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Showing most liked content on 07/10/2023 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    Was somebody waiting for a bus ???
  2. 6 points
    Sitting on the dock of the bay...
  3. 5 points
    Su-33 Flanker D in parani colours by GKABS and team.
  4. 5 points
  5. 5 points
    next PR UK base... RAF Fairford.
  6. 4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points

    Version 1.0.1


    Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net What's included: Su-33 Flanker-D with 3 textures set All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please add to Soundlist (If you don't have the WAV sound added) under the Flight directory and change the XXX with the correct number [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=Natasha SoundFileXXX=OverAlpha SoundFileXXX=SovComms [Natasha] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=FALSE FrequencyControl=TRUE NumBuffers=1 Looped=TRUE [OverAlpha] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=FALSE NumBuffers=1 Looped=TRUE [SoVComms] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=FALSE NumBuffers=1 Looped=TRUE If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ Virgin 1.0 LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike Fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Coupi for making all the data files and making HUD ILS Mod and testing the model Compufat for working on the textures and testing the model. WINGSOVERISRAEL for sharing the model with us to work on and share with the community and testing the model. YEYEYE for the Cockpit Third Wire for making this outstanding game. I would like to thank Coupi and Compufat this is group work from 3d modeling, texture, data file, and testing it's too hard to say how to get credit for but I tell you that everyone had a hand in this project and without them all you wouldn't have it. Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Mixamo If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net gulfknights.net
  9. 2 points
    It's doable but it requires first some additional 3D meshes. Currently the hierarchy is : Fueslage_2 / LeftCanard Fueslage_2 / RightCanard If you would had : Fueslage_2 / "LeftPivotCanard" / LeftCanard Fueslage_2 / "RightPivotCanard" / RightCanard you could use the "LeftPivotCanard" & "RightPivotCanard" (whatever the names) as control surfaces, and use them as leading edge flaps "DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK". I think it would bring some issues when on ground, with the canards moving without reason when the plane is stopped. (or maybe not, depending on the settings)
  10. 2 points
    Boeing AH-64 Apache rockets pod moving up and down to direct the rocket shooting angle, this is amazing this is the first time I noticed that.
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    Getting used to the Kuznetsov. It was a bit tricky since I'm used to a flightpath marker but I managed to make it
  13. 2 points
  14. 1 point
    probably about time for me to get my own WIP thread. kickin off, who can guess where these two are stationed?
  15. 1 point

    Version 1.4.1


    Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net What's included: Su-35S Flanker-E VKS All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please add to Soundlist (If you don't have the WAV sound added) under the Flight directory and change the XXX with the correct number [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=GSH301 [GSH301] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1000.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Third Wire for making this outstanding game. Model by g00r00 I would like to thank Coupi and Compufat for working alongside me on this project. Work from 3d modeling, texture, data file, and testing. I enjoyed working with each of you on this together. YEYEYE for the Cockpit I would like to thank Coupi and Compufat this is group work from 3d modeling, texture, data file, and testing it's too hard to say how to get credit for but I tell you that everyone had a hand in this project and without them all you wouldn't have it. Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Mixamo If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net gulfknights.net
  16. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    A collection of original menu images for my personal US-Iran campaign pack, I think they look good so share them with you guys. Usage: Copy all the folders into your SF2 main folder
  17. 1 point
    I am probably getting over-obsessed with the visual movement of the control surfaces. Having watched several videos of the actual aircraft (not DCS videos that one can find plenty of), I am getting to a few conclusions about the way the canards work on the Su-33. 1. I did not come across any video proving, that the canards are actually used for roll control. In fact, a video of the Su-33 during a pre-flight check shows the rear horizontal stabilizers moving in different directions to provide roll control, but the canards remain in a fixed position. So, for me it is no roll control action of the canards. 2. A video of an actual Su-33 performing a high-angle of attack manoeuvre after an aborted landing aboard the Kuznetsov shows the canards moving downward as if to prevent the nose of the aircraft going any higher, while at the same time the rear horizontal stibilizers remain in a neutral position. I am not sure, but that may be an automatic movement of the canards, related to the angle of attack of the aircraft. 3. I do not have acess to an actual flight manual for the Su-33, but the DCS one indicates canard deflection from +3.5 degrees to -51.5 degrees. Videos of the actual aircraft support that information, though it is not possile to measure the exact angles of deflection. So, for me MaxDeflection=35 and MinDeflection=-35 are not correct. I have not figured out yet how to replicate point 2 above, but for points 1 and 3 these entries work: [CanardL] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=PITCH_CONTROL MovingSurface=TRUE MaxDeflection=-5.5 MinDeflection=51.5 ControlRate=2.0 ModelNodeName=LeftCanard ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE SecondaryInputName= SecondaryInputFactor=-1.0 MaxControlSpeed=416.0 [CanardR] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=PITCH_CONTROL MovingSurface=TRUE MaxDeflection=-5.5 MinDeflection=51.5 ControlRate=2.0 ModelNodeName=RightCanard ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE SecondaryInputName= SecondaryInputFactor=1.0 MaxControlSpeed=416.0 I have deliberately entered MaxDeflection=-5.5 instead of -3.5 (as the DCS manual suggest). With MaxDeflection=-3.5 the movement of the canard is nearly invisible and MaxDeflection=-5.5 results in better visual replication of the actual aircraft. If anyone knows how to implement point 2 above, I would greatly appreciate sharing the required entries.
  18. 1 point
    When making a new gunsight, you know you're done when you're blaming again the handling of the aircraft instead of the lack of successful hits.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    I'm terribly sad to hear these news. It's been a while since last time I heard from Marty via email... I'm as shocked and saddened as much as I'm honored to have known him. One of the kindest men I've ever known. I'm keeping all posts from him with care. Our chats and his positive posts and comments made my day more than once. I lack the words to truly express how I feel about this loss. My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones, and to the guys of the CombatACE community who, like me, had the pleasure of chatting and collaborating with him. Rest in peace, Marty.
  21. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    43rd Airlift Wing Pope AFB 2000 Hello everyone, this is a simple skin and decal set to represent the 43rd Airlift Wing and the aircraft it had on hand around the turn of the century. You will need a C-130E SKE aircraft for this mod. you can find them either in Dels C-130 Superpack #1 or my 23rd Wing Package once you have that, just unzip, add to the mod folder of your choice and allow overwrites. Credits daddyairplanes skin and tga work, new loading screen Dels C-130E_SKE model, original templates Thank you for checking this out, and I hop you enjoy this mod Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 8 July 2023 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
  22. 1 point
    yeah well that gun looks F CKING HUGE when its pointing at you! (for those that are wondering, i had to run out to a field site on Bragg on fine day in my personal car. lets say the crew wasnt expecting a 99 Buick LeSabre out where they were flying, and that chain gun tends to follow the motion of the nose gunners head!)
  23. 1 point
    SABENA - Such A Bad Experience Never Again!!!🤣🤣🤣
  24. 1 point
    Again I wish it was like DCS, where you can spawn in one of those places and taxi to the runway and such. Nice work.
  25. 1 point
    I should have taken these shots on July 4th but too late now...
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    My bad. I was too eager to start playing with it! Edit: Oooh, yes.
  29. 1 point
    testing the GBU-8A/B with IR seeker
  30. 1 point
    could not miss the Honduran F4u5
  31. 1 point
    I will post here the progress with these models for now F4U5NL (Argentine Navy) a usnavy serial skin, supercorsair F2G with usnavy serial skin, and the F2G racing variant with the elongated intake.
  32. 1 point
    you know the main props i like are the 4 on Herks and still....
  33. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    FW 190F, this is my final version of this device that includes all the experimental effects never seen in this simulator, this pack contains the plane with its corresponding cockpit with 3 historical skins, the new luftwaffe pilot (there are 2 lods, one with goggles and one without goggles, the pilot with goggles is worn by default). and many weapons used by this bird (including the disposable wing tanks of the FW190G version) The F variant had the same blown canopy as the late versions of the FW190D series and is a specialized ground attack aircraft. I hope you enjoy it, more information in the readme file. Sorry my English is bad Torno
  34. 1 point



    "Operation Desert Storm" for Strike Fighters 2 This package contains an updated, "Strike Fighters 2" compatible version of the "Operation Desert Storm" mod package originally released for "Strike Fighters Project 1" (SFP1). In addition to making the original mod compatible with "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E), this updated version also adds a number of other mods that were released in the years subsequent to the original release of this mod for SFP1. This mod package should be installed to "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E) installations (or merged installs incorporating SF2E) that are patched to the Mar2012 or later patch level. If you are running SF2E at an earlier patch level and do NOT intend to update to one of the later patch levels mentioned above, you should NOT install this mod package. Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install the original "Operation Desert Storm" mod for SFP1. If you have installed the previous SF2 version of ODS, it is recommended that you NOT install this refreshed and updated version over that earlier version. Create a new install. NOTE: this mod is distributed as set of THREE 7zip archive files. If you did not download all three 7zip packages from CombatAce.com, then this mod will not work properly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minimum Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed: SF2 VERSION: Strike Fighters 2: Europe (SF2E) PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher This mod does support installations that include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA), however, SF2NA is not required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mod package is a refreshed and updated version of the original version that was released in April 2012 on CombatAce. It incorporates all the updates included in the "Update 1" package released on CombatAce in January 2013. It also includes further updates, fixes, and additions beyond what was included in the "Update 1" package. All told this refreshed version of the mod includes the following major additions to the "Operation Darius" mod package: - new aircraft: H-6D, Mi-8 Hip, IL-76, IL-76B2, NimrodMR1, SH-3D - new SF2NA aircraft: EA-6B_86, A-6E_90, E-2C - new optional aircraft: A-10A_87, Mirage5AD, Mirage5EAD - new aircraft models: F-1CR, F-7B, F-7M, F-16C_B30, F-16C_B40, F-117A, JaguarA3_DS, Mirage2000EAD, Su-25 - new ships: USNTransport ...plus numerous other fixes, updates, and skin additions to dozens of aircraft and ground objects. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before installing this mod package, please ensure the installation of Strike Fighters 2 that you intend to use is updated to at least the Mar2012 patch level. The latest patches for Strike Fighters 2 can be downloaded from ThirdWire: http://thirdwire.com/downloads.htm Also, please be aware that the mod requires "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E). This mod can be installed to SF2E installations that incorporate "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). If SF2NA is part of your target install base, there are some additional items for you to install. The main installation process consists of three main steps -- or, four if your target install base incorporates SF2NA. Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly. ----------------------------------- * STEP 1: PREPARE THE MOD FOLDER * ----------------------------------- This mod requires a separate mod folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as NATO Fighter 4+ or the SF2V Expansion Pack. - Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 Europe.exe or StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe (if your target install base includes SF2NA). Rename the copied .EXE file to StrikeFighters2_ODS.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer). - Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your "Operation Desert Storm" mod install will have been created in one of these locations: Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder] Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder] Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder] ...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the "Operation Desert Storm" mod files to your Mod Folder. - Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it). Now you're ready to install the "Operation Desert Storm" mod proper. ------------------------------------------------- * STEP 2: INSTALL MAIN COMPONENTS TO MOD FOLDER * ------------------------------------------------- This is the easiest step. - Unpack the three "SF2 ODS" archive packages to a temporary location on your hard drive. - Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from all three unzipped packages to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.) If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories. ---------------------------- * STEP 3: EDIT OPTIONS.INI * ---------------------------- This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention. Open the Options.INI in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following: [instantAction] AircraftType=F-15C MissionMap=DS StartTime=05:30:00 StartDate=01/19/1991 StartTimeDeviation=120 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Just below the "Instant Action" section is the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1992 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows: StartYear=1990 EndYear=1992 Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following: [Campaign] CampaignName=19910117 Desert Storm PlayerService=USAF PlayerUnit=336th TFS AircraftType=F-15E Difficulty=NORMAL Length=NORMAL AircraftSupply=NORMAL WeaponSupply=NORMAL LoadCampaign=FALSE CampaignSavename=DefaultCampaignSave Save your changes and close the Options.INI file. -------------------------------------- * STEP 4: Extra Step for SF2NA Users * -------------------------------------- This last step is for those whose install base include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). Included with this mod are a number of custom files that allow SF2NA users to enjoy some of the new functionality included with SF2NA, including: - Updated F-14 cockpits and avionics that use the new AvionicsF14A.dll included with SF2NA; - Carrier battle groups in campaigns - SF2NA US Navy ships that are restricted to actual vessels that participated in Operation Desert Storm. - New mission types in campaigns, including Escort_Jamming missions for the EA-6B and EF-111A (AI only) as well as Early_Warning missions for the E-2C and E-3A. TO INSTALL: drag and drop the contents of the \_For_SF2NA folder into your Mod Folder, allowing Windows to merge and overwrite any folders and files it prompts to. * * * * * THAT'S IT. Your ""Operation Desert Storm" for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Optional Installs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mod includes a number of optional files that you can add to your Desert Storm installation. Note that some of the following optional installs require you to have other ThirdWire products beyond those listed in the minimum requirements. A. SF2NA Tomcat Updates Included in the \Optional\3W_F-14s folder are some optional items that you may consider installing, if your installation base includes SF2NA. Included are: - DATA.INI files for the F-14 Tomcats that use the ThirdWire flight model - COCKPIT.INI and AVOINICS.INI files for the Tomcats that use the ThirdWire cockpit To use these files simply drop them in the appropriate F-14 folders in \Objects\Aircraft. (Note: the *.TMF versions of these files are copies of the files you replace when using these optional files.) B. Optional Aircraft 1. A-10A_87 Included in the \Optional\Aircraft directory is an optional A-10A Warthog, using a new model and released by Spectre8750. To install it, simply copy the \A-10A_87 folder to the \Objects\Aircraft folder in your Desert Storm Mods folder. Once installed this A-10A version will be used in campaigns in lieu of the stock A-10A_78. 2. Mirage 5AD & 5EAD Also included in the \Optional\Aircraft directory are two aircraft used by the UAE -- the Mirage 5AD and Mirage 5EAD. Please note that these aircraft require you to have the following additional products from ThirdWire installed as part of your base installation: - Mirage 5AD: Mirage 5D from Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I) - Mirage 5EAD: Mirage IIIO from DLC #17 To install these aircraft, simply copy the \Mirage5AD and \Mirage5EAD folders to the \Objects\Aircraft folder in your Desert Storm Mods folder. These aircraft are not used in campaigns but will be available for single missions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Note on Anti-Ship Missiles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For this mod most third-party (i.e., non-stock) anti-ship missiles have been converted to use the ASM/cruise missile functionality introduced w/ SF2NA. At the same time, the older versions of these missiles have been preserved, as the new ASM cruise missiles can be used by AI only against ships. So, for many anti-ship missiles you will now find two versions: 1) "Standard" guided version These versions are the "old" style missiles setwith WeaponDataType=1. They can be used by AI against land and sea targets. These missiles retain their familiar names (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon, Kh-59M Ovod, etc.). 2) ASM/cruise missile version These versions utilitize the new cruise missile functionality set by WeaponDataType=7. They can be used by AI only against ships. These versions can be distinguished by their names: - U.S./NATO missiles have the ASM tag (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon ASM). - Soviet/WP missiles follow the naming convention used by ThirdWire's Soviet cruise missiles (e.g., Kh-59M AS-13 Kingbolt). At the same time aircraft that typically carry these missiles have been updated to accommodate the ASM versions. Loadouts for these aircraft have been updated to use ASM versions by default for Anti-Ship, Naval_Attack, and Cruise_Missile loadouts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Note on Laser-Guided Bombs (LGBs) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AI pilots in Strike Fighters have long had problems employing LGBs. AI pilots in the player's flight can drop LGBs, but will treat them as dumb bombs. AI pilots in flights not controlled by the player (i.e., AI-only flights) cannot use LGBs at all, and will typically get stuck circling the target. To address this problem I have created EOGB versions of all LGBs for AI pilots to use (AI pilots have no problems with EOGBs for some reason). These AI versions are identical in all respects to the LGB versions save for the Guidance Type, which is set to "Electro-Optical Guided" instead of "Laser-Guided." By default aircraft that use LGBs for certain loadouts (usually Stike, Attack, SEAD, or Anti-Ship) are loaded with these AI (EOGB) versions instead of the LGB versions. You should make it a habit to check the Loadout screen and switch the bomb version on your own aircraft to the LGB version. You can distinguish between the AI (EOGB) and LGB (Player) versions by the weapon name -- for example: LGB version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II LGB AI version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II (AI) While this solution introduces an extra step for the player in the preparation to start a mission, it allows AI pilots and AI-only flights to use these weapons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Note on the Water Shader Effect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This updated version of ODS for SF2 implements a different water shader effect from Fubar512, replacing the water shader effect from the original release that caused costal tiles to have an odd, shimmering appearance. If you run into problems with this replacement water shader, do the following: 1) Remove the following files from the \Terrains\DS folder: DiffuseMap.tga WATEREFFECT.FX WaterNormal.tga Water.dds WNormal16.tga TERWATEREFFECT2.FX At this point, the game will revert to using the stock SF2 watershader and WaterNormal.BMP. If you wish to restore the water shader used in the original release of this mod, proceed to the next step. 2) Restore the water shader effect from the original release by unpacking WaterEffect_Fubar512.zip (found in \Terrains\DS\_Water) to the main DS terrain folder (\Terrains\DS). If you later decide you prefer the new water shader effect included in this updated version of the mod, simply unpack WaterEffect_V1.zip (found in \Terrains\DS\_Water) to the main DS terrain folder (\Terrains\DS). If you do encounter problems with this replacement water shader effect, please report them to the forums at CombatAce.com. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes, Fixes, & Additions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mod is a conversion and upgrade of the original "Operation Desert Storm" mod released for SFP1. This version incorporates the following major updates and additions over the original: New Aircraft ------------ A-6E_90 F-15D MiG-23BN_IRQ A-10A_87 F-16C_B40 MiG-23MF_IRQ AC-130U F-16C_B40_RBAF MiG-23MLAE_IRQ AH-64A F-1CK MiG-23MS_IRQ Buccaneer-S2B F-1CR Mirage5AD C-130E F-1EDA Mirage5EAD C-130H FA-18C Mirage2000C C-130K H-6D Mirage2000EAD C-130K-30 Hawk65 NimrodMR1 E-2C IL-76/B2 SH-3D EA-6B JaguarA3_DS Su-20B EA-6B_86 KA-6D Su-22 EC-130H KC-130F Su-22M F-7B/M KC-135A Su-22M3 F-14A+ KC-135E Su-22M4 F-15C_RSAF Mi-8 Su-25 Upgraded Aircraft * ----------------- A-10A_78 F-14A F-117A A-4KU F-15C JaguarGR1A_DS B-52G F-15E MiG-25PDS EF-111A F-16C_B30 Tornado_GR1_DS F-4E_86 F-111E Tornado_GR1_RSAF F-7A F-111F Tornado_IDS_IT * The above are aircraft that were either converted to newer models or that received major upgrades of some kind. All aircraft from the original version of this mod were updated or tweaked in some way -- at the very least for SF2 compatibility. New Ground Objects ------------------ AH-64 CG-59 M167-VADS AMX-30 CG-60 Iowa80s AMX-30B2 CGN-25 M1939 Arab_DSHK Chieftain2 M1939_G Arab_DSHK_G Chieftain5 PAC2_AMG Avenger Chieftain11 PAC2_LS CG-16 CVN68 PAC2_RS CG-47 Humvee RolandRad CG-52 Humvee_M1025 USNTransport CG-53 Humvee_M1046 ZPU-1 In addition to the above updates and additions, the following major changes were made: - All aircraft brought up to SF2 standards - All naval aircraft made SF2NA compatible - All ground SAM & radar ground objects brought up to SF2 standards - All ships made SF2NA-compatible - All weapons & guns converted to SF2 format - All major modded INIs made SF2 compatible - All effects made SF2 compatible - DS terrain made SF2 or SF2NA compatible - Overhauled "Desert Storm" campaign - Added Red-side "Mother of All Battles" campaign Please note that the above list does not constitute an exhaustive change log, as this update incorporates too many minor fixes and tweaks to list or account for here. Suffice it to say that this version of "Operation Desert Storm" for SF2E represents a major overhaul of the original mod for SFP1. ~~~~~~~ Credits ~~~~~~~ This release adds a number of new items to the "Operation Desert Storm" mod package. These new items are from the following modders, who generously allowed their use: Home Fries ..................................... Optional 3W A-6E_90 & EA-6B_86 Spectre8750 .................................... Optional A-10A_87 Dels ........................................... AH-64 Apache helo & ground object Crusader ....................................... Harrier avionics mod Dels & wpnssgt ................................. B-52GH MegaPack (for B-52G) ravenclaw_007 .................................. Buccaneer S2B Dels ........................................... AC-130U, C-130E, C-130H, EC-130H Daddyairplanes ................................. C-130E/H upgrades & new skins Dels, Sundowner, & Dave ........................ RAF C-30K Super Pack Hawker/Agemmenon & 331KillerBee ................ EA-6B Prowler Fubar512 & Wrench .............................. EA-6B upgrades & fixes Paul Nortress .................................. EA-6B skins The Mirage Factory.............................. F-7B & F-7M Airguard The Mirage Factory ............................. F-4E ARN-101 (F-4E_86) Crusader ....................................... F-5E avionics mod The Mirage Factory ............................. F-14 Tomcats Spectre8750 .................................... F-14 fixes & upgrades JSF Aggie, Paul Nortress, Hrntfixr ............. F-14 skins Dave, Caesar, & SupGen ......................... F-14A SF2NA avionics & cockpit upgrade FastCargo & team ............................... F-15C & F-15E Viper Crew ..................................... F-16C_B30 & F-16C_B40 FastCargo ...................................... EF-111A, F-111E, F-111F slick_cowboy ................................... F-111E/F new skins liamp51 ........................................ re-textured F-111A cockpit Dels ........................................... F-117A new model The Mirage Factory ............................. F/A-18C model & skins Spectre8750 .................................... F/A-18C upgrade RussoUK2002 .................................... Hawk 65 model RussoUK2004 .................................... Hawk Mk.65 updates Veltro2K ....................................... IL-76 & A-50 (IL-76B2) Oli & Sundowner ................................ Jaguar GR1 Bpao, Jeanba, Tom Venom, & Sony Tuckson ........ Jaguar A Stary .......................................... Jaguar & Mirage F1 cockpit repaints Monty CZ & wpnssgt ............................. KA-6D Tanker Paul Nortress .................................. KA-6D skins Daddyairplanes ................................. KC-10 new skins Pappychksix & 331KillerBee ..................... KC-130F Bpao ........................................... KC-135A/E Tankers Marcfighters ................................... Mi-8 Hip Paulopanz ...................................... MiG-21PF skins Rafael & BPAo .................................. MiG-23 models Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23 upgrade packs eburger68 ...................................... MiG-23 SF2 upgrades CrazyhorseB34 .................................. MiG-25PDS upgrade Baffmeister .................................... MiG-25 updated flight model RussoUK2004 .................................... MiG-29A updated model The Mirage Factory ............................. Mirage F-1CK, F-1EDA models Bpao, Centurion-1, Brain32, & Ludo.M54 ......... Mirage F-1CR model FRPignon/cangas ................................ Mirage F-1CR mod/update Paulopanz, Denis Oliveira, Coupi, & Ludo.M54 ... Optional Mirage 5AD/EAD The Mirage Factory ............................. Mirage 2000C Ace888 & The Mirage Factory .................... Mirage 2000EAD Veltro2K & Wrench .............................. Nimrod MR.1 Florian ........................................ SH-3D Sea King ArmourDave & AmokFloo .......................... Su-20/22 models Lindr2 ......................................... Su-20/22 upgrades eburger68 ...................................... Su-20/22 SF2 upgrades Florian, Baffmeister, & Paulopanz .............. Su-25 (new model & skins) WingsOverIsrael ................................ Su-25 IrAF camo skin Sundowner & Ianh ............................... Tornado IDS Bobrock, X-Ray, & Soulman ...................... Tornado IDS skins & decals Sundowner, AD, & Dave .......................... Tornado GR1 Ianh ........................................... Tornado GR1 fixes & updates Paulopanz & Spillone104 ........................ H-6 & Tu-16 Packs for SF2 whiteknight06604 ............................... Tu-22 Iraq AF camo skin -------------------- Stefano ........................................ AMX-30 & AMX-30B2 EricJ .......................................... Arab_Dshk Abhi ........................................... AN/TWQ-1 Avenger WhiteBoySamurai ................................ Leahy, Ticonderoga, & Bainbridge class ships Florian ........................................ USN AOE Transport Fubar512 & MiGBuster ........................... Carrier Deck Illumination package SFP1Ace ........................................ Chieftain tanks aleks1 ......................................... CVN-68 SUICIDAL & TORNO ............................... Humvees ID(io)T Team, Torno, YeYeYe, & Spitwulf ........ Iowa '80s battleship Fubar512 ....................................... Iowa '80s configuration JSF_Aggie ...................................... ThirdWire LHA upgrade Julhelm ........................................ Firecan radar (new model) BANIDOS TEAM ................................... M-167 VADS bigal1 ......................................... M270MLR rebel ryder & Nicholas Bell .................... M1939 flak guns YEYEYE ......................................... PAC-2 system Florian ........................................ RolandRad CrazyhorseB34 .................................. RolandRad desert skin Kesselbrut ..................................... ZPU-1 SUICIDAL ....................................... New Destroyed Tank LODs ------------------- Kout ........................................... Main screen cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed ............ Environment mods Fubar512 ....................................... Improved water shader effect Spectre8750 .................................... Fake Afterburner Node Capitaine Vengeur .............................. Coalition Pack (medals & icons) Brennus ........................................ ODS desktop icon OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, Florian/ ....... Pilots AmokFloo, & PureBlue Malibu43 ....................................... Revamped ground campaign Dave, Sundowner, Crusader, JSF_Aggie, Dels, .... Testing & minor fixes Caesar, Gocad, Malibu43, & CrazyhorseB34 -------------------- (Used in an earlier release of this mod package) Swede & Wpnssgt ................................ F-16C_B30 & F-16C_B40_RBAF models Oli & Sundowner ................................ Jaguar A Erwin Hans ..................................... Mirage 2000EAD model TORNO/Banidos Team ............................. Mirage 2000EAD skin 101tfs, YEYEYE, Erwin Hans, & Lindr2 .......... Su-25 (based on Su-39) Credit for the original "Operation Desert Storm" mod package goes to Dave, JSF_Aggie, and the team of modders that contributed to that original release for SFP1. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete "Operation Desert Storm" mod, see the original ReadMes included in \_OriginalReadmes. If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP. -------------------------- eburger68 & USAFMTL (Dave) 28 April 2012 26 November 2014
  35. 0 points
    It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we now tearfully announce the loss of our greatest contributor, our biggest fan and a wonderful person…Marty James Nielson ("NIELS" around here). “Utah Air National Guard, Senior Master Sergeant, Marty James Nielsen left the airspace of this world on his last refueling mission with God's angels on May 21, 2023, surrounded by his loving family. Marty was born on July 7, 1960, the first of three sons to James Nielsen and Nancy (Fullmer) Nielsen. Marty grew up in the Glendale neighborhood of Salt Lake City...he joined the Utah Air National Guard, where he served honorably for 30 years as a boom operator, refueling military aircraft in mid flight, and as a crew chief." Marty was a constant supporter and advocator of the When Thunder Rolled Project since Day 1. He was always willing to help out wherever possible with enthusiasm and passion and was an official team member. Marty provided helpful research support, but more importantly, was one of the masterminds behind our target area creations. He became known as the target placement king; having a keen appreciation for detail and creating some of the most meticulous target areas ever created for this sim such as the North Vietnamese rail yards (the last he was working on before he passed). Many of our custom assets were directed by his requests. And we would happily create them; he always put them to great use and genuinely appreciated them. Moreover, among many development lows resulting in slow downs, Marty was always there providing motivation, encouragement and willing to help out whenever called upon. His presence and influence alone greatly contributed to getting back in action, delivering the goodies he needed to do his placement magic and feeling blessed to have such an amazing supporter with us. I personally enjoyed my discussions and collaboration with Marty, and felt so fortunate that our paths would cross sharing a common passion and hobby together. A foundation in Military Service, Family and Faith further helped unite us. My last communication from Marty was as follows: Thank you for the reply Steve and the kind words. Got home yesterday from the hospital. Struggling a bit today can’t guarantee much progress. I will do my best in the next few days…Godspeed my friend. Bless you and your family. Marty Well my friend, I know it’s too late for you to respond…but you have ALWAYS done your best for this project, for me and for the greater good. Today we lit a candle in your honor. Today we immediately thought of you when we heard the words: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Right back at you: Godspeed Marty, Blessings to You and Your family…and until we meet again...rest in peace and thank you for the impact you had on my life, it was a true honor to know you. Post Script and Lesser Thoughts Beyond just the WTR Project, many members here have interacted with Marty in various ways as he was an avid fan and supporter of this community. I’d ask for each of you to please remember him and his family in your thoughts and prayers, his enthusiasm and appreciation for all the collaboration and modding work here will truly be missed. Feel free to share in this post any fond memories or other thoughts you may wish to share, he would love that. In Marty’s memory and honor, we will be memorializing him within the WTR Project. We have finished our tribute plans for him and are currently collaborating with an artist to make this a reality which includes Marty featured as the KC-135A Tanker Boomer, a renown F-105/Thud Pilot (among his favorite aircraft ever) and even more. We will post more details as that tribute continues. With Marty’s passing, he takes with him most of the WTR target area lay-outs we planned and nearly finished. Obviously, this is a significant set back and therefore another progress update will be delayed until late Summer. As usual, if you have an interest in helping please send a Private Message. Take time to reflect on this loss, how Marty might have made your day in some way. Time is short and yesterday is not promised, so remember to love and appreciate today...take this moment right now to thank someone for their love and support. All of you, be well. In sadness for the loss, in gratefulness for the friendship... Steve (aka "Swambast")
  36. 0 points
    Deepest condolences to his family, he will be in our toughts. Rest in peace. S!
  37. 0 points
  38. 0 points
    Condolences. Sad to lose fellow members.
  39. 0 points
    Wow ! what a shock, I had no idea of him even being ill. Another great guy lost, always a pleasure to work with. RIP my friend.


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