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Showing most liked content on 06/06/2024 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    Next, the A-6A late improved to the same standard as the newly uploaded A-6A Early.
  2. 6 points
    SAAB/IAI J-35I D'rakon, 170th Squadron "The Orange Tails", 1971 There was already a israeli Draken from me, but I decided to redo it.
  3. 4 points
    I made some remarks to show which recon pod belongs to East Germans and which to the Polish. It could be, that the polish pods based on UB-32 pod, while the east german pods were modified UB-16.
  4. 4 points
    The F1M is the next one on our to do list.
  5. 3 points
    Block 10 - check tailplane size, the enlarged version that came with Block 15 has more area on the leading edge too and not only the bigger trailing edge This (large-area leading edge) is wrong on the TW F-16A, iirc - fuselage pylon, there are two - 1 for tank/bombs, a shorter and shallower pylon for ECM pods (missing on all F-16's iirc) - wing weapons pylons - only 1 type (size/shape) for all 4 wing positions (the short one on the model is correct) The longer pylon presently on the innermost position is for large 600 370 Gal tanks - both tank and pylon are jettisoned as one unit EDIT large 600 Gal tanks have their own pylon, its a export F-16C thing - Block 10/15 have only the 2 rearmost C/F dispeners, not the 2 extra on the LH side
  6. 3 points
    Mirage F1 EE with AN/ALR-300 RWR is uploaded and will be available soon The preview
  7. 2 points
    Well, that is most interesting. I was not aware that other air forces also created locally and used recon pods based on the UB-16 rocket pod. I guess that was some Warsaw pact sharing of ideas and experience
  8. 2 points
    that is what i have now for the F-16A_B10 , let me know if i missed something
  9. 2 points
    I took together some pics / infos about recce pods on 21s:
  10. 2 points
    Looks impressive.
  11. 2 points

    Version 4.0.0


    Mirage F1EE_ALR This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him. In June 1975, with tension growing with Morocco, Spain decided to strengthen its Air Force and bought 15 Mirage F1C that were allocated to Albacete AB. In mid-1976 there was still some tension with Morocco and Algerian and Libyan MiG-25 flights on the Mediterranean, which would lead the Spanish Air Force to purchase ten more Mirage F1C and two years later order 48 Mirage F1C and F1E. F1EE_ALR specifics: Same as EE_Late except: - RWR AN/ALR-300 installed instead of RWR BF - 6 aircraft were modified Covered units : Ala 14. This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F-1 Team.
  12. 2 points
    The updated A-6A Early has been uploaded please don't forget to delete the old install before adding the new files.
  13. 1 point
    The small fin sensors on the pitot tube are AoA sensors of the aiming device for the gun. Since the MiG-21RF had had no gun, so they were useless, thatswhy the "clean" pitot tube. The small wing pods, you mention, are a good argument. But the wings are interchangable between MiG-21 versions. In the LSK (East German Air Force) we had exactly one MiG-21UM with the wings of the MiG-21MF (2 hardpoints each wing), while all other Sparkas had 1 hardpoint per wing. What me makes thinking, that teh egyptian MiG-21RF are modified MiG-21MF is the engine. They had R-13F-300 engines. The guy, who made the upper photo said, that he was able, during his visit in the ukrainian repar facility in Odessa, to have a look in the engine tube and he realized, that it was a R-13, not an R-11. IIRC, i have heared, that it was nearly impossible to fit a R-13 in the fuselage of a MiG-21 of the first and second generation, because parts of the engine were located at other positions. And the MiG-21R was a plane of the second MiG-21 generation. On the other hand the egyptians were tricky guys. Perhaps they have found a way to make the impossible possible. It's confusing.
  14. 1 point
    Very nice. Any chance for upgraded Mirage F1EM VI, or private fleet - 63 Dassault fighter jets that were acquired by Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC) ?
  15. 1 point
    Hi, Very good job ! Thanks
  16. 1 point
    RF-4C Phantoms of the 26th TRW in the '70s and early '80s (list based on my photo collection): 68-0565 SEA Camo 1978 Jun 17th TRS 68-0566 SEA Camo 1975 Jun 17th TRS 68-0567 SEA Camo 1978 Jun 17th TRS 68-0568 SEA Camo 1978 Jun 17th TRS 68-595 SEA Camo 1980 Jun 38th TRS (probably w/ 17th TRS previously) 68-596 SEA Camo 1979 Jun 38th TRS 68-599 WrapAround 1981 Jun 38th TRS 68-0600 WrapAround 1982 Sept 38th TRS 68-0602 SEA Camo 1979 Jul 38th TRS 69-350 SEA Camo 1979 Jun 38th TRS 69-360 SEA Camo 1983 Mar 38th TRS 69-361 SEA Camo 1979 Jul 38th TRS 69-365 SEA Camo 1980 May 38th TRS 69-366 SEA Camo '70s 38th TRS 69-367 WrapAround 38th TRS 69-373 SEA Camo 1979 Jul-Aug 38th TRS *69-374 SEA Camo 1978 Jun No sqn markings *69-374 SEA Camo 1981 Jan 38th TRS 72-152 WrapAround 1978 Jun 38th TRS (probably the 1st WrapAround) 68-558 SEA Camo 1973 Aug No sqn markings 68-564 SEA Camo 1976 Aug No sqn markings 69-364 SEA Camo 1978 Jul No sqn markings, probably 17th TRS 69-372 SEA Camo 1977 Jun No sqn markings 69-370 SEA Camo 1974 Sep No sqn markings, probably 17th TRS Note: 17th TRS inactivated on 1 Jan 1979.
  17. 1 point
    From Wikipedia: MiG-21RF (Izdeliye 94RA; NATO "Fishbed-H") Egyptian designation for MiG-21R aircraft which had been locally modified by permanently mounting the cameras in a fairing under the nose. 16 or 18 planes were modified, the R11F2-300 turbojet, the pitot was moved to the right and no AoA vanes were present. Look at the side air sensor, inherited from the PFM series All R models were configured in this way BUT and yes, a big BUT Quoting Wikipedia again: MiG-21RF (Izdeliye 96R; NATO "Fishbed-H") Not to be confused with the Egyptian local designation "MiG-21RF." This designation was used after some MiG-21Rs were upgraded with R13-300 engines as in the MiG-21MF. So, this is a yes and a no on all previous statements and we will be more confused Now I will have another version to be made hahahahahahahahahaahhaha
  18. 1 point
    Me boy a bajar del barco por un tiempo ,tengo que mudar mi PC a Windows 10 y no se que resultará de este cambio, solo espero que no me de problemas. Esto es en lo que estaba trabajando, y mi tiempo para esto ya se cuenta en minutos en lugar de horas como en otros tiempos.
  19. 1 point
    Trying out in the famous 354th. One mission down, took a bunch of hits but brought her home. Mission complete but my terrible dive bombing run continued and I hit nothing. I was plum on the rear of a lone MiG-17 with a clean aircraft and a speed advantage, but as it was over Cat Bi I thought better of it and stayed on the deck with the burner plugged in.
  20. 1 point
    ...up ahead's another town....... that I'll go walking through With the rain in my shoes (rain in my shoes) Searching for you In the cold Kentucky rain
  21. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Two skin for F-80C by "ErikGen", 16th FIS and 36th FBS during Korean War -Skin in 4K DDS -New normal map -New specular map -New texture damage Extract Zip file contents in your mod folder and play ! Thanks you very much "Geary" for your templates !!
  22. 1 point
    well i try on the research everything in red is placed there by text on website, not a book (which i feel is less likely for errors) or pic i know, it stayed the same for Euro 1 too
  23. 1 point
    Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the entire BMS development team, I am happy to announce that the latest iteration of the Microprose Falcon 4.0 total conversion modification - Benchmark Sims 4.37 U4 - is available for you to enjoy RIGHT NOW! BMS 4.37 U4 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message. DISCLAIMER: Please make sure to have a clean base (no installed mods) before update… For those of you who are new to Falcon and still need a legacy Falcon 4.0 license, you’re lucky, as there are various season sales going on. Retroism GOG If you have already installed BMS 4.37 Full Installer you will need to launch the “updater.exe” in Falcon BMS root folder (or from the new launcher). Alternatively, you can use the offline incremental installer available on the Falcon BMS Download page. This mod may not be used for any commercial purposes. Any such use may constitute a violation of the intellectual property of Tommo Inc and the non-commercial Terms and Conditions under which Benchmark Sims make this mod available to you. After the update, when starting BMS, the version string in the BMS UI will now read: FALCON BMS 4.37.4 (X64) BUILD 2355 A big THANK YOU to everyone in the BMS development team and to the gents from Microprose and Tommo who made this release possible! Changelog: https://www.falcon-bms.com/changelogs/falcon-bms-4-37-4/ (Text from BMS)
  24. 1 point
    Oh, soooooo funny! Be well brother!! Update on the F-13 Peek-A-Boo Cannon! Airbrakes still WIP
  25. 1 point
    Here in the U.S., it is the day after Memorial Day. Still fresh in my mind is remembering and reflecting on the ultimate sacrifices made. And another reminder of how important it is to set aside our differences, and unify our thoughts and prayers around a common purpose. And then each year as Summer heats up, it gets me re-energized around Vietnam as the August Gulf of Tonkin anniversary comes around that escalated everything. And all that got me thinking… The old glory days of widespread Vietnam interest have faded away, and today a much smaller and fragmented approach remains. In my humble opinion, while individual projects and personal initiatives arise that are commendable, it no longer makes sense to continue to stand-up siloed projects. We have eBurger’s legendary SF2V Air & Ground War, YAP and Revamped YAP, When Thunder Rolled, Capun’s Vietnam creations, individual project efforts and more. Every one of these projects for various reasons have decided to “go at it alone” with a select group of participants and insiders. And yet every one of them is re-creating the same things over and over again; offering different flavors/versions like the terrain, aircraft, ground objects, etc. Can we consider a new and perhaps better approach this year? I would like to propose joining forces and the unification of all these projects. Bringing together, where it makes sense and is mutually agreeable, all available Vietnam project components, assets and team talents for those willing. And we set a new quality and ethical baseline, a fresh start, collaborating to ensure we use only purified assets - those that have received proper permission and credit. This ethical approach not only honors the original creators but also upholds the integrity of the new unified vision. One initial plan and consideration could be to deliver the project in phases. Starting with the most important aspects of the war, obviously for me that is Operation Rolling Thunder. And then expand to cover additional campaigns/strategies such as the Tet Offensive, Lam Son 719, and more. Along the way we expand and cover what is needed – such as supporting/major helo operations (LZ X-Ray a must), Search and Rescues including BAT 21 Bravo, Recon aircraft such as Bird Dogs over the A Shau Valley and more. We compare assets, we leverage what is best available from across the projects and where appropriate create a trusted sharing arrangement. And it’s done in a controlled and manageable “piece by piece” approach broadening out the scope covering more and more aspects of the war. I don't have all the answers on the nitty gritty how and what about this, or what about that - I'm just trying to first assess the possibility and potential interest. Let me also say, that I have been blessed and trusted by many modders with literally countless source files, permissible contributions and assets related to Vietnam. Being a Vietnam fanatic, I have meaningful relationships in some capacity with every one of these separate Vietnam-era projects underway, including all project leaders. I am already reaching out to them to further explore this idea and others as well. In full transparency, having access to and being a major contributor to the When Thunder Rolled project opens up incredible new options and considerations no longer exclusively payware and many more options for freeware and donation-based approaches. For example, instead of creating yet another terrain foundation, perhaps the WTR terrain that already included the ground-breaking original/enhanced version with rail lines, Ho Chi Minh trails, NVA camps and countless other details could simply be leveraged - and then simply enhanced for accuracy and "updated" vs. having to “do it all over again.” Obviously just one example, but when scaled to the entire scope of possible assets becomes a major accelerator to enhancing Vietnam-era assets with better options available today. I am wondering if we could set aside and work through our past and differences, and look towards a different future. By coming together and unifying our efforts, we can combine the best of our resources, talents, and ideas. This unity not only becomes a rallying point, but also fosters a sense of community and love for a shared purpose among all participants. We can create a cohesive and powerful tribute that far surpasses anything we could achieve alone. Could this be a possibility; what are your thoughts?
  26. 1 point
    I will be uploading two new updates to the A-6A models with a lot of improvements thanks to yakarov79 for his work and assistance in springing this update.
  27. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Royal Danish Air Force F-86D Sabre Dog Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) Install: Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination. A fake pilot mod is required. The mod requires new fuel tanks that are added to the mod In the game under a prefix. KDF. * you will find F-86D Sabre Dog * Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet A brand new model, All skins are in 4096x /3072x format based on new templates. You can easily resize as needed. All serial numbers are historically correct for specific squadrons/years of service in the Danish Air Force. Check weapon names in loadout.ini and sounds to match your files. This model along with previous F-86D mods uses a rocket gun tray, not the best solution, but unguided rockets perhaps would not be better - but if you have a way to make it work, please share knowledge. There is an additional "weapon" - tacan antenna so that it can appear on airframes after 1960. It is not a weapon, nor does anything, just a 'feature' Credits. Model, mambo jumbo-like skins, decals - yakarov79 The model is based more or less on Zur's 86H which was provided by Wrench. No animal was harmed during the creation of this mod. Weapons. I have added Ravenclaw's AIM-9B although all of you for sure have this, Have fun. Report bugs. * Expect the unexpected. Live long and prosper. Jarek Hereda THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. UNDER THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. It's not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..
  28. 1 point
    As I am doing this with no specific order... MiG-21F and F-13 Cannon will be added later New gear doors Small diameter wheels and wheel bays And yes, I am working on the other versions too, completing the skins...
  29. 1 point
    Thank you ravenclaw looks brilliant, I now have enoigh bombs to finish the mission
  30. 1 point
    Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition is a collection of the entire Strike Fighters 2 series including 5 games, 2 expansion packs, and 29 DLCs all in one single, easy-to-install package! The package includes: • Strike Fighters 2 • Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam • Strike Fighters 2 Europe • Strike Fighters 2 Israel • Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic • Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 • Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2 • All 29 Strike Fighters 2 DLCs Player Flyable Aircraft • A-4A/B/C/E/F/G/H/K/L Skyhawk • A-7A/B/C/D/E/H/P Corsair II • A-10A Thunderbolt II • F-100A/C/D Super Sabre • F-105D Thunderchief • F-4B/C/D/E/EJ/F/J/K/M/N Phantom II • F-8C/D/E/E(FN)/H/J/K Crusader • F-14A Tomcat • F-15A Eagle/Baz • F-16A Netz • Harrier GR.1/3 • Hunter F.1/2/4/5/6/50/58/FGA.9/73 • Kfir C1/C2/F-21A • Lightning F.1/2/3/6 • Meteor F.8 • Mirage IIIC/CJ/CZ/EL/O • Mirage 5BA • Mystere IVA • Nesher • P-51D Mustang System Requirements OS: Windows 7/Vista Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz Memory: 4.0 GB RAM Hard Drive: 10.0 GB free space Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 10 Please note this is a repackaging of the single items into one bundle - there are no changes as known. Also still officially only Win 7/Vista. https://store.thirdwire.com/project_sf2_complete.htm You can get this Complete Edition for free if you've already purchased all the products listed above! Request Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition for FREE!


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