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  1. 8 points
  2. 6 points
  3. 4 points
    The Mirage F1CR Standard F7 is uploaded and waits for approval. The review by Coupi :
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
    Alderney (WIP), it's still a jpg file. I must convert it to tga, so that waves will be visible. And i must still do a little bit paint shop to blend the Alderney tiles with the sea tiles.
  7. 3 points
    I really don't know how to thank you for your support and kind word and prayer it's really help me specially with some of your experience some of you hand gon through it really made me see things distantly. My youngest girl was under a bad emotional (nervous breakdown and lack of self-confidence) and we were taking care of it for the last year and a half. But in 10 minutes after I was with her and we were getting her paper ready for her first job interview as an accountant ( she graduated with honors) she decided to end her life and at the same time she was scared and wanted some to help her she took 48 Panadol capsule (Paracetamol) and 40 boscaban capsule (Paracetamol). But thank good to of her friends called us and told us what she did and that saved my girl as we rushed her to the hospital and they did there best and more also they had to do a Kidney dialysis because the rate of blood poisoning was enough to kill her 3 times. But thank Allah God they saved my girl. She is in the Psychiatric hospital to try to help her get through this stage for her and for us together as a family. We have a long was but will take it day by day. Thank you all for your support and being here for me
  8. 3 points
    Do you mean something like this? It's a screenshot of the Saab Draken, with changed flightmodel, which i modded for WOE. But as you see it works for SF2 too.
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
    although if they wanted to be accurate within the Tri Service System wouldnt it be an AT-7B? https://breakingdefense.com/2023/11/air-force-weighing-turning-t-7-into-f-7-armed-light-attack-jet-official/
  11. 2 points
    yeah well BRRT is sadly going to be a thing of the past. but it did take the AF over 40 years to kill the Hawg this tho, if it gets an internal gun itll probably be 7.62 rather than even 20mm. but when i read the article visions of a supersonic Dragonfly kept poppin in my head. or call it the Super Tweet 2 even.....
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    We are one missile away of releasing the FCK-1, sort of speak.LOL Even if there is in town a version of it, we would like to give it a personal touch of our own to this missile 3D model (Wan Chien). Long story short, in max a week we will release the Most Wanted. Stay tuned.
  14. 2 points
    Hongdu L-15B Falcon - Korean People's Army Air Force, 2023
  15. 1 point
    Hi, Well, this seems rather strange. I have a fully merged install. I downloaded and installed both the Kuznetsov and the Kuril Islands map. Everything works perfectly, with no need to mod or change anything. If I select strike as mission type, I get a Soviet battle group as target. Cargo ships only appear as targets when I fly an anti-shipping mission, so, to me, it seems strange that you get cargo ships as targets in a strike mission. Also, in case of a merged install, it does not matter which exe you use to start the game as long as the corresponding options.ini file points to the appropriate mod folder. By default, each exe uses its own individual folder, meaning it can see only mods which are installed in its own mod folder. The mod folder can be anywhere, even different exes can use the same mod folder.
  16. 1 point
    The game will never spawn a carrier on its own. You also need destroyers, frigates and so on to go alongside the carrier. The game will spawn a carrier strike group if you have those other ships available for that timeframe.
  17. 1 point
    i just realized this has been a helluva week for the future of the USAF, with both their new trainer and new bomber arriving at Edwards for the formal flight test programs
  18. 1 point
    If it doesn't BRRT I don't care. Lol seriously that would be interesting for it to be one. I think it looks weird how the landing gear looks but it's a neat little plane.
  19. 1 point
    I've had that happen to me too. A typo in the postion statement makes the object appear at the 0,0 point of the target area. It CAN be quite amusing a times, depending on what shows up!
  20. 1 point
    Had to thanks for the heads up from dtm dragon. Apparently the version on the download page is not the latest, so when you contacted me, I assumed it was due to mod environment differences. My fault. I will update it later. Or in the meantime, you can set Timefused to FALSE in the gun's data.ini
  21. 1 point
    Its a fused round. The game engine doesn't allow fused rounds to have tracers for some reason. You can edit it so it's not a fused round and the tracers will now show but you wont have any flak going off. The work around is to create two guns in the same spot. You give them half the rate of fire each, so the combined rate of fire is the same as what the one gun should be. One of the two gun you make fused and the other is not so it's tracers show up. If the weapon system in question has dual or quad guns you need to do this for each and every gun. You will also need to half the max ammo capacity of each gun as well. I have used this mod on the 40mm DARDO ship CIWS gun as it fires fuzed rounds with tracers and can destroy incoming cruise missiles. A CIWS type gun in SF2 with just fused rounds will never hit a cruise missile.
  22. 1 point
    Journal of FCdr Douglas Bell-Gordon, DSC 9 Squadron, RNAS Part 24 3 November 1917. Bray Dunes, France. "The Hun began to fall and just then Redgate’s Camel came between me and it." As October progressed, the enemy became ever more bothersome in our sector. They preferred to fight us over their own side of the lines by day, but by night they would send raiders to attack our aerodromes. The fields around Bray Dunes were hit frequently around this time. We dug slit trenches outside our cabins. These we improved over time by adding more sandbag protection and deep dugouts with overhead cover. Some of the fellows, perhaps most of them, have begun sleeping in those dugouts. For my own part I prefer the warmth of my cot to the safety of our dugout. Still, every few nights the Huns leave us with cratered fields and occasionally with a burning shed or building. Our French neighbours have lost their other ranks’ mess and the nearby Belgian squadrons have had a number of machines destroyed. On 15 October, the Huns came over shortly after nine in the morning. I was one of several pilots who were hanging about the sheds and therefore able to get airborne at the first alert. Without waiting for the others I climbed away sharply as soon as the wheels left the ground. Grey puffs from friendly Archie showed the way. About a half-dozen enemy two-seaters were lazily circling above Bray Dunes, taking turns lining up on the rows of hangars below. It took me a while to reach them. They were up around 10,000 feet. I selected one machine that stood slightly farther from the others and began to stalk it. Unfortunately, the other EAs spotted me and fired from long range, alerting my prey. The Hun – it was a Rumpler – got the wind up and turned for home. This move necessitated a dangerous pursuit, one in which I could close the range only slowly. As much as I attempted to stay in the enemy’s blind spot, his gunner was periodically able to fire bursts in my general direction. This reminded me how much I disliked attacking two-seaters by myself. I held fire until I was about 200 yards behind and just below the Rumpler. My first burst scored some hits and the enemy pilot seemed rather disconcerted. He threw his machine into a downward right-hand spiral. This was lovely for two reasons. First, it forced the enemy observer/gunlayer to abandon his weapon in favour of holding on for dear life. And second, it allowed me to attack the Hun machine from above. The Rumpler has always seemed more fragile than the other larger enemy machines. This time was no exception. I fired a burst of ten or fifteen rounds from each Vickers and saw pieces of the upper wing fall away. The Hun began to fall and just then Redgate’s Camel came between me and it. I banked into a near-vertical dive and flashed past Redgate to finish off the Hun with one last burst. The Rumpler fell about four miles north-east of Bray Dunes. When I landed, several of the lads went with the squadron commander’s car to find the wreckage. I wasn’t up for the trip, so I asked them to get a piece of fabric for the wardroom wall. The Rumpler brought my account up to 22 confirmed victories, one more than my old pal Huntington had claimed, only my score and lacked his degree of imagination. We flew offensive patrols for the next few days, most of which were uneventful. We had a good scrap with some Albatri on 18 October and I sent one down in a spin but could not see whether it recovered. On 20 October, however, things were more eventful. That day we conducted a close offensive patrol. This sort of patrol keeps close to the front and just behind the enemy lines. It was towards the end of our time and we were re-crossing the lines when we encountered three Hun two-seaters heading east. I immediately attacked one of the two machines at the rear of their little formation but was driven away by an energetic and accurate gunlayer. Brown led two of his boys against the fellow. They seemed to do no damage. I had regained altitude and was trying a beam attack when the enemy gunner swung his weapon about and caught me with his welcoming burst. One round smashed into my left Vickers and a piece of metal – I’m not sure whether it was part of the round or part of my machine-gun – sliced open my left jaw. It bled horribly and I confess that I was awfully upset at the thought that it had terribly disfigured me. I landed at the field near Nieuport and was carted off to a French casualty clearing station. From there I was taken to the Queen Alexandra Hospital at Dunkirk. It turned out that the injury was not at all serious and would leave only a rather dashing thin scar. It provided me with a week’s rest at a time when it was most welcome. I had a number of visitors during my stay, many of my chums from Naval Nine and several from other nearby squadrons. Greaves from 12 Squadron dropped by and we spent a pleasant couple of hours. I’d met him only once during my training and once as a guest at Leffrinckoucke. His sister was a VAD here at the hospital. I returned to duty on 28 October and led a defensive patrol down to Bailleul. On our return, we explored a bit of the front at the salient. The fighting near Ypres has gone on since the summer. The place is a perfect vision of hell. For miles around nothing recognisable remains. Roads are drowned in mud. Former villages are marked only by a more reddish taint of mud. Shell hole abuts shell hole, and all are filled with vile green sludge. The constant explosions and occasional gun flashes betray the presence of men, but the men and the mud are indistinguishable one from the other. The Anzacs have given the enemy a good going over. The ridge near the smashed village of Passchendaele remains to be conquered before winter comes, and the Canadian Corps has been moved into the sector to do the job. You can be proud to be Canadian these days. Our boys did a splendid job at the end of the summer down near Lens and, on top of the Vimy Ridge fight in the spring, are making quite the reputation for themselves. Perhaps I have that reputation to thank for the conversation I had this afternoon with Squadron Commander Norton. He has informed me that I am to be awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for success in air fighting. It will be gazetted later this week, but I was told to put up the ribbon right away. The greatest news, however, was that he has put my name forward for home leave. I can expect to get at least two or three weeks in Canada and should receive news of when I go before the end of November! As much as I am a terrible correspondent, I immediately wrote home to the parents and have begun to think about what I can bring as Christmas presents. I cannot lie to myself. The leave is most welcome. I feel very tired and for the first time have begun to worry about my nerves holding out. A little break from more and some peace and quiet back in Halifax will be most welcome.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    the never ending saga of the supersonic squirrel....
  25. 1 point
    One step at a time my friend, tread lightly but firmly. She may hate you now but with some care and time hopefully things will come right in the end. This will affect you and your family badly but don't forget you have many friends on here who I'm sure would be great listeners if you ever need to talk.
  26. 1 point
    did the ground crew move? ___________________________________________________ I'd climb the Empire State Building, fight Muhammad Ali Just to have you baby close to me (10000 internet points to whoever gets it)
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    I used Copy\Paste software. It is cheap and fast! hahaha, sorry for this useless answer. you were probably hoping for a smarter answer. I don't know about DCS but iL-2 and SF2 is portable. any version is. There is a special program for FSX and FS2004. It's called a register fixer. And they become portable too. I don't know if this program is legal or hacker. Now I can’t check it because I don’t have these games installed.
  30. 1 point
    MiG-23K, never built carrier version of the Flogger.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    May, 97 - the first Mirage 2000's arrive in Taiwan
  33. 1 point
    F-4E with AN/ARN-101 from the 3rd TFS / 3rd TFW based at Clark AFB , armed with 2 GBU-15 and AN/AXQ-14 data link pod
  34. 1 point
    Stock plane over stock IsraelME terrain, with Starys replacement tiles.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Aero S-107 Žralok (Shark) - Czechoslovak Air Force, 1962
  37. 1 point
    Canadian built Hurricane Mk.X - No.55 Operational Training Unit, RAF, 1942
  38. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a bug fix for the random crashing issue of the Kamchatka 250m tile set update released by Stary in below link Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset etc - Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements - CombatACE If you are using the original Kamchatka 2.0 terrain released by Baltika, this is not applicable and you should avoid using it. Beautiful landscape tile. However it crashes randomly when flying in certain area or dropping bombs to airfields. The key issue is some incorrect file assignment in DATA.ini and how SF2 handles files in different season folders. It took me a long time to figure out. Hopefully this can help you as well. Installation: 1. Before everything, backup your KAMCHATKA_DATA.INI in your terrains folder. In case this breaks something else you have modded. 2. Extract the file contents and overwrite file if asked to terrains/KAMCHATKA folder
  39. 1 point
    The Spanish version of the Mirage F1EDA is uploaded and will be available soon. The usual preview by Coupi :
  40. 1 point

    Version 2.0


    Hunter FR.10 Here we are with a 'brand new' Hunter. As I can't edit lods I painted skins (it's all I can do). It'ld work in stock camps! (Stock RAF Camo) You can choose between front, left or right working cameras. (only two page up key press!) All (known) users done: RAF (2, 4, 8 & 79 Squadrons; 1417 Flight), RJAF, IRAQ, EAU, Oman, Chile & Singapore (*) CREDITS: Dedicated sound by Spillone104 Cameras & ini edits: by Cliff11 Beta testers: Cliff11, Spillone104 & Gaunt. Install as usual. Enjoy. Paulopanz (*) Now as proper, specific planes: FR.59B, FR.73B, FR.71A, FR.74A, FR,76A


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