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Showing most liked content on 09/10/2023 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    did you guys know that you can just play this game too? i mean, just fly missions with stock birds?
  2. 5 points
  3. 5 points
    Turkish Air Force F-100C
  4. 5 points
  5. 4 points
    Toss Bombing without a computer???!!!??? What an interesting concept. Now, you all KNEW I wouldn't let the challenge go uncontested. I DO LOVE ME SOME NUKES!!!!!! So, here's the story. Using a pair of Danish F-100F's (it IS Super Sunday after all), I went in search of a factory building 197 miles away. Low & fast, through the SAM traps, (they missed....somehow) and finally.... I'm in range. The only calculations made were done mentally on the fly (so to speak), until I hit TLAR (That Looks About Right) distance. I left the numbers in the shot so you can see what I was doing on the loop/roll up & away.... And just so you don't think my aim was off, or my methods unsound, check out the bomb in the upper right of the photo as it nears the target. The results speak for themselves. You don't need a workaround for this....just a LOT of practice and patience. And it's SO satisfying when you get it right.
  6. 4 points
    Here some airfields, how they look in the editor: Wissant Audambert Marquise Caffiers Hermalinghen
  7. 4 points
    Yes it is. So it looks in game: It's still a long way .... I can say release X-Mas. But not the year.
  8. 4 points
    Still unreleased terrain, right? Mandatory screenshot, seen in home base after my mission.
  9. 4 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
    French airfield of Desvres. Its an "What-if". What if the French would reactivate the old german airfield near the village Devres in a potential war against UK. Its fictional, in style of 1960th, with concrete runway, concrete taxiways, dispersal areas with open aircraft shelters.
  12. 3 points
    Vietnamese F-5E vs chinese J-6. 1979, Border War.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    Test of improved dogfight AI
  15. 2 points
    Looking for an evental replacement for their extensive F-4 Phantom fleet, Iran was an early partner (and major finacier) of the development of the F-15. The Imperial Iranian air Force was the first overseas customer for the F-15 in 1973, beating even those loyal allies Israel and Japan. The IIAF purchased extensive numbers of both single- and two-seat versions, with the F-15As (soon upgraded to F-15Cs) being primarily operated in the air to air role, and the F-15B/D versions taking the the strike, CAS, SEAD and other air to ground roles. The F-15C squadrons had a friendly rivalry with the F-14A Tomcat squadrons over who could make the most intercepts of Soviet MiG-25 overflights, and gained the type's first kills, shooting down 2 Iraqi MiG-21s for no loss in a brief clash over disputed Shatt-al-Arab waterway soon after coming into service. The Iranians also took delivery of a number of the new FAST packs and those F-15Ds permanently fitted with them were termed the F-15D+ With the revolution in 1979 and the subsequent war with Iraq the plans for shelving the F-4s were dropped and as attrition of all types took it's toll, both single and dual seater F-15 versions of the renamed IRIAF fought hard in all of the roles given to them. the F-15D+ was especially sought after for SEAD missions and long range strikes deep into Iraqi territory, and ultimately became legendary in Iranian media and culture after it's part in the precision strike on the H3 airfield complex. As the Iranian F-15 fleet soldiered on into the 1990s and then the new century with international sanctions continuing to bite, a combination of Iranian espionage against US companies (leveraging the relationships between Iranian and US aerospace engineers going back to before the revolution), component purchases from China, a daring operation by Iranian Special Forces to recover the wreckage of a USAF F-15E downed over Iraq during OIF, and the defection of a Saudi pilot with his F-15S (and the body of his WSO, killed in his seat by the pilot as he leaned over to help strap the WSO in) enabled the Iranians to replicate, in looks if not full capability, the sensor/targetting pods of the F-15E Strike Eagle on their F-15D+ models. The upgraded aircraft were termed F-15D++ or 'double plus'.. In the late 2010s and into the 2020s the fleet was further upgraded with additional ECM and weapons capabilities and, like the rest of the IRIAF's combat aircraft, received a new grey camouflage scheme... At the time of writing the IRIAF F-15 fleet continues to serve, and negotiations with both China and Russia for it's relacement by a package of either J-10/J-16/J-20 or Su-30/Su-35/Su-57 respectively are still ongoing...
  16. 2 points
    not change in your mods folders the simplest, most minor alteration to the timeline would be to have the Shah pick the Eagle over the Tomcat. in reality not even the Shah's pockets were that deep but this is Allen's world, and in it those pockets were deep enough. not how i'd have gone, but it is how he went
  17. 2 points
    Vicon 70 modular recon pod by Vinten. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/816_Shorts_312_Tucano_Kenya_Air_Force._(5644171399).jpg (I cheated by reading the placard in the link above )
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point
    If you have the GOG release, the Campaign Films (The cut scenes) will tend to crash the game during Career Modes when they go to play the .smk movies. This is true for the standard MPS EAW Game as well, just more common. You can download a 'empty' MOVIES.CDF file and drop it into your EAWv1.2GOG version game folder and it will allow the game to get past the cut scene, by skipping it. Get the Empty Movies.CDF here at CombatACE in the EAW Downloads if you need it. (Its 7-zip so make sure you have that program to un zip it.)
  21. 1 point
    just found the answer by going true the T.O. 1F-4E-2-30 , there is right on top a list of changes made to the F-4E and i found something else that i was searching for , what year did the IP-1310 azimuth indicator appear in the F-4E cockpit , it is 1983 and not 1978 as it is with the TW cockpits i will change now my cockpits and the IP-1310 will appear in my cockpits with the F-4E_85_ANG
  22. 1 point
    An experiment with new tiles for runway and taxiways. Before: After:
  23. 1 point
    for those of you that voted mega pack the next project is currently at 58 individual skins. amusingly (esp to those that know me) the aircraft folders are nearly double the size of the decal folder this time around.
  24. 1 point
    in game, pretty much you need to practice. i havent heard of methods for computer release on the player flown aircraft. you still have to pull the trigger in the B-47E aircraft release there was a method shared to toss bomb the Mk15 nuke. pretty much involved "fly at specific speed and altitude, pull up hard at x distance, release at x altitude, complete loop and get the hell outta dodge". another member and i worked this out to a cookie cutter procedure for that aircraft and weapon. once we came to a rough agreement on how, it got written up and added as part of the mod you would have to create your own methods for other aircraft/weapons combos. its not something youll write into a data.ini if you do work out methods, please do share how you did it. reference what's in quotation marks above for what info others would need to have
  25. 1 point
    The SF2 game engine does not handle tossing LGB, EOGB or GPS bombs. These weapons need to be dropped in a reasonably accurate and stable trajectory for the guidance to take over. Try doing the trigonometry to work out the speed, pull up angle, and release point to toss the bomb dumb. A little bit of practice and you will be surprised how accurate you can get. Just like they did back in the 60's....
  26. 1 point
    Here's a few videos I have watched on EAW: One of them mentions my install instructions, which was a surprise, these are by "damsonn". I think in all of his videos he is using v1.2 on a Win10 64bit system in 3dfxGlide Mode, running nGlide Wrapper at double the res of the EAW standard game , which is defaulted at (640x480). Note: NGlide cleaning upscales the graphics and cockpit dials, and everything else. (Other wrappers do this too, I just don't remember which ones). European Air War v1.2 (stock version) running on Windows 10 64-bit - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VGPfM0v3TU European Air War - 2 RAF Campaign Missions - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMZdTVElOuQ European Air War - Luftwaffe Campaign Mission - Bomber Intercept - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5O4baT7Zrk BTW I didn't embed the videos as it looked too big, I prefer videos viewed at there home sites anyhow.
  27. 1 point
    Well, we need to write a story based on what we have in the mod folder! And don’t just take it from your head!
  28. 1 point
    But according to the rules for making minimal changes, the F-14 should remain. Well, i beleive nobody want delete all F-14s from the mod folder. They are so beautiful in Iranian camouflage! Besides, what should we do with all those Hawk missiles taped to the Tomcats? Nooo, I can't exclude Tomcats
  29. 1 point
    Just goes to show the old Iranian desert pattern (Was it called Asia Minor?) works on anything!
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    just another day over Bosnia. although why the Reservists brought the tanker sightseeing is a mystery...
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    I will be working on JAT81500 amazing Dassault Rafale model to add some minor improvement to bring it to my last release standard of the Typhoon. I am really honored to be working on the Rafale model that wad made by our talented friend JAT81500 and his amazing model. I will be learning a lot from JAT81500 work. Also I would like to thank ravenclaw_007 for helping me get the 3ds Max files.
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    nuevo perfil, bump y mas mejoras
  38. 1 point
    Grumman Duck Mk.I - 724 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 1945
  39. 1 point
    a video to show - aircraft fire and explosion effect, - new tracer effect, - view point mod, - Kamchatka crash issue fix, - Dogfight AI adjustment and overall data overhaul and texture resolution alignment (that we aligned thousands to make them on the similar crisp/blur level) For Strike Fighters 2. This mod is yet to be released. This video is recorded in the "auto play" mode with no player involved.
  40. 1 point
    A bit of Su-24 Advance: Now it looks like a Fencer Elevons are completed now Bumps and lumps for the tail still on the to-do's The pain... i mean... the landing gear is started Corrected windshield glass Aft fuselage is added detail More polys for the main landing gear doors, the insides are still to be made Shape is beautiful! Hope you have patience guys... It will be worth!!!
  41. 1 point

    Version 2.1


    F-4K/M/J United Kingdom pack Included: - F-4K - F-4K_75 - F-4K_78 - F-4K_80 - F-4M - F-4M_75 - F-4M_80 - F-4J_UK - F-4J_UK_85 - some new weapons Animation / Function - Canopy - Hook - Air Refuel - Wing fold ______________ excludes F-4J(UK) - Brake Chute____________ works with the Air Brake below 150kts, excludes F-4J(UK) NOTE: This mod replaces existing TW and TMF aircrafts , please remove the existing folders before installing this mod , the existing skins / textures will no longer fit !!!! NOTE: RAF SUU-23/A Pod rounds are HEI with no tracer. The RAF does not use tracer rounds in any of its cannon armed fighters from WWII to today. NOTE: 1980 is the incorrect date for the F-4K/M to be fitted with Chaff/Flare. This is corrected to 1985 and done in a way that will not interfere with any campaigns etc. Hangar and Loading screens are in 1920 x 1080 Installation: - Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack and overwrite if ask to. There are two parts to this pack. - If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce! Credits: - original models by TW , BPAO , RavenClaw_007, Sundowner - cockpits from TW modified & corrected by myself (dtmdragon) - F-4 cockpit Missile Status mod by crusader - new updated model , textures and weapons by ravenclaw_007 & Sundowner - new updated aircraft, weapon and pilot textures by myself (dtmdragon) - fake pilot F-4J spine antenna and F-4K/M chaff/flare by ravenclaw_007 - data.ini overhaul, update, standardization by myself (dtmdragon) - B57 Nuclear bomb original model by GKABS - original F-4J(UK) mod and serials by Wrench


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