couple of weeks ago. Then he protested that he could not betray Eliza.” Simpson smiled as he listened to me. Then I asked him, “George, do you think there really is an Eliza? Because I bloody don’t.” “So, our friend Huntington is going on about a young lady who does not exist? If you are correct, one has to admit it’s a bit pathetic,” he said. “And bloody irritating,” I added. “The man is a fraud.” “Come now,” said Simpson. “He has said he was educated at Haberdashers. I went to grammar school. Still, I trained with a fellow at Chingford who went to Habs. Forget the name of the house Huntington said he was in, but I recognised it from the Chingford chap. So, I suppose that much is true.” “Okay, I’ll grant him that one. Not much else, though. Squadron Commander Bromet is an excellent officer and a true gentleman, but he seems to be totally taken in by this guy. Huntington has six victories chalked up on the board and, if I dare be frank with you, I have serious reservations about at least five of them. The other one I’m just not sure about. Everything about the fellow is a lie.” Simpson frowned. “Maybe he has a friend at Wing. Certainly you don’t intend to call him out in the wardroom?” “No, of course not. I’d simply like to have a little cheeky fun with him.” “How so?” I laid enough francs on the table to pay for our tea and buns. “I need to find a photograph of a lovely young English girl, about our age. And I’d like to acquire some fine stationery, very feminine and of English manufacture. Can you pull some strings with family or friends back home? You and I, George, are about to build Huntington a new love…” I fetched our coats from a nearby hook. Simpson was still seated. “Wipe your chin, George,” I said. “You’ve dribbled your tea.” 28 February 1917 We closed out the month with a close offensive patrol forward of the Belgian front up to the coast and a few miles out to sea. The rain and wind had lessened but had not stopped. We landed after two hours, sodden and frozen through, and secure in the knowledge that the Germans were too intelligent to be flying in this muck. D’Albiac, our Records Officer, called me to the squadron office after lunch. To my absolute shock he handed me my travel warrants and other paperwork for nearly two weeks of leave. I’d been in France since October and this was the first real leave I’d had. It was important for me to get it in before spring arrived and the war fighting season began again.
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    S-3 pit repainted / edited Sun tails Two more to go and I'm done
  31. 1 point
    Nice models, pity about the tractor beam shadows. Need to edit the "standard version" Data.ini as shown to stop the radar nose appearing when the jet gets damaged [noseD] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=nose_ok DestroyedNodeName=nose DetachWhenDestroyed=false ////TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  32. 1 point
    Korea 1950 ( in another world of course )
  33. 1 point
    the plane got smallpox. it happened because he had not been vaccinated. warning to all antivaxers
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Let's go ! THAT is speed Covered by the fury of six mighty J-93, you cannot hear the "StructuralFactor" strongly expressing his disagreement. Once he lost patience ...hit's a wall.
  36. 1 point

    Version 2.02


    This is updated version of Mig-15 cockpit This package is preset to be used with stock Thirdwire Mig-15 bis. "Expansion Pack I" required for Mig-15 several things changed in version 2.0 among them: stick added pedals added corrected gunsight a bit slightly adjusted, smoother canopy framing new slightly better and higher resolution textures for baked materials more real-size lamps other tweaks here and there original mod description: Credits: TK,Thirdwire CrazyHorseB34 -betatesting Crusader, Ravenclaw_007,RussoUK, Zurawski -for max examples and help on the way Mod description: This is simplified Mig-15/Mig-15Bis cockpit. Very similar to non-radar equiped Mig-17 one. Please note there are some issues with some instruments despite my battling with the ini horror -feel free to tweak and share!


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