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  1. 9 points
  2. 4 points
    Some more @paulopanz goodness! Sorry, couldn;t resist
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    with some drawbacks with some decals, but going well
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    In 1968 (01.01.1968) the coding system changed to the numbers only system. But in (late) 1966 & 1967 the Letter code was sometimes also white outlined. http://www.flyjets.de/bw/einheit/bilder/lekg42-g91r3.jpg F-104G_JaboG36_DF_248.jpg (2097×965) (rolfferch.de) Here is what the Letter codes are assignet to: BW - Kennungen vor 1968 (flugzeugforum.de)
  8. 1 point
    Are anti-ship missiles supposed to have a TV view, or do you just fire within parameters and let them find the target? Reason I ask, is that I loaded the EF2000 with Kormorants, had the Lightening III targeting pod attached, and didn't get a TV picture. And I'm pretty sure I'd seen anti-ship missiles getting a TV picture some time in the past. Then, quite by chance, I loaded a couple of Paveways, in case the Kormorants missed. Surprise, surprise, now the Kormorants have a TV picture by osmosis.
  9. 1 point
    Republic F-105D Thunderchief - Jagdbombergeschwader 31 "Boelcke", German Air Force, 1962 DAT's early F-105D Skin Credit: pappychksix
  10. 1 point
    Dassault Super Mystère B2D - JG71 "Richthofen"
  11. 1 point
    What littlesmoke showed is correct. SEAD is the mission type but ANTI_RADAR is an equally working statement for a SEAD sub-type that's available in the game. When the game generates a SEAD mission, your tasking might be to destroy radars; in that case, you can specify a precise loadout for that tasking, the game automatically chooses the ANTI_RADAR loadout. We already knew this, we featured it extensively in the ODS 30AE mod, and it's already used on fantastic aircraft add-ons such as the Mirage F1s.
  12. 1 point
    JA was the code for JG 71 (fighter). DA is the correct Code for JaboG 31 (fighter bomber).
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    First peek at the first Viper produced in South Carolina https://theaviationgeekclub.com/first-f-16-block-70-has-rolled-out-of-lockheed-martins-new-factory-in-greenville/ and no, i wont be doing it once i get back to modding
  15. 1 point
    Guess thats what happens if you read bottom up...LOLOL...So what are you guys up to...count me in...
  16. 1 point
    @Viper63a Like I said above, we already replaced those tank 3d models with brand new detailed ones made by our great colleague @yakarov79. We're slowly working on a pretty substantial update for the ODS 30AE mod. Viper, if you wish to help with the update, just say so, send me a PM and we'll meet in the restricted forum. I could use some help on remaking skins for other low-poly objects, as well as aircraft cockpits.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    A beautiful model with great skins.I have 3 questions though,is the RCS enhancer a permanent fixture ? and why do the inner pylons and rails show up even when there is nothing loaded on them ? I am unable to load the Aim-9X and it doesn't appear even when in set loadout/year ? Still a most welcome replacement for the original raptor !
  25. 1 point
    Thank you. I made a map in Powerpoint instead.
  26. 1 point
    Some functions i changed or modified in the 21bis cockpit They should generally be applicable/work for the M, SM, MF pits too ... - the gunsight has a red needle which presently works as a G-Meter I've changed it to use the proper radar range function Two scales ( the two middle ones / 2nd + 3rd ) are used indicating 2000 to 9000 meters (3rd - middle lower scale) indicating 400 to 2000 meters (2nd - middle upper scale ) - the old mod to hide the Camera which is in the way during air to air gunnery using the HUD Mode function with Light movment, where position is either 0.0 (OFF) or 1.0 (ON) value are the 3 HUD Modes ( 0 = NAV/CAGED sight, 1 = AA, 2 = AG ) my data below is set to hide the camera in AA and AG , modify to your liking.. - the stick, which can be in the way to read some instruments using same setup method as for the camera, its set up to be OFF in NAV , modify to your liking.. I use the NodeName=MandoRefl for it ... If its preferred to hide camera and stick permanently, the easy way is this: Type=INACTIVE NodeName=Camara Type=INACTIVE NodeName=MandoRefl instead of Type and NodeName in the data below, the Movment and Set values are not required make sure the Instrument number are in correct sequential order after copy/paste the new data! Instrument[120]=HideSightCamera Instrument[121]=HideStick Instrument[122]=GunsightRadarRange [HideSightCamera] Type=HUD_MODE_INDIDCATOR NodeName=Camara MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1 Set[03].Position=0.0 Set[03].Value=2 [HideStick] Type=HUD_MODE_INDIDCATOR NodeName=MandoRefl MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=1.0 Set[02].Value=1 Set[03].Position=1.0 Set[03].Value=2 [GunsightRadarRange] Type=RADAR_TARGET_RANGE NodeName=AgujaBB MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=METERS Set[01].Position=-21.0 Set[01].Value=400 Set[02].Position=21.0 Set[02].Value=2000 // 2000 to 9000 m scale Set[03].Position=-15.75 Set[03].Value=2001 Set[04].Position=21.0 Set[04].Value=9000 Other tweaks are (copy/paste and replace the complete sections): total fuel quantity unit fixed [Gas] Type=TOTAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=Combustible MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=KG Set[01].Position=-76 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=256 Set[02].Value=3124 all fuel warrning lights units+quantity fixed [LuzPanelM] Type=TOTAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=LuzPanelM MovementType=light ValueUnit=KG Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=351.45 //450.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=351.46 //450.1 [LuzPanelO] Type=EXTERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=LuzPanelO MovementType=light ValueUnit=KG Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [LuzPanelP] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=LuzPanelP MovementType=light ValueUnit=KG Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=745.855 //955.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=745.856 //955.1 [LuzPanelQ] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=LuzPanelQ MovementType=light ValueUnit=KG Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=480.315 //615.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=480.316 //615.1 [LuzPanelR] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=LuzPanelR MovementType=light ValueUnit=KG Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.1 radar altimeter warning light unit fix [Emergencia4] Type=RADAR_ALTIMETER NodeName=Emergencia4 MovementType=light ValueUnit=METERS Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=200.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=200.10 slipball direction reversed [slip] Type=SIDESLIP_VELOCITY_INDICATOR NodeName=Slip MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=5.0 Set[01].Value=-3.0 Set[02].Position=-5.0 Set[02].Value=3.0 ... [slip2] Type=SIDESLIP_VELOCITY_INDICATOR NodeName=Slip2 MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=5.0 Set[01].Value=-3.0 Set[02].Position=-5.0 Set[02].Value=3.0


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