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Strike Fighters 2 Series by Thirdwire

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All SF2 Series Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. MiG-29M_SF2_2018

      MiG-29M SF2 EAF
      El MiG-29M, representa la culminación en la modernización de los viejos MiG-29C. Presentada en la década del 80', como una alternativa a las nuevas versiones del F-16, integra mejora en aviónica, y sistema de radar, se define como un caza completamente polivalente.  La mejora de aviónica y radar aporta una serie de complemento al sistema de armas, nuevo armamento y mejor operación de la aeronave. 
      Este paquete integra un MiG-29M, con los skins de uno de sus países propietarios, Egipto.
      Agradecimientos a The Mirage Factory por el modelo prestado para dicha upgrade. Gracias a combatACE por permitirme subir este modelo.
      Preguntas y consultas dirigirse a Kaiser1.

      The MiG-29M represents the culmination of the modernization of the old MiG-29C. Presented in the decade of the 80's, as an alternative to the new versions of the F16, integrates improvement in avionics, and radar system, is integrated as a fully versatile fighter. The improvement of avionics and radar provides a series of complements to the weapons system, new weapons and better operation of the aircraft.
      This package integrates a MiG-29M, with the skins of one of its owner countries, Egypt.
      Thanks to The Mirage Factory for the model provided for this upgrade.  Thanks combatACE for allowing me to upload this model.
      Questions and queries go to Kaiser1.
      Colocar la carpeta MiG-29M en StrikeFighters2/Objects/Aircraft.
      Place the MiG-29M folder in StrikeFighters2 / Objects / Aircraft.


         (0 reviews)



    2. SF2 F-19 USAF black & green camo

      Here's my black and green camo skin for Julhelm's F-19 'Ghostrider' a.k.a. 'Flying Frisbee'. It is based ont the description of F-19 form Tom Clancy's novel titled "Red Storm Rising" in which it was depicted as black and green. You need to download and install the aircraft first to run the skins, it's available here: 
      Julhelm - aircraft  
      Read the Knowledge Base to learn how to install this mod. No item included in this mod can be distributed as payware. You can use the contents of this mod in accordance with Combatace Freeware License.


         (0 reviews)



    3. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

      Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2
      -    Made flyable with the MLD cockpit and avionics available here at CA by Stary 
      -    Leading edge flaps fixed to now automatically deploy during manoeuvring as they did on the MLD with the type 3 wing.
      -    Radar data and performance is corrected from the S-23MLA radar to the S-23MLA-II radar as fitted in the MLD.
      -    KDS-23 countermeasure dispenser installed in the centreline drop tank pylon. This is a 12 shot chaff/ flare countermeasure dispenser that could be used once the drop tank had been jettisoned.
      -    Ejection seat (from ODS mod) and more suitable pilot added.
      -    Canopy can be opened and closed.
      -    Primary and secondary roles expanded to reflect the evolution of the MLD version of the MiG-23 into a more multi role fighter platform.
      -    Loadouts enhanced and corrected. Some Afghanistan specific ones added.
      -    Used of Kh-25M air-to-surface missile and datalink pod added.
      -    Fuselage AA-8 positions corrected.
      -    Removed ECM jammer.
      -    Updated weapons from the RSSW 099 mod.
      -    Various Soviet- Afghan war skins added.
      Drop into your main mods folder to install, OVER-RIDE!!!
      CombatAce fair agreement applies.


         (3 reviews)



    4. Helicopters flight model

      Package contains 6 helicopters with new FLIGHT MODEL made by me:
      AH-1F_90 by yakarov79
      AH-1J_80 by yakarov79
      AH-64A by yakarov79
      CH-53D_82 by yakarov79
      Mi-8T by Marcfighters
      UH-1H by yakarov79
      Before install backup yout older files.
      All helicopters comes as separate install with all needed files (weapons, decals etc).
      I need more testers and more informations to finish this project.
      They will be part of bigger ODS 30 Anni helicopters pack.
      I added temporary CAS mission for Mi-8, to test AI attacks.
      Apache is using Helfires in fake pods, cause AI don't like guided missiles.
      You must rearm player helicopter for normal missiles before mission to have TV screen active.
      Pls, test these models and tell me your opinions.
      READ ME.txt


         (3 reviews)



    5. Turkish Bayraktar TB2 UCAV

      Hello, and thank you for downloading my work.
      What's included:
      Bayraktar TB2 is a Turkish medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) model. this come with 6 Texutes (Azerbaijan, Morocco, Poland, Qatar, Turkey and Ukraine)
      All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file, (.old) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2)
      Copy files to their proper folder
      If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at:
      Version 1.0.3
      Improve the FM and removed VTOl from the hud display. Thanks to Coupi.
      Version 1.0.2
      Updated the data file thanks to yakarov79's help in showing me how to fix it. now the camera and the laser are working searching around for targets.
      You are allowed to, use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike Fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission.
      Credit goes to the following:
      Third Wire for making this outstanding game.
      Coupi for his early trying to work on the model and testing and for making the promo screenshots 
      compufat for working on all textures for the TB2 (except the Turkish one) and for making the decals and testing the model.
      guuruu for making the all FM files, also for making the UMTAS Missile and Rail, and for reworking the UVW for the two missiles MAM-C and L.  Thank you so much for all the time spent making this model come to life.
      Zurawski for using his outstanding MQ-10A Kodiak cockpit
      Credit goes to https://www.textures.com as I use a lot of their photos to create the skins.
      Google for some photos and information.
      And finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game.
      Software used:
      3d Max 2009
      UVLayout v2 Pro
      Substance Painter
      Adobe Photoshop

      If you need any assistance, please contact me at 


         (4 reviews)



    6. Charlie Vipers on Guard Part 2: Block 30s in the 90s

                   Charlie Vipers on Guard
                   Part 2: Block 30s in the 90s
      This mod is the second of three to represent the various versions of the F-16C/D in US Air National Guard service during the 1990s. It was a busy time with potential conflicts in Korea and active operations ongoing over Iraq and the Balkans. This mod aims to show the
      units as they were at that time. Included is a  F-16D Block 30 modified from the Aggressor F-16D to cover the two seaters in each unit that had them.

      Team Viper F-16C Block 30
      Modified Team Viper F-16D Block 30
      various period specific weapons and pilots
      various ini edits to match the era
      new hangar and loading screens
      NOTE: The D models have very few serial numbers to each unit. most units only had one or two family models. the best use for these is to add on as a member of a flight of single seaters. The load outs are the same so you will be able to load teh same weapons.
      LOADING SCREEN NOTE: I will be including various loading screens with the diferent packs available. In the F-16C_B30.iniyou will find these lines
      installing this mod will have default loading screen with the New Jersey ANG aircraft. if you already had a different version and prefer that one, simply remove the "//" from the one you want and add to the one without.

      Viper Team                                  F-16C Blocks 30
      Viper Team/daddyairplanes     F-16D Block 30 (derived from the F-16D_B30_Aggressor)
      killerbee331                                original weapons pack that many armaments are drawn from here
      malibu43                                     2_LAU-88 mod to carry 4 Maverick rather than 6
      daddyairplanes                          skins, tga work, much research, various ini edits, new TW inspired loading screens
      test team                                    NightshadeP/R, allenjb42, Niels, bigstone, Wrench, Coupi

      I hope you enjoy this mod as much as I enjoyed researching and creating it
      aka Kevin Unruh
      27 Aug 2022
      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.


         (1 review)



    7. Valkyrie VF3

      This package represents an vf1 Valkyrie from the macross / robotech series
      contains the plane with 6 skins, the pilot, weapons and some sounds
      I did not homologate the simulator's common weapons, only the specific weapons that I created for the model were tested
      we have the missiles:
      AMM-1-ARROW air air all aspect
      RMS-1 nuclear warhead air to destroy zentraedi cruisers
      RMS-2 ground air with nuclear warhead
      the GU-11-55 cannon has a caliber of 55mm (if you read correctly)
      It has a great range but it also has a great kick
      the plane is a plane, it is not a robot it cannot be transformed into a guardian
      el piloto es el modelo de la pelicula macroos recuerdas el amor.
      I had planned to create the characters of the series but unfortunately every day it becomes more difficult for me to finish projects to be able to share them with you, it would be a great help if you followed me on my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8BqDDMdd -Xv4nvCnU2rXyw
       I could justify the time invested to my wife hahahaha. 
      excuse my bad english the text is translated by google translator


         (2 reviews)



    8. Su-9/11 Cockpit fix and upgrade

      Su - 9/11 cockpit  by Stary small fix ("as is", more realistic).
      1."PKI" gunsight (with static reticle).
      2.Radar/weapon lights indicators only (no HUD).
      3.Realistic Cyrillic Markings/Words analogs (non full complete).
      Thanks this great cockpits autor (Stary).


         (0 reviews)



    9. MirageIIIV Minor update.

      Version 2.0
      Mirage III V Very Minor update, which corresponds to the actual description of the aircraft.
      Flight model & main aircraft data not changed, left as is (as the author, very careful takeoff/landing control is required).
      1.Main engine update (Added Afterburner / Effects).
      2.Cockpit/ Avionics.(In my opinion, since this is still a prototype aircraft).
      3.Default Loadouts.
      Thanks Plane Authors.


         (0 reviews)



    10. Ukrainian Air Force Su-27P /HARMed Version

      An Ukrainian Air Force Su-27P according to Twitter pictures.
      The green radar fairing, the black fake cockpit pattern on the bottom used to confuse the enemy, and the old debris camouflage are its characteristics.
      In the leaked image, this Su-27 is carrying the American-made AGM-88 anti-radiation missile, just like the Mig-29 on the media platform earlier.
      This mod is based on SU-27 Flanker 1.1.0 by torno, who graciously allowed me to package the mod in its entirety and upload it here. In this mod, in addition to quoting the original decals, I used the template provided by the original author to redraw, and also adjusted the engine data and weapon pylon data of the original mod to be more realistic and compatible with AGM88. Hope you guys like it.
      P.S.  Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who provides exquisite LAU-118 rail resource.
      Copy Objects folders into your SF2 main folder


         (1 review)



    11. Fly as a Wingman

      This edit in the original file allows you to fly as if you were the wingman of the formation.
      You continue to be the leader, and giving orders to the rest of the squad, but flying as the right wing, giving the radio command 1-8-6.
      To return to the original formation, just perform the radio command 1-8-3.
      I like it, because I like flying as a wingman and "inserting" myself into the maneuvers and following the "leader", giving more immersion to the flight.
      You just need to be careful when flying with nations where the pilots have "poor skills", as during the maneuvers the "leader" can spread and collide with you.
      In this case, before the "action begins", I suggest giving the command 1-8-1 so that he moves away so that a collision does not occur.
      Don't forget to make a backup of your original file in case you want to revert!

      V 1.0.1
      Greetings and check six!


         (1 review)



    12. MY MENU

      Menu screens for Strike Fighters 2 (1024 x 768), created for myself!!!
      This is a set of images only, no ini files or changes.
      Just drag and drop, copy or paste, the files into your mod folder structure, as defined.
      Default location, for Vista and Seven is: C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.
      Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
      Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
      Anything I forgot to mention is purely unintentional!!!
      10 Nov 2013


         (3 reviews)



    13. Top Gun Music Theme for SF2 Series

      Tested with Strike Fighters 2 series; should work with SF1 series via manual install.
      This music theme was originally designed for Falcon BMS 4.32, but arguably better fits SF2 North Atlantic from a thematic standpoint.
      This mod takes Harold Faltermeyer's music from the 1986 Paramount film "Top Gun" and applies it thematically to the different UI screens. The music was ripped from the film and processed by CamelBlue, but in some cases the removal of dialog resulted in muted music or inconsistent volume. In these cases, I mixed in the audio track of the F-14s shooting down the Libyan MiG-23's over the Gulf of Sidra. This mix worked better than I had hoped possible.
      Now all we need is for somebody to mod the MiG-28...or perhaps an F-5 skin ;).
      Easy Installation (no other existing menu mod)
      Copy the included Menu folder into your SF2 mods folder
      Manual Installation (existing menu mod)
      In most cases, I used the same name of the existing theme, so you can just insert the WAV files into your [sF2 Mods]\Menu folder. There are some exceptions noted below:
      Replace the BackgroundMusic line with "BackgroundMusic=CreditsScreen.wav" (sans quotes) in the following files:

      Replace the BackgroundMusic line with "BackgroundMusic=Planning.wav" (sans quotes) in the following files:

      Replace the BackgroundMusic line with "BackgroundMusic=CampaignScreen.wav" (sans quotes) in the following files:

      [4. Optional Enhancements]
      I have another mod that reduces the size of the object icons on the planning map and makes them semi-transparent in order to see the map beneath the units. Since this mod also makes changes to the PLANNINGMAPSCREEN.INI, I have included this mod as an optional installation. If you copy these files to your [sF2 Mods]\Menu folder, then you will have both the Top Gun Music Theme and the new map icons working together.
      [5. Future Compatibility Issues]
      In the effort to minimize the size of this mod, I used the some of the same files across multiple menus. This means that in order to ensure compatibility with future official SF2 patches, you may need to extract the ini files listed in the previous section from the MenuData.CAT file and compare the files to ensure compatibility. You can quickly find my changes in the sections bracketed by //.
      Likewise, you can always copy and rename the WAV files to match the default WAV filenames in order to ensure compatibility for future patches.
      [6. Additional Information]
      The debrief sound files are not listed in an INI from the Menu folder, but rather are listed by nation in the NATIONS.INI file. This means that even if you decide to remove this mod, you could If you wish rename the existing debrief music files and allow them to be played for the U.S. Navy. The updated section in your NATIONS.INI should read:

      [Nation003] <...> DebriefSuccessMusic=[RenamedDebriefSuccess].wav DebriefFailMusic=[RenamedDebriefFail].wav DebriefKilledMusic=[RenamedDebriefKilled].wav <...>
      For support, please post in this File Announcement thread at CombatAce.


         (2 reviews)



    14. Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2

      **********************Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2*********************
      Original for SF1 series came without the ReadME so I'll have to improvise a bit:
      1. CREDITS
      Original creators of this excellent mod for SF series are:
      Insky group (www.Insky.cn)
      Erwin_Hans and others...
      Just extract into your MOD folder, everything is thoroughly tested and 100% working!
      3. A BIT ABOUT THIS VERY INTERESTING MACHINE(with help of wiki and other sources)
      The J-10 is a multi-role combat aircraft capable of all-weather day/night operation.
      J-10 was designed by the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (CADI), a subordinate research institute of Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAIC).
      J-10 is aerodynamically unstable design, a digital quadruplex-redundant fly-by-wire flight control system aids the pilot in flying the aircraft. It features a full glass cockpit and is equiped with three MFD's providing the information to the pilot.
      On top of that Pilot is aided by helmet-mounted display (HMD) system, making J-10 and even more dangerous modern dogfighter!
      As for the electronics, J-10 is equiped with internal ECM suite which can be supplemented by active jammer pods such as the BM/KG300G carried externally on the aircraft's hardpoints. Additionally, the KZ900 signals intelligence (SIGINT) pod can be carried for reconnaissance missions.
      It also packs a Chineese designed and produced IRST "Type Hongguang-I" which has a maximum range of 75 km.
      Radar info I was looking for was not quite detailed so all I found out was this:
      "CAC revealed that the J-10 is equipped with an indigenous fire-control radar featuring a mechanically slewed planar array antenna, capable of tracking 10 targets and engaging 2 (using semi-active radar-homing AAM) or 4 (using active radar-homing AAM) of them simultaneously. Possibly based on Russian or Israeli technologies, the radar is believed to be comparable to the early 1990s-era Western fighter radar designs. Alternatively the J-10 could be fitted with a range of fire-control radar introduced by Russian, Israeli, and European manufacturers on its export variant."
      The engine J-10A is currently using is Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FN, it's pretty much the same thing as AL-31F only while F is meant for two engine use, FN is specifically set for single engine usage.
      Later it is suspected that J-10 will use domestic WS-10A (WoShan-10A) Taihang turbofan engine giving a thrust of 129 kN
      The aircraft's internal armament consists of a 23 mm twin-barrel cannon, located underneath the port side of the intake. Other weaponry and equipment is mounted externally on 11 hardpoints, to which around 4,500 kg (9,900 lb) of weaponry such as missiles and bombs, drop-tanks containing fuel and other equipment such as avionics pods can be attached.
      A2A missiles:
      PL-8 - basically this is Israeli Python3 missile so don't count on having it easy in combat with it especially since J-10A is highly manouverable
      PL-11 - SAHM basically a copy of Italian ASPIDE missile which is in turn a version of AIM-7
      PL-12 - a very nasty AHM missile comparable to AIM-120 and R-77
      For more detailed info check:
      For Chineese missiles and equipment info check
      Anyway in the end I seriously like this plane and Insky group made a really, REALLY good job on it so...enjoy


         (5 reviews)



    15. F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2

      9 Apr 2011
      F/A-18A, A+ and C for Strike Fighters 2 Generation Sims
      wikipedia link :
      SFP1 Model Credits
      3D : Flying Toaster
      Mapping, SFP1 import : BPAo
      Base Textures : Column5
      VMFA-122 Markings : USAFMTL
      FM : Column5
      3D : Flying Toaster/BPAo
      Textures : BPAo, HUD from Kesselbrut
      Effects : BPAo
      Converted to SF2Gen: Spectre[8750]
      Pilot : Thirdwire
      Texture : Diego
      3D : BPAo
      Textures : Column5
      Test Team
      Camouflage, Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Column5, Tom Venom, USAFMTL
      Aircraft, Sounds, Effects and Weapons install Plug and Play.
      Just drop contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder.
      Hope You Enjoy it!
      Released: 15,Sep,2009
      Updated: 18,Sep 2009
      Added AN/ASS-38 Laser Pod, reworked the cockpit.
      Fixed Station 2 showing up right, Thanks EricJ.
      Updated: 22,Sep 2009
      Moved ATFLIR to intended location for this aircraft. Using the
      Left Sparrow Station. Supposed to be an Adapter Plate for Pod
      but best i could do for now.
      Also changed Loadout a little and included all weapons and
      changed the Pilot Skin out as he was beginning to smell.
      Also added Cockpit Animation for 1 slot. Default is SHIFT+1.
      Updated: 26,Sep 2009
      ATFLIR With Adapter has now been Added. Now it Looks more
      proper Thanks To EricJ and FastCargo.
      Fixed and cleaned up the Cockpit, now Ground Mode works.
      Added VFA-131 Skin and GEF404 Engine Sound and a new USNWind
      sound with background Radio Chatter from the Desert Storm Mod.
      Not sure who orig did it but sounds good. Thanks.
      Also Added Patch for USMC VMFA-122 Crusaders Skin.
      Updated: 10,May 2010
      Updated Avionics.ini and the F-18_Effects.ini so effects and
      cockpit work with December 2009 update.
      Also updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
      Added: DestroyedModel DestroyedEffect to the Data.INI File.
      Adjusted Gun sites.
      Cleaned up Hangar and Loading Screens.
      Updated: 15,July 2010
      Updated Effects.
      Added DDS Damage Textures.
      Updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
      DestroyedModel needs to be in the \Aircraft root Dir.
      Updated UserList.
      Updated Screens to JPG's
      Added Loadout.TGA.
      Updated FlightData.INI
      Changed AntiShipping to AGM-84E Harpoon In LOADOUT.INI and
      included weapon.
      Updated: 25,October 2010
      Updated Cockpit.
      Updated Effects.
      Updated the RWR.lst file.
      Updated FlightData.INI
      Added Flight Dir Files needed for RADAR detection.
      Updated: 14,December 2010
      Updated Cockpit MFD Texture.
      Updated Effects and Sounds. Delete old F-18Effects INI's.
      Updated the RWR.lst file.
      Updated FlightDATA.INI
      Updated RWR_?.TGA's
      Fixed TWS scan Distance.
      Enhanced Wheel Texture Appearence.
      Added Skins.
      Added Squadronlist Sample info and full INI in the PilotData
      dir for optional use.
      Added sample Soundslist.ini in Flight Dir.
      Added AN/ASQ-173. Added "SpecificStationCode=F182" in the
      Weapon ASQ-173_DATA.INI file so Pods would switch during
      different dates. You will want to add it to other Aircrafts
      ?_DATA.INI at that station in other Aircraft like the
      F-14B_96 StationID=14 if you have it.
      Updated: 27,March 2011f
      Updated Data files.
      Updated Weapons.
      Updated Cockpit Cage Texture.
      Updated Gauges.
      Updated RWR_?.TGA's
      Changed F-18_DTV.TGA Texture.
      Moved Decals to proper Folder.
      Added Correct Files.
      Updated: 08,April 2011
      Added F/A-18A and A+.
      Updated Data files.
      Updated Weapons.
      Updated Landing Gear Data.
      The A models come with original skins plus
      the first USN and USMC Squadrons.
      Mirage Factory
      Flying Toaster
      Sony Tuckson
      TK and Thirdwire


         (14 reviews)



    16. HDR Mod 1.01A

      HDR mod for High end computers with high end Nvidia cards.


         (3 reviews)



    17. Dassault MD-450 Ouragan

      The Dassault M.D.450 Ouragan (French: Hurricane) is a French fighter-bomber
      developed and produced by Dassault Aviation. It has its origins in a private
      venture by Dassault to produce an all-French aircraft which would make use
      of jet propulsion, which subsequently would receive orders from the French
      Air Force.
      The Ouragan was operated by France, India, Israel and El Salvador.
      While in Israeli service, the type participated in both the Suez Crisis and
      the Six-Day War.
      This one of my first mods, made in 2009 (!) mostly assembling someone other
      work, updated in 2013 adding last SF-2 features.
      This is a complete remod. Each skin, but Patrouille de France is new, IAF
      serial numbers are brand new and historically accurate.
      Several IDF skins are brand new, based on Tom Cooper records.IDF Camos now are correct.
      Nothing could be done without Mue's Lod Viewer.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a "new" ouragan
      - 32 semi High Res Skins (14 AA; 12 IDF; 4 IAF; 2 FAS)
      - Historical serial numbers;
      - Pilot, sound, weapons;
      - Revised data, loudout.ini;
      OPTIONS (new):
      - 2 dedicated installs for IAF and IDF scenarios
      - Pasko: aircraft
      - Ordway: cockpit
      - Baffmeister: FM
      - Spillone104: RR Nene sound
      - Geary: templates
      - Tom Cooper: Wings over Sinai
      - Richard R. Caruana: decals sheets
      - paulopanz: skins, decals, ini tweakings
      - Key animation: 10 open autoclosing canopy
      - select the Ouragan you need (Generic, IDF, IAF)
      we have a lot of old but gold models to make shine before made new ones.
      Lets' make the planes we lack before redone these ones.
      @ paulopanz



         (6 reviews)



    18. Alternate 1986 Red Storm campaign for NATO Fighters 4+ Dec 2009 Patch and Beyond

      This will add DO's carrier to use with TMF new F-14 Tomcat mod. Also uses Kess's USS Tarawa LHA-1. For that it uses AV-8B DA. I made a Det of VMFA-542 of 4 AV-8B's to be launched from the USS Tarawa.
      You can get the Tomcat here.
      The LHA and carrier are already in the mod for you. The campaign files have been modified. Just install the F-14 yourself.
      To install:
      Extract to an empty folder on your desktop. Then drag and drop the files into your SF2:Europe NF4+ install and let it overwrite any and all files. *Caution* if you have a modded squadronlist.lst, back that up as it will overwrite yours.
      Only install this if you want carriers ops.
      Idea based on Kulbit80's mod in which I used his carrier coordinates.


         (3 reviews)



    19. Vietnam Era Sounds Mod Pack for SF2V

      This mod will add music and other surprises to your SF2V install. The goal is to ENHANCE your 1960's Air War Vietnam experience and provide a little historical background. A read me file for installation is provided. Enjoy and listen carefully for surprises....Hanoi Hannah may have something to say ....:)
      Tested on stand alone SF2V with the Gold Expansion Pack installed.


         (3 reviews)



    20. A/F-24 Shadowcat

      A/F-24 Shadowcat (AFX) for Strike Fighters 2
      After making the first attempt at modelling this concept, which ended up as the not-very-accurate F-24 Shadowcat for WOI, I decided to go back and, armed with a lot more research material and better workflow, redo the entire thing from the ground up as accurate as is possible with unbuilt concepts. It originally was to feature a new cockpit based on that of the A-12 Avenger II, but this turned out to look quite ugly ingame. I eventually found out that the real thing was to use cockpit displays from the F-22 for sakes of commonality, so I decided I might as well build a straight-down navalized F-22 cockpit for which a whole lot more reference material is available.
      Known Issues:
      The cockpit isn't 100% complete. I thought it was better to release something that's 99% complete and fix it later which I will as it was always part of the plan to adapt the cockpit back into a straight F-22 pit.
      For some reason all of your wingmen except #2 will tip over and crash on the taxiway. No idea why this happens. They all start fine from the carrier though.
      Models & textures by Julhelm
      FM by Fubar512
      Avionics by Jat
      As usual, these files may not be used in payware or otherwise tampered with and reposted without my consent which you may request at NilsD at bredband dot net.
      This message will self destruct in five seconds.


         (3 reviews)



    21. Desert Duel 1981: Paran vs Dhimar, no foreign forces

      Desert Duel:
      June 1, 1981. After the war in 1975, Dhimar has become the undisputed greater economic power in the region. With their increased wealth due to rising oil prices the Dhimari decide to invest in a stronger millitary to counter the ever-looming threat of their southern neighbors.
      Seeing that Dhimar is purchasing new advanced weaponry such as F-16 fighters and new Sidewinder "L" missiles, Paran launches a full scale attack on the Kingdom of Dhimar before they can continue the military buildup with stronger ground forces.
      Divisions of Parani troops and heavy armor are rolling north under a cloud of MiGs. The Dhimari military is scrambling to repel the onslaught. Their new hardware is about to be put to the ultimate test.
      Nothing groundbreaking or terribly creative here. This is a simple campaign, based on the stock Desert Fury campaign with mostly stock aircraft. I wanted a Paran vs Dhimar campaign with no foreign forces. Fly Dhimari aircraft including the MirageIII & 5, F-4E, A-4, F-16A, Kfir, Lightning and F-104. I've enjoyed playing this campaign, and maybe someone else will too.
      Requirements :
      StrikeFighters 2
      Strikefighters 2 Israel
      Strikefighters 2 Europe
      Optional: (included)
      Flyable F-104G, files by Thirdwire for SF1, thanks to Wrench for "how to" in Combatace.com forum.
      ...also, in my personal install I opened the .ini files for each Israeli aircraft and changed the names from the Hebrew to the American (ex. Netz to Falcon, Kurnass to Phantom, Nesher to Mirage5). It's really personal preference and just a suggestion.


         (3 reviews)



    22. AnatoliaProject_Version1.7z

      Anatolia v1 (03/26/2011) for SF2 Series by PureBlue (Umut Destan)
      This project has been in development for 3 years and is the fruit of long hours of
      research, design and implementation work. I've met great people along the way and
      they made many contributions to the project. I thank every one of them, my special
      appreciations go to, Steve "Swambast" who worked countless hours with me and developed
      STT (Swambast's Target Translator) which let me lay the foundation of this project;
      Stary, a great artist from Poland who is behind all the beautiful looks of the terrain;
      Dave and the CombatAce team for providing us the platform to meet and have fun.
      The project includes a large map covering Anatolia (Turkiye), Greece, Aegean, Black Sea, and eastern Med.
      The download also includes many ground and terrain objects, contributed by the talented modders in our
      community. It's essential to install all these components to get the complete experience.
      This project is designed for 2nd Gen SF2 series.
      Succesfully tested in SF2:Europe and above. (A merged EXP2 install is recommended but not a requirement.)
      There are 2 ways/methods to install this Mod.
      #1 An exclusive install just for this Mod.
      #2 Installing on top of the mod folder you already are using. (meaning, merging with your own install)
      *** The preferred method of install is the (1) exclusive install. Since there are many groundobjects,
      ships and air defense systems placed in handpicked locations, it's better to only use the objects that
      come with this projects' files. The included ones are the makes/models that Turkish and Greek sides have
      in their inventory. (As best as I could research and find appropriate mods for)
      1. Copy and Rename a set of your "game.exe and game.ini" files to "Anatolia.exe and Anatolia.INI"
      (eg. StrikeFighters2 Europe.exe and StrikeFighters2 Europe.INI)
      Run the newly renamed Anatolia.exe once, so you have a new Mod Folder.
      Check this link if you don't know what a ModFolder is. http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/
      2. Now go into your new ModFolder and delete the "Objects\GroundObject" folder.
      3. Time to copy the project files. Use Winrar or 7zip to extract the AnatoliaProject_Version1.7z to a temporary folder.
      Copy all included folders (Eg. Terrains, Objects, Flight etc.) into your ModFolder, overwrite if necessary.
      With this project, a terrain folder, groundobjects and their respective guns/weapons are included.
      With this method, you copy all included files to your already existing ModFolder.
      Use Winrar or 7zip to extract the AnatoliaProject_Version1.7z to a temporary folder.
      Copy all included folders (Eg. Terrains, Objects, Flight etc.) into your ModFolder, overwrite if necessary.
      With this project, a terrain folder, groundobjects and their respective guns/weapons are included.
      1. Everytime you load up the game. Run a quick single mission and quit without flying.
      All the successive SingleMission/Campaign games will work as designed and expected.
      (Why do this? Because the project includes many ground objects, seldomly the game engine has problems loading
      everything, so the first mission you load up will have many objects/ships missing from the map.
      The game does some kind of caching so after that first mission, everything will show!)
      2. If you don't have a powerfull computer, lower your settings to avoid crashes.
      If your game crashes or locks up at %100 LOAD, try running your first mission with Settings:
      -Enemy Air Activiy: LIGHT, Enemy Air Defense: LIGHT
      3. Two airfields are close to the MissionEditor edge limits of the map. Aktion and Diyarbakir airfields. If you
      are set to take off from these, the game will drop your cockpit in the stratosphere! and you won't be able to fly.
      Please reset your base or start in the air, if this happens. There wasn't much I can do fix this other than
      cancel their status.
      4. The Terrain has LimitedNations set the TRUE. So you'll only get aircraft with only Turkish and Greek markings.
      5. A specific Anatolia_EnvironmentSystem.INI is included and you can edit it to your liking.
      Take note that in the Environment file the clouds are set to a specific MinBaseAltitude to overcome the cloud bug.
      6. All included Guns/Weapons/Sounds are for the necessary ground objects. Nothing extra is included here.
      Without the GroundObjects and their respective files, the map will not look as designed.
      (For example, naval traffic in the Aegean, historical sam sites and navy/army bases)
      7. Most naval traffic in the Aegean Sea is classified as NEUTRAL. You can attack them but you can't order your
      wingman to do so. If you want, edit & classify the target areas as "Alignment=ENEMY" in the Anatolia_TARGETS.INI
      OTHER MODS TO ADD from 3rd Party Sites
      - OH_Perry FFG standing in for Turkish Gabya Class. Download from: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      Copy the 4 LOD files into all three GroundObjects/GabyaClass* folders.
      This ship is used at various locations in the map, and it would be wise to it to your install.
      - Stary's Unified Effects Pack is strongly recommended.
      CREDITS (Thank you all!)
      - STT (Swambast's Targeting Tool) by Steve "Swambast"
      - TK and Thirdwire
      - Stary for the Tileset and Hangars,Lighthouses
      - 8 new airbases for WOE by Gepard
      - Factory Places, Subpen/bridges by Gepard
      - Many airfields Light mods by Comprnt
      - Wrench! Army Bases, and many other target area items/layouts, design ideas, objects, repaints, by the master himself!
      - Wingwiner's FactorPlace and Buildings
      - LandRover1tonne_Command; LandRover1tonne_Cover; LandRover_Cover; LandRover_open;
      Scorpion (Skin by Richard, 3D Model by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel)
      - Ural-375D, Ural-375D-U (Converted by Suicide and Spectre8750
      - Julhelm's Factory Collection, models by Julhelm, LOD conversion by pureblue
      - Nike Units: mod by ErikGen, compiled by Fubar512
      - SA-10/S-300 system by Monty CZ
      - StingerSite by Monty, packaged by Capun and Wrench
      - Trawler and the 'small dock' with the little boats, CA_Stary & Cocas
      - Fletcher DD GrinchWSLG
      - Airfield Objects by Sundowner
      - Hawk Batteries by Pasko
      - Radar Dome by Grampotmus
      - Railroads and Locomotive/Railcars by OldDiego (You must get permission from him to use them in any project)
      - Static Airliners - Amokfloo
      - Objects from AirbasesWithSomeSpice Mod, CREDITS:
      Amokfloo, ControlTower, ForkLift, FireExtinguisher, ShelterZu
      Ravenclaw, Fire Trucks Faun6x4
      Pureblue, FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock, SunShelter
      Comrpnt, QRA and Lights
      Gepard, Ahlhorn Airfield with modified Parked Aircraft, QRA
      Polak, tools
      - DaringRAN, HMS Cradiff by Hinchbrook
      - Various target areas such as Oil Refineries, Scud Sites and Firebases Satellite and Radio Antennas, Sandbag walls, nuclear plant from ODS Mod
      - USNCargoship, AK-Class by Polak
      - Oiler by Fubar
      - Bofors, M1_90mmAA, and Desert Pak Vehicles and Mods, BTR-60E by Pasko
      - M-47 by Stefano "Steve" S.
      - M60A1,A3 Pasko,Kesselbrut
      - M270MLR by Bigal1
      - M60A1 / M60A3 (Kesselbrut 70s to now Armor Pack)
      - ARA_Sobral, ARA_Somellera by Adrian Benetti "TerceraEscuadrilla"
      - ARA_Intrepida, ARA_Indomita by Adrian Benetti "TerceraEscuadrilla"
      - ADATS from ODS Mod
      - HMS Plymouth (Type 12M/Rothesay Class Frigate) by Hinchinbrooke, updted by Eric Howes
      - GAZ-66 6x6 trucks by Spectre8750
      - Meko200 Anzac by Richard "Gramps" Kaminski, modified from base A-Team mod
      - BMP-1, N109, M109A6 by RebelRyder
      - AMX by Stefano "Steve" S.
      - BursaUlucamii by NGHENGO (Mau!)
      - Atlantic_Conveyor, Atlantic_Causeway, by Polak from Falklands mod
      - Humvee-M1046 TOW Carrier (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART & Tercera Escuadrilla
      - Roland by Gabilon and Mig Master
      - Carguero Cargo ship by BANIDOS Team, 3D Model:SUICIDAL, Skins: TORNO
      - BaresWindTurbine, BoshphorusFerry, Pier_260x10x4, Pier_130x10x4, Yesilkoy, Istanbul Ataturk Airport objects, PTT Building, by Pureblue
      - Rio Iguazu, 3D models and textures by TerceraEscuadrilla
      - SwissAir, Lufthansa static aircraft by Ravenclaw
      - Argentine Trucks models for Mod Malvinas by BANIDOS TEAM and SUICIDAL, 3D Model Unimog : ALIKO, 3D Model Mercedes 1114: SUICIDAL, Skins: TORNO
      - Many target area layouts, items and ideas from Desert3 MOD by Piecemeal
      - PECCO Crane model by Fubar512
      + 105mm_L118_Howitzer; 105mm_L118_Howitzer_FB; 105mm_Recoilless_Rifle;
      105mm_Recoilless_Rifle_FB; Argentine_Marines; Argentine_Squad; AR_Cal50; AR_Foxhole;
      AR_Navy_Tug; Blindfire; BlowpipeAR; BlowpipeUK; CommTrailer; Exocet_Launcher; Fearless;
      MVTor_Caledonia; OerlikonAAA; Panhard; Rapier; RH202; Roland_Shelter; Sir_Class_LSL;
      Skyguard; SmallCargoShip; SSCanberra; Submarine; Trawler1; Trawler2 UK_Cal50;
      UK_Foxhole; UK_Marching_Column; UK_SAS_TEAM; UK_Squad; Airfields at
      Stanley, Goose Green and Pebble Island, All civil buildings…, Helopilot1; Helopilot2
      by Daniel “Kessselbrut” Himmel (From Falklands mod)
      - By unknown developers: Blue Airfields, Freighter2, SAM_Site
      // If I've forgotten anybody please mail me so I can give you the credit you deserve ;)
      // Anatolia Terrain by Pureblue (Umut Destan)
      // Istanbul 2011


         (8 reviews)



    23. SF2 A-6E VA-85 Black Falcons for Third Wire A-6 Intruder

      This skin represents VA-85 during their cruise aboard the USS Forrestal in 1972/1973.
      Although the aircraft in the add-on is stated as an A-6E, in reality it's a Third Wire
      A-6A with various INI tweaks to represent the engine and avionics improvements of the 'E'
      model over the 'A'.
      Special thanks to Wrench for donating the 'Black Falcon' decal and for modifying the stock
      ThirdWire 'AA' tailcode. Cheers Kev, couldn't have done that without you mate.
      * Gull grey skin by Gerwin
      * Nose number and tail serial number decals by mppd
      * 'Black Falcon' and modified stock Tailcode decals by Wrench
      * 'DIANE' cockpit mod my MiGBuster
      * Mk7 ejection seats by ravenclaw_007


         (2 reviews)



    24. GPU-5/A Pave Claw 30mm gatling gun pod

      The Wrench: A-16, idea, Pave Claw schematics, general data, testing and opinions
      TK, Thirdwire -stock SF2:I F-16A Netz used as base for A-16 by Wrench
      Combat Ace -greatest site for flightsims enthusiasts and artists
      This is GPU-5/A gunpod for use with Wrench's excellent A-16 ground attack aircraft.
      Includes two variants, GPU-5/A painted green to match Wrench's Euro scheme, and GPU-5/A (GRAY) in gray colour.
      As a bonus includes my "personal" slightly tweaked 30mm GAU-13/A Cannon -tweaks include: less accurate, effects aliased to 30mm type of effects (was 23mm) and with different tracer image.


         (2 reviews)



    25. SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 3

      SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 3
      This mod supplies a collection of MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers, created by ArmourDave and The Mirage Factory, and heavily modded by Lindr2 for SFP1. (These are not mods of the 3rdWire Floggers supplied in the SF2 titles.) All have been converted and updated to SF2 standards. Also included with this mod are all the weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft supplied with this mod.
      This mod consists of three parts:
      Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23S, Mig-23M, MiG-23ME, MiG-23MF,
      MiG-23MF, MiG-23UB)
      Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s (MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLAE, MiG-23P,
      MiG-23PD, MiG-23-98, MiG-23UM)
      Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s (MiG-23B, MiG-23BN) & MiG-27s (MiG-27,
      MiG-27D, MiG-27K, MiG-27M, MiG-27ML)
      Each of the three parts includes all the decals, pilots, sounds, effects that you will need for the aircraft in that part. The WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THE 2ND PART, which means that you MUST DOWNLOAD THE 2ND PART TO GET THE WEAPONS.
      These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
      Please note that installation of these aircraft will overwrite & replace the default 3rdWire versions included in the various SF2 titles. I recommend that you first REMOVE the 3rdWire MiG-23 and MiG-27 versions - even if you haven't modded them -- before installing these alternate versions.
      To install, simply drag the following folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to):
      By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
      Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      ...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to.
      If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly. And remember, the WEAPONS are contained ONLY IN THE 2ND PART, which means that you MUST DOWNLOAD THE 2ND PART TO GET THE WEAPONS.
      Aircraft & Nations Included
      The following aircraft are included in the three parts of this mod:
      Part 1: 1st Generation MiG-23s
      - MiG-23S Flogger-A (Early)
      - MiG-23S Flogger-A
      - MiG-23SM Flogger-A (obr.71)
      - MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 1)
      - MiG-23M Flogger-B (Ser. 23)
      - MiG-23ME Flogger-B
      - MiG-23MF Flogger-B
      - MiG-23MF Flogger-B (Late)
      - MiG-23MF Rakshak
      - MiG-23MS Flogger-E
      - MiG-23UB Flogger-C (Early)
      - MiG-23UB Flogger-C
      Part 2: 2nd Generation MiG-23s
      - MiG-23ML Flogger-G (Early)
      - MiG-23ML Flogger-G
      - MiG-23MLA Flogger-G
      - MiG-23MLAE-A Flogger-G (32-22)
      - MiG-23MLAE-B Flogger-G
      - MiG-23MLD Flogger-K
      - MiG-23P Flogger-G
      - MiG-23PD Flogger-G
      - MiG-23UM Flogger-C
      - MiG-23-98 Flogger-K
      Part 3: Ground Attack MiG-23s & MiG-27s
      - MiG-23B Flogger-F (Early)
      - MiG-23B Flogger-F
      - MiG-23BN Flogger-H
      - MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Egypt)
      - MiG-23BN Flogger-H (Iraq)
      - MiG-23BN Vijay
      - MiG-27 Flogger-D
      - MiG-27D Flogger-J
      - MiG-27K Flogger-J2 (Early)
      - MiG-27K Flogger-J2
      - MiG-27M Flogger-J
      - MiG-27ML Bahadur
      The following nations are represented:
      USSR Angola
      Bulgaria Ethiopia
      Czechoslovakia Egypt
      East Germany Iraq
      Hungary Libya
      Poland Syria
      Romania India
      Ukraine Sri Lanka
      Cuba Ivory Coast
      North Korea
      For more information on the differences between these various different versions, see the documentation included in \_OriginalReadMes.
      A Few Notes About This Mod
      Those familiar with Lindr2's Flogger packages for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated mod builds on his earlier efforts. Although I have largely followed Lindr2's lead in assembling this package, there are some noteworthy differences between his SFP1 collections and this one:
      1) Different Engine Sounds & Afterburner TGAs
      I have used different engine sounds and afterburner TGAs to give the various engines used by different models distinct sounds and appearances.
      2) NATO Code Names
      The aircraft names do include the NATO code names, whereas Lindr2's SFP1 versions did not use them at all. Also, the Air-to-Air weapons use both NATO and Soviet names/designations (e.g., "R-73 AA-11 Archer").
      3) Wider range of Skins/Nations
      You will find a wider range of skins used to represent more nations, drawing on the various one-off skins that have been released by other modders.
      Credits & Acknowledgements
      This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).
      Rafael & BPAo .................................. MiG-23 models for SFP1
      wpnssgt ........................................ MiG-27 models for SFP1
      ArmourDave ..................................... MiG-23M for SFP1
      The Mirage Factory ............................. MiG-23 packages for SFP1
      Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23 & MiG-27 Packs for SFP1
      Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack for SFP1
      ArmourDave & Sal ............................... Su-17 cockpit
      Paladrian ...................................... MiG-21MF cockpit
      Ordway ......................................... SF2 cockpit for MiG-23-98
      Gramps, Matt Ouellette, Marcello, Phantuam ..... Skins
      ghostrider883, whiteknight06604, Soulfreak,
      Sidewinder86, TMF, & Blackrat
      Spillone104 .................................... Sounds
      If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. Copies of the original documentation for the components of this mod are included in \_OriginalReadMes. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
      Eric Howes
      20 July 2011


         (13 reviews)




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