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Showing most liked content on 12/31/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    Hallo Guys, We have polished the Fitters for the past weeks and months. the team is doing an outstanding job on cleaning the 3D models, unify the files, skins and loadouts. All the finetuning that is needed, to make it enjoyable aber all these "Years". Im proud of the fitter team! The finishing is complete, and you are asking why it is not released ... cause we are punshing holes into the planes as a final step So stay tuned for an upcoming release of the early fitter versions, with more in the pipeline.
  2. 10 points
    Gentlemen, It's the holidays and a new year is right around the corner. Nobody needs harsh words though I understand some people are passionate about their views. Let's please consider getting back to where we were before this topic was ever started and let us not ruin some good friendships over any of this. Yes, some have been wronged but our problem isn't with the people here but the ones taking work and sharing it inappropriately. When it comes down to it, we're all limited to regulate proprietary infringement unless you're willing to spend the time and money it takes to police it. I wish you all great holiday blessings and may 2024 bring health, prosperity, and happiness to you and your families. Kindly, Erik
  3. 10 points
    Tactical Recon Now that I have the photos, let's save a trip
  4. 7 points
    North American A-5D Vigilante - No.6 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, 1972
  5. 6 points
    I just want to drop a little thanks to all the mod makers here at CA. The last 2 weeks have seen a plethora (sp?) of new or imporved mods for the game. Been a long time since we've had so many 'all at once'. This will end the year on a high note for the community, even given what hells are happening around the world. Keep up the good work, everyone. Keep the faith Thanks Again!
  6. 5 points
  7. 5 points
    @bazillius You were credited in the Thanks page of the ODS mod, it's not like I'm taking credit for the work done by other modders. Anyway, I had already decided to remove your MiG-29UB from the next version of the mod. I'm not comfortable with featuring the work of someone who condones piracy and the violation of intellectual properties. Not to mention that I seriously doubt you made that 3d model from scratch yourself. Thank you for your understanding. PS: if you have a beef with me, just say it and insult me in private, I prefer it. This thing has dragged on for too long. When I posted the topic, I simply wanted to advise other respectable modders that their work was being shared without their permission and/or without them knowing. It seems it hurt you in some way (maybe because you like to download stuff from dubious sources) and now you're persecuting me. You want to impose your view on intellectual properties on everyone. You had the right to notify the admins that you didn't want me to include your aircraft in a package, I genuinely didn't notice you were not in the freeware licensing agreement. Just because you don't care about your own works, it doesn't mean others shouldn't care about theirs. But you don't want to understand it, this has been a pointless conversation. From now on, every time I want to post anything, do I need to send you a PM asking for your permission and blessing to do so? It seems so.
  8. 4 points
    30 Dec 1983: The last flight of the F-104H "Zipper" in Active USAF service takes place as the F-15A replaces it in service with the 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. The Zipper would continue on in service with several Air National Guard squadrons until near the end of the 1980s. (big thanks to Spinners, for making the "ADC" Starfighter come to life)
  9. 4 points
  10. 3 points
    little friends taking off, to link up and clear the way for the big boys
  11. 3 points
    Gloster Meteor F.8 - Armament Practice Station, RAF Acklington, 1956
  12. 3 points
    Let's make a little bit firework. Happy new year!!!
  13. 3 points
    And more will come in two weeks
  14. 3 points
    @sukhoy34 Bro, I think you're missing rivets, PM me I'm cleaning the panels I can help you with that
  15. 3 points
  16. 2 points
    Happy New Year, one and all! I hope 2024 is good to you all and that we get to see what OBD are cooking up soon :)
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
    Daddy.................I Do my best to keep up a smart and military standard of semi aggressive ( to idiots ) state of inebriation. Whilst indeed it can have detrimental effect when attempting to use Photoshop whilst in the seeing double phase, it does give me a sense of euphoria, and a dashing rakish devil may care attitude. That is untill the next morning when one surveys the disasterous results of Kraken, Beer, or Jim Beam.......Ah well, I'm too old ugly and stupid to chaange my errant ways now !!!
  19. 2 points
    unless theres 4 empty bottles im disappointed i thought as a ex serviceman you'd be a right proper drunkard happy new years
  20. 2 points
    I´m crazy about it!
  21. 2 points
    View File B-57B Vietnam (Plus) Skinpack This is a complete overhaul/update/fixing of great Dave original package, a handmade reskin using Lod viewer and no templates. The job was starded several years ago and finished after downloaded last Kevin's effort. So you'll find, jpg textures, SM files, fixed camo, lines and right shaped stripes and some missing parts added to originals. As I always dislike redoing someone's else work pratice without a valid reason, this job started only for personal use, but when became a complete overhaul, I decided to share. As a bonus a Defence Systems Evaluation skin made by myself using TW silver skin as template (EB-57B) and a second AVON 1 skin for 13 BS. Decals are taken from Dave's package and some are brand new. Remember to delete ALL previous old skins from original pack if installed. I hope you like. Happy new year. @paulopanz 2024 Submitter paulopanz Submitted 12/31/2023 Category B-57  
  22. 2 points
    Workin' slooooowly on sumfing here, the Rum seems to be interferin' tho' harharharhar
  23. 2 points
  24. 1 point
    Been on hiatus a few weeks earlier, but not a single days without logging-in and check out what's goin' round here.. For me, for now, this forums just like "Hotel California" for me.. All thanks to you all... Wish we all have lovely, healthy and prosper life in 2024!
  25. 1 point
    Allen wins it a Fighter Wing campaign would be nice too but....... Ron, yes they flew Vipers too. Block 52s and a Weasel role from mid 94 until 2006 (or 07?) when the 389th went to Mud Hens from late 1992 until summer of 94, they had a light attack role, and any SEAD was either gonna be Maverick, CBU or pre loaded HARMs (set against specific freqs not able to pick targets like F-4G or Block 50/52)
  26. 1 point
    And here I was thinking that Mt. Home flew 15's only, along with the heavies.......
  27. 1 point
    The freeware licensing for CA is here. This has not changed much since about 2008. In the West this is seen as a basic common courtesy and politeness to fellow members.
  28. 1 point
    Is it the 389th FS flying F-16Cs from Mountain Home? It looks like you're working up towards this screenshot:
  29. 1 point
    Someone it seems might be looking to keep updating the serial nos.
  30. 1 point
    the first time "2 weeks" has been uttered in a good way.
  31. 1 point
    Today you can no longer understand where people write sarcasm and where they write seriously. As for Facebook, I want to say that because of censorship, complainers and offended , social networks have become impossible to use. Especially because of the offended and complainants from one country, I will not mention the name. They are professional offended and complainers. One day I wrote on Facebook when asked what I was doing, I wrote that I was listening to “Metallica Kill em All.” Guess what happened? you are banned for 29 days for inciting violence. This all happens because of complainers and offended . I had to stop using Facebook and switch to a national social network. World rolls to shit and dictature. About freedom we will ask soon ah! what this word mean? do you remember? I am not. the whole world is following the path of global censorship and digital concentration camp.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    90th FS, 3rd Wing on its only deployment of the 1990s
  34. 1 point
    It's not worth losing any sleep over piracy issues really. Do you REALLY know how many models and skins etc have been and still are created using pirate copies of 3DS Max and Photoshop ? There would be an awful lot less pages of downloads here at CA without them. Not trying to be argumentative or anything, just stating a fact. A lot of folks here get all wound up about piracy issues while being fully guilty of it themselves.
  35. 1 point
    another one of those ground crew snapshots
  36. 1 point
    I think you shoot the most serious questions in 2023...and in recent years at all... Everyone is speachless...(?)
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    While not publicly shown, the previous release of ODS 30AE offered reworked hit boxes and collision points for all of the over 140 aircraft of the mod; some aircraft required major fixes, others only needed small improvements. Referenced model node names have also been corrected in many cases. This (boring and time-consuming) work improves the hit detection of bullets and missiles and of crashes into the ground; overall it puts all of the aircraft of the mod on par with each other, for quality consistency's sake. Another detail that is often neglected regards landing lights. After several days of work, I'm happy to announce that the next release of the mod will offer standardized brightness and range values of landing lights for all of the flyable aircraft of the mod (not player-flyable aircraft will get the same treatment at a later time). Previously, many aircraft were missing landing lights or had broken values that caused rendering issues of landing lights. Each of the over 80 flyable aircraft (sub-variants included, not counting AI-only sub-variants that were also fixed) has been tested carefully to make sure that quality consistency on landing lights is kept throughout the entire roster of aircraft.
  39. 1 point
    Happy holidays for you guys, hoping you are having a blast there!!!
  40. 1 point
    There were actually little different nacelles...but the idea was to have long chord nacelles. 1947. No.56(F) Sq. RAF Wattisham
  41. 1 point
    My extended thanks to @yakarov79, @guuruu, @daddyairplanes, @GKABS, @Jimbib, @ravenclaw_007, @ludo.m54, @dtmdragon, @Crusader, @Coupi, @paulopanz, @TaktischesGenie, @simonmiller416, @pvince and @swambast for supporting me and the mod during its latest development. The year 2023 has been bitter for some members of CombatACE.com and it is marked by the sad loss of dear Marty ‘NIELS’ Nielsen. I send the CombatACE.com community all my heartfelt thanks and best wishes. The release of the mod is going to be dedicated to the memory of 'NIELS', who has been one of the major beta testers of the ODS 30AE mod before it got its official public release. Blue skies and tailwinds…
  42. 1 point
    Well, there is gravity and I've found the TW "wind tunnel" very good when tuning drag on some WW2 types although the late war prop planes can have issues with top speeds when using what I think are realistic CD0 values. I did a quick test on the MiG-19 and the sustained G seems very high for such an old jet. It seemed to be in the 8+ sustained G at high subsonic speeds although that's a bit of an approximation because it's quite difficult to maintain a constant G turn, especially with the old swizzle stick I'm using. With a proper performance chart it would be possible to adjust the CDL values to get something more realistic but at the moment I have no idea what might be accurate for a MiG-19. From some "web stuff" the DCS MiG-19 does 5.4G sustained but no mention of the weight, altitude or speed that occurs at.
  43. 1 point
    The article has some errors. The F-86F had not had six 20mm guns. It had six 12,7 mm machine guns. The MiG-17 was not used during Korea War. It was planed to use the plane by end 1953 with a new rotation of soviet pilots of 64th IAK. But the war was already over at this time. The MiG-19 was used in East Germany too. There the plane was not loved. Neither by pilots, nor by technicians. The reliabilty was low. The fuel tanks leaked constantly. Ponts of fuel swam in the airframe and had to removed by towels. While starting the engines you had to check the direction of the wind first, otherwise it could happen that only one engine starts, the other not. And, and, and. The MiG-19 was an nightmare. But other Air Forces had good experiences with it.
  44. 1 point
    This flight test report is derived from an Aviation Week and Space Technology journal article in a book called Military Aircraft Pilot Reports (McGraw-Hill ,1996) This is only a summary derived from a flight test of a two seat MiG-19/J-6/FT-6 and single seat MiG-19/J-6s from Pakistani pilots. You can take it for what it is. For the two seat Soviet/Sino MiG-19 (J-6) its maximum roll rate at 917 knots at 35,000 feet is more than 50 deg per second, although this rate is more than 150 degrees per second at subsonic speeds. This is slow enough that it can be exploited by many competing fighters in a dogfight. Its thick wing really limits it in some aspects. The two seat MiG-19/J-6's s lateral stability and control decrease markedly at lower airspeeds. At slower airspeeds, coarse use of ailerons can flick one wing into a stall. The MiG-19 tends to run short of longitudinal trim at speeds above 458 knots. It only has an effective flight time of about 45 minutes. It includes other notes on the MiG-19's flight characteristics as well such as at high subsonic speeds and medium altitudes, it had light and responsive controls and wide buffet boundaries. It had outstanding turn rates without buffet or loss of airspeed to about 8+g. The Mig-19's/J-6's stall characteristics and spin characteristics are also described as the stall having first light airframe buffet and then a pronounced wing drop. The spin recovery requires 7,000-10,000 feet to recover…not a good thing if close to the ground or in the landing pattern. During aerobatics the two seat maneuvering MiG-19/J-6's maneuvering stick forces remain moderate throughout the speed range. Very little rudder was needed. At low speeds rudder was needed for adverse yaw. You have to be very careful at very slow speeds with ailerons and only use rudder to roll. Trim changes were small. Much more information on the MiG-19 handling was included as well in the report. The book is available from some sellers on Amazon.com used book market. It also includes pilot test reports on the Super Tucano, Hawk, PC-9, SU-27, MiG-29, T-34C, S.211, U-2, SR-71, Mirage 2000, etc. This book might be helpful to a lot of modders. EDIT: I deleted the word "short" which I repeated two times in a row and changed a misspelling of "that to "than."


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