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Showing most liked content on 07/17/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    M270 with M26 rockets ... final tests.
  2. 10 points
  3. 7 points
  4. 6 points
    Supermarine S.9B Spitfire - RAF High Speed Flight, 1939
  5. 6 points
    Just a little update with a silver upper fuselage.
  6. 4 points
    I don't know who opposes this here at CA. I would certainly be happy to do it, but I entirely lack skills to do any reverse engineering. We've discussed this countless times; this is not programming in a specific language (something which I can do), this is on a different level really. And if nothing happened in twenty years (we've seen programmers much more capable than me produce tools to mod Strike Fighters better than ever) then chances are very slim that the game's coding could be reverse engineered successfully. Find someone who would do it and everyone would be happy. Sadly I don't know anyone with those skills that's interested in such an old game; if and when I get to meet such a person, that's the only contribution I could give aside from the knowledge I have about the game engine's limitations. If TK really wanted to help, he could have been more involved with the healthy bit of the community and shared such info. He has no interest in doing that and I'm not planning to beg him after what I consider very poor marketing decisions.
  7. 4 points
    You guys Spitfire enthusiasts have an amazing train of thoughts
  8. 3 points
    not necessarily, if the Apache is down low and the Cat was dumb enough to join the helo https://theaviationgeekclub.com/attack-helicopter-crews-explain-why-an-attack-helicopter-if-properly-flown-would-defeat-most-fighter-airplanes-in-1v1-air-combat/ a required visual
  9. 3 points
    That was soft ask to TW to share for us SF2 engine, ha-ha. He will read this, and tears of tenderness will run from his eyes, and he will give us all the scripts and tools. And we will be able to edit the game like Falcon 4.0. The game engine is REALLY in need of repair. very very, realy realy. A potentially good game with so many mods will just die soon. I am joking do not pay attention
  10. 3 points
    While we're at it, I have a question. I noticed that ODS has a dedicated MiG-25 cockpit which is not available for separate download. I took a gander at it, found some things that warrant fixing. For a time, it's for my personal use. But if you/creators don't mind, I can upload the fixed version after I finish it. Or pass it to you for ODS update
  11. 3 points
    Ladies and gentlemen! Our community most wanted entered (the FCK-1 for who reads the first time this thread) into its upper test phases. We thought it might be a good idea and a nice surprise for you, to let YOU (yes, you heard well, and yes, you are welcome! LOL), all, test a plane version. What we ask from you is to test it and let us know what you think of it so far and we embrace any constructive critics from you or ideas/suggestions you might have, to improve the model. The testing phase will last for two weeks, period after we would love to hear your input. Thank you all! Stay tuned and ready ;)
  12. 3 points
    The creators are not all missing though? There are still quite a few of us around who were in The Mirage Factory, in my earlier post I said I intend to check the source files I have (.max, templates etc.) when I get back home and then will reassess from there.
  13. 3 points
    pit modelers are even rarer these days than aircraft modelers for some sorely needed pits it may be a good idea to go UllyBs route and pay someone to make some aaaaand now im getting an idea, given that i live within 30 minutes of two colleges with game development cirriculums.......
  14. 3 points
  15. 2 points
    Supermarine S.9B - RAF High Speed Flight, 1939 Skin Credit: Cliff7600 & Co.
  16. 2 points
    Ye-8 aka MiG-23F Built in 2 prototypes in 1962. It was nearly as agile as a F-16A, which was developed 10 years later. Development canceled in favor of Ye-231, later called MiG-23S swing wing fighter plane.
  17. 2 points
    No problem. Sometimes it's not easy to even know the proper keywords to search for. For your problem it would be e.g. "draw distance". Sometimes I use Google to search in combatace.com, e.g. with "draw distance site:combatace.com". I remember I already wrote something about extending the drawing distance: TL;DR in options.ini set ObjectsFade=false and in flightengine.ini increase DetailMeshSize If you want the fading effect (now for longer distances) re-added then apply the shader mod from the above post. TL;DR To extend the draw distances of target objects (e.g. airbases, ...) you must for each object in <terrain>_types.ini increase MaxVisibleDist and in <targetobject>.ini increase (LOD) Distance
  18. 2 points
    Took a flight earlier and just coming back on the deck...
  19. 2 points
    A dedicated Su-24 cockpit? Share it guys! It's a crime to keep this beauty away from the people. I also already see lots of typos in the labels, may fix them for release I have other pits in the work for the time, but they will wait
  20. 2 points
    . I said you, it must be bomber ;-)
  21. 2 points
    if you make the following changes to the FLIGHTENGINE.ini you will get details to a very far distance as you can see in the picture , but do so only if you are sure that your computer can handle it you may get a FPS drop on my computer it works fine , Windows 7 , CPU I7-4790k , RAM 32 GB , ASUS ROG STRIX GTX 1070 OC 8Gb [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=4096 MaxModelType=2024 MaxMeshPerScene=4096 MaxModelPerScene=2024 MaxLightPerScene=256 AspectRatio=1.333333 MinPixelSize=1.0 [BackgroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=80000.0 NearClipDistance=3000.0 [ForegroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=14000.0 NearClipDistance=0.45 [InsideSceneClip] FarClipDistance=250.0 NearClipDistance=0.01 [LowDetailOption] HorizonDistance=30000.0 DetailMeshSize=2 DetailLevel=0 WaterEffect=0 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=128 [MedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=52000.0 DetailMeshSize=2 DetailLevel=1 WaterEffect=1 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=256 [HighDetailOption] HorizonDistance=60000.0 DetailMeshSize=14 DetailLevel=2 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=512 [UnlimitedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=72000.0 DetailMeshSize=19 DetailLevel=2 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=-1
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    Lightning F.54, Marinefliegergeschwader 1 (MFG-1), Fliegerhorst Schleswig-Jagel 1971
  26. 1 point
    Hey guys, I've started a new Let's Play WOFF series: We'll see how far I make it. If you can like the video, I think it makes it more visible which may drum up some more support. Thanks, RR
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Not according to me, but according to TK, the thing is CA do not want to get involved, and I respect that.
  29. 1 point
    Lol. According to Stratos we can, but honestly not sure but if I could I would program stuff (I can't so don't try and get me to do it) and maybe add stuff, but then again would need the assets to do it, and I don't know how available they are.
  30. 1 point
    I don't quite remember if its rwr work, since it's a stealthy bird and I usually keep far away from targets Will check it out if I can
  31. 1 point
    If so im wondering if I could upload the whole mod since creators are missed for decade, I'm sure to mark this message(the lod is not mine and so) in page
  32. 1 point
    I think we just need a working cockpit (or a better one) for the F-35. Skinwork so far has made it look good externally.
  33. 1 point
    Yes, I did consider it but it's a step too far for someone with limited time... and limited ability! I like to work quick and just can't get bogged down.
  34. 1 point
    I hope this Fencer will be uploaded... P. 2007 : QRA mission for this early RAF Typhoon F2 !
  35. 1 point
    Yeah, it's just that SF2 allows us to fly these birds with a lower bar Plus, personally I want new F-35 too
  36. 1 point
    So I hope it will available for download one day
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    KAF Typhoon. Big thanks to @compufat for making the repaint.
  40. 1 point
    Supermarine Spitfire FP.lA - XZ Flight, Aeronáutica Militar, 1945
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Supermarine Seafire Mk.IIC - 724 Squadron, Royal Australian Navy, 1955 Check out the awesome Spitfire hydroplane package recently released by Cliff7600 & friends!
  43. 1 point
    JaboG 31 Boelcke F-104G , former in use with JaboG 36 Westfalen
  44. 1 point
    escorting lancaster on the argentine coasts
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    I updated & uploaded the MQ-9 and MQ-9 Block files 1.0.1 files just waiting for approval. 1.0.1 added this line AircraftRole=BOMBER instead of AircraftRole=ATTACK so the drone would fly higher when creating a mission. fixed the ServiceStartYear=2017 ServiceEndYear=2050 Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=2018 ExportEndYear=2050 Thanks to bazillius feedback.
  50. 1 point
    This is the list of ground objects that are on my to-do list so far: 1. Centurion tank 2. M48 Patton III tank 3. Um Al Maradim Class of missile attack craft 4. USS Pegasus (PHM-1) 5. FV601 Saladin Air 1. MQ-9 Block 30 2. Be-12 3. SU-33


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