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Showing most liked content on 04/09/2023 in all areas

  1. 11 points
  2. 5 points
    Pulling some Gs to catch the Falcon...
  3. 5 points
    Republic P-47N Thunderbolt - No.8 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1947
  4. 5 points
    Started with a simple one, MINN ANG.
  5. 5 points
  6. 5 points
  7. 5 points
    Looking good Ravenclaw, I might download it because of how well it's done.
  8. 4 points
    Thank you guys for the compliments. It means a lot to me that some programs and tools I wrote are appreciated by you modders. But back to topic: I second that too. Logan4 helped me a lot by providing me with numerous specific LOD file examples, so that I could investigate the LOD file format in more detail and was eventually able to create the LOD exporter plugin for blender.
  9. 3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
    you set the pivot (rotation) point of each item in your modeling software, then create an animation of the rotation. pretty much you do everything on the model you want it to do. then you import it into the game and link what key you want to control the animations, or if its linked to the operation of the gear or engines im taking a class on modelling, although with maya not max. this class wont get into animations, its just the basics of creating models. but to change up the appearance, im about to have fun with pivots myself. all the joints are getting moved around before its turned in in this case everwhere theres a blue disc get a seperate pivot point. plus the two discs that the arms are on
  12. 3 points
    I second that Thank you Logan4 ! It's always a great pleasure to admire your models by Mue's LOD viewer ^^
  13. 3 points
    F-4E cockpit 1984 with out DMAS , for F-4E aircraft from 1984 onward with pave spike the F-4E 1984 DMAS version will take a bit more time because there are instruments where i can not find any pictures for it , so all i have for them is the drawing in the flight manual the shoot light color is a mystery to me so i selected a pale orange color because a white light at night would be a no go
  14. 2 points
    Hello All, It is great to see new members contributing to this awesome community. I wish I have the time to work on projects and even play the SF2! This thread is to thank our long time community member, modeler, and a great friend 'Logan4' I have to look up the original modeler for this beautiful F-5E (on the other computer), so far the most accurate (test photos). I did some modifications and worked on the templates. Logan made all the necessary accessories (fake pilot) for the various air forces/navy/marine/private contractor. His F-5E fuel tank is being contributed for the IIRAN Mirage F1... Thanks to Dave, Fates, Erik, MK2 and all the people involved for keeping this webpage alive and available all these years... and many more years to come! Thank you.
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
    Bats at sundown... getting back late for dinner...
  17. 2 points
    Some more skin models which could make an appearance on the final product, we'll see:
  18. 2 points
  19. 1 point
    We do already have bunch of them in the d/l sections (along with ANG Jugs) by me. I can't remember where I got a lot of my info -- just had to try and run down the individual units.
  20. 1 point
    dammit, when i saw the title and who posted i started to get excited thinking you had some new pics i'll tell you my general search strategy, seeing as i like doing birds without dedicated sites like F-16.net - of course Google. if youre really up for a slog, hit Joe Baughers site, save the serials to a .txt, then go thru each serial that survived to the time frame youre working and image search that sn - Facebook. theres lots of fans of (aircraft) pages, a few historic ANG pages and sometimes even going to unit pages can be helpful. even doing a search on FB for say "Texas ANG F-51" may bring up a few results that dont pop on Google - if you got a few bucks to spare, look on ebay. again, never know what you'll find and if you get a magazine or book on all ANG not just F-51s then youll learn other interesting stuff too. - ask here at CA (oh yeah you did. that one might be for the readers at home). someone might have a book or mag and send you some scans granted, your search will be much more fun than my current pair, (F-16A/B ANG, TAC and A-7D/K ANG) given its much further in the past and theres many more aircraft to hunt down
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    not to put you down, but a simple geometric shape can be easily manipulated in PS or GIMP. for the said roundel, do a layer with the roundel, duplicate layer, fill in the layer to the yellow you want, move layer below original, then expand out to size you want the border to be. there's more if you really want to fine tune it, but that would get you your roundel. and it took me three times as long to write this as it would to make it. i suck at original creation too. i consider what i do much more as image manipulation, although over the years i have gotten decent at tracing and fine tuning patches and artwork for which there isnt any really good (ie: head on view, large resolution, easy to transfer) images. all it takes is a first step and practice
  23. 1 point
    I think that's it for the model i just need to see how i highlight the cockpit glass or whatever so i can skin it later on and ofc animations
  24. 1 point
    Republic P-47D-21 Thunderbolt - No.9 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1945 With the war in Europe at an end the early Summer of 1945 saw the transfer of equipment from Allied Forces to Dhimar, typical of which were war-weary P-47D's from the USAAF 9th Air Force. By early September 1945 a three-squadron wing of Dhimari P-47D's had been formed at Mosak and began to clear the skies over the Al'Samara region with long-range fighter sweeps followed by fighter-bomber sorties in support of a resurgent Dhimari Army.
  25. 1 point
    Super-duper F-5! Thanks to every brave man who selflessly programs and models aircrafts, despite bad weather, solar magnetic storms and other cataclysms. If I were on the jury for voting for the best computer program, then I would give the Academy Award for Best Computer Program to the participant Mue. I use his tool very often :)
  26. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Canadair CF-104S "Super Starfighter" (what If...) by Wrench 2/10/2023 -- For SF2, Full 5 Merged REQUIRED -- *** Please note: your game's mod folder/install =MUST= have access to the stock 3rd Wire CF-104_76 Starfighter to make use of the mod. You must ALSO have access to the A-7D_75 as this mod makes use of that cockpit. Hence, the "FUll 5 Merged requirement. *** This is a modification of the stock CF-104_76 into a "What If..." CF-104S Super Starfighter of the Canadian Forces, Royal Norwegian Air Force, and Royal Danish Air Force. The mod is supplied with 5 skins, 2 of which are "generic" for Any Other Users You Can Think Of (tm). CAFCamo - a 2-tone dark Euro style (no squadron affiliation) RDAF - Dark Green Overall (Esk 726) RNoAF - Light, "Air Superority Grey" Overall (Skv 331) For Other Users: Standard European 2-tone camo Standard "SEA" type 3-tone camo All markings are decals, and the serial numbers are based off the CAF style post 1980s. 24 serials are supplied for each skin, excepting the Euro & SEA which share the same pool of 24 serials (which just happens to be historically correct CF-104 serials). Decal Randomization is TRUE. With the use of 'all decals' for markings, the 2 generic skins are easily re-badged for any other Friendly Nation (tm) that might have recieved these Super Zippers (see notes for more backstory). All skins have individual Hangar Screens. All are in jpg format. This is a "full use" aircraft; it is speced for medium range missiles (Sparrow, Aspide, Skyflash), Sidewinders, and all manner of air-to-ground weapons. THis is a full strike fighter, minus the RCAF/CAF's nuclear mission for NATO. It's cleared for use with all NATO, UK and USAF weapons. Be advised, the DRAF/CF use the same anti-ship missile, while the RNoAF uses it's own Penguin. Most weapons used are stock in-game items, excepting the "F104S pylon set". This has been edited to not conflict with the AMI or Turkish F-104S series. Other weapons are included; of these, all have had the 'end of service/export years' extended to at least 2045. All items have been included for ease of installation. Excepting those items who's LODs we can't access (cockpit!). Ini's do the trick. The canopy is also activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero). As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  27. 1 point
    On mobile at the moment so can't reply properly, but there are some old video tutorials at the following link that might help: https://www.bobsyouruncle.net/StrikeFighter3dModeling.htm
  28. 1 point
    F-4E_75 cockpit , no AN/ALE-40 , but KY-28 panel i removed the AN/ALE-40 chaff flare dispenser from the 3d model
  29. 1 point
    IMpressive like always my friend, can't wait for it!!! Mandatory screen
  30. 1 point
    I like it ! P. Screenshot needed : early PLAAF J-10
  31. 1 point
    Will make a nice wingman for this one..
  32. 1 point
    F-4E_78 cockpit with pave spike LOS ( line of sight ) indicator and SRI (slant range indicator)
  33. 1 point
    AKU-58 Pylon under Su-35S AKU-58 Pylon under Su-35S
  34. 1 point
    and hopefully it'll look good once im actually finished..
  35. 1 point
    Almost done (Hopefully), just need to add the propellers and then learn how to rig and animate everything
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    (Probably of more interest to the Arab Air Forces after the Six-Day War)
  39. 1 point
    Coming in for a bad trap. If I was flying a real plane they would have waved me off and I would have struck the ship, possibly damaging the landing gear and turn in my wings. But this is SF2 and I can get away with it.
  40. 1 point


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