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11 points
9 points
7 pointsThanks for your answers. Anyway. Myself not playing campaign anymore...but will try to look into it..(hope with some help) to do some specific middle-east warfare. BUt later...along with some new userlist.ini, datas, etc...before testing. Meanwhile somewhere in Borne Sulinowo
7 points
7 points
7 pointsFliegerhorst Crepon, a small airfield in the Normandy between Caen and Bayeux. Scenery shots: area of small hangars The tower and some barracks tent hangars hidden between trees
6 points
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5 points
4 points
Version 1.0
Realistic Night Building Texture Beta v1.0 (2020.10.10) How To INSTALL : 1. Open xxx_DATA.INI (in Terrains folder) and replace [SolidObjectTextureMaterial] 2. Replace Night Building Texture (TEROBJECT_xxx.tga & CE_City1_xxx.bmp) ※ No need to add or modify any ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI and FLIGHTENGINE.INI This Night Effect only needs to disable the SolidObject shader and use with Night Building Texture This Night Building Texture only be used in the evening xxx_DATA.INI (in Terrains Folder) // -------------------------------------------------------- [SolidObjectTextureMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=TRUE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE CullMode=CLOCKWISE LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 BlendOp=ONE NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=NO_OP // -------------------------------------------------------- Building Texture Template from ( Rends Germany terrain rework v1.0 ) No more any modules will be released later Taylor Gavin 2020.10.10 -
3 pointsRunway Interdiction courtesy of the Marineflieger Wingman got a good view of my pass.... It was even better from up close... And since I had bomblets to spare...why not?
3 pointsLooks nice, even though we cannot have both day and night textures for buildings, we must choose between the two. You could have credited me for the EnvironmentSystem.ini, since it's basically a copy of the one from the realSKY package. Sky colours were difficult to get right when I was making the mod. Not to mention that those not using the realSKY mod will miss the additional effects and cloud graphics that are referenced by such file. You'd be better off telling people to download realSKY instead, because providing only the EnvironmentSystem.ini does not suffice, it will result in a broken mod (missing clouds textures and other details).
2 points
2 pointsIf the Fuji droptanks are like the tanks on the Sabre, then the pylons are a part of the tank itself and will drop with the tank. Means there should be a 2nd set of pyolons for use with bombs etc. Just saying..
2 points
2 points
1 point
Version 1.2
Third Wire MiG-23 fighters made flyable & updated for SF2 MiG-23M, MiG-23M (85), MiG-23MF, MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLD, MiG-23MLD (Soviet-Afgan War), MiG-23MLDe, MiG-23P, MiG-23P (82), MiG-23MS This is a follow on from my "Third Wire MiG-23MLD updated & flyable for SF2" mod and completely supersedes it. - All are flyable with a modified version of Stary's MLD cockpit/ avionics with corrections by Crusader and myself. There are slightly different cockpits/ gunsights depending on the model of aircraft. - Wing spoilers are now working as they were always there just not activated. Thanks again Crusader! - Opening Canopy. - KM-1 Ejection seats added. Grey on most but black for Mig-23MLDe, MiG-23P and MiG-23P (82). - Loadouts enhanced and corrected. Some Afghanistan specific ones added. Use of Kh-25M air-to-surface missile and datalink pod added. - Missile positions corrected, especially for the AA-8. - Single missile rail for the fuselage AA-8. - Improved/ corrected FM. - Improved engine sound and afterburner effect. - All Mig-23 have an ACM/ boresight radar mode but it is set straight ahead along the gunsight and does not move/ scan. The MLD and P (82) have an ACM/ boresight mode that scans vertically like the F-16 or F-15 etc. - MLD, MLDe and P (82) have KDS-23 countermeasure dispenser installed in the centreline drop tank pylon. This is a 12 shot chaff/ flare countermeasure dispenser that could be used once the drop tank had been jettisoned. - MLD Leading edge flaps automatically deploy during maneuvering as they did on the MLD with the type 3 wing. - MLD Primary and secondary roles expanded to reflect the evolution of the MLD into a more multi role fighter platform. - Removed ECM jammer from MLD. - Radar data and performance is corrected from the S-23MLA radar to the S-23MLA-II radar for the MLD. - Most if not all the exported and Warsaw pack ML aircraft were actually MLA models, this is an error in most publications, model kits and flight sims alike and has only been corrected in recent publications. The ML was operated by the Soviet airforce and by the time the export models were being built the production line had switched to the MLA. This is now corrected in the game. All skins updated with cockpit textures and various other minor details. - Grey undersides on Soviet Camouflage skins changed from grey to blue/ grey. Additional dark green added in to the Soviet camouflage of later model MiG-23s. Lots of other texture corrections done. - Skins added for Iraqi, Syria (Late), Polish camouflage, Egypt, North Korea, Libya, Soviet desert (in Afghanistan) and Soviet Afghanistan veterans. - Corrections to decal size and/ or positions on various skins. - Additional MiG-23MLDe variant created. This is the Syrian and Libian specific export model of the MLD which did not have the IFF or aerodynamic enhancements (vortex generators) of the Soviet MLD and had a slightly downgraded radar. Syrian made countermeasure dispensers installed on either side of the tail fin. - Additional MiG-23P (82) variant created. This is the Soviet P model that was upgraded to the same standard as the MLD but without the aerodynamic enhancements. - Additional MiG-23M (85) variant created. This is a few squadrons of the Soviet M model that had its IFF upgraded some time between 1978 and the early 90's (Same nose IFF antenna as the MLD and P (82). - Additional MiG-23MLD (Soviet-Afgan War) variant created. This is the Soviet MLD but reflects the specific loadouts, modifications, countermeasures and markings of the MLD models that served in the Soviet Afgan war. - Updated weapons from the RSSW 099 mod. To Install: 1, Delete ALL previous TW MiG-23 mods. 2, Unpack and drop the 2 parts of this download into your main mods folder. 3, You MUST override when prompted. Credits: - ThirdWire. - Crusader. - Stary. - Snailman. - Eburger68. - Paladrian. - Svetlin - Cocas CombatAce fair agreement applies. Enjoy, Dan (dtmdragon). -
1 pointThat worked, deleted, remapped and all was fine...not sure why it works this time and not when i reinstalled it as i deleted the saves folder before i reinstalled. As you say...WTF auto remap...still...back to the skies :P
1 pointDon't call me Sir, I ain't a Knight, or an Officer, I can both read a map, and make my own tea !! As for posting on boards for so long, as have most of us on here , and yes at times there are idiotic, or inconsequential comments, however most of us just live with them and either laugh ( because usually the offending comment is sarcastic humour ) or move past it, no need to get irritated, as in the main, this site is very helpful and constructive . In summary, sometimes a perfectly viable solution ( As Bazillus's was ) may not be posed in a way that is immediately understandable, usually due to the fact that the author of said comment , is maybe using a second language , and the English is maybe a little hard to decipher, but if you stare at it long enough, you can usually get the gist of the authors meaning. Sorry to have a pop at you like this, as I usually keep my own council, however....................
1 pointI must correct my statement, that different skins for groundobjects are impossible. They are possible, but only in campaigns. For single missions it does not work. For using in a campaign you must edit the campaigns data.ini file. example: [GroundUnit014] GroundObjectType=T-54 UnitName=Polski 3. Pulk Czolgow ForceID=2 Nation=Poland DefaultTexture=Green <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This line defines the skin of the vehicles of this unit. Here: Green BaseArea=PQ76/22 RandomChance=100 StartObjects=100 MaxObjects=100 Experience=40 Morale=100 Supply=100 Intelligence=100 UpgradeType=NEVER [GroundUnit015] GroundObjectType=T-54 UnitName=Polski 4. Pulk Czolgow ForceID=2 Nation=Poland DefaultTexture=Camo1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This line defines the skin of the vehicles of this unit. Here: Camo1 BaseArea=PQ76/21 RandomChance=100 StartObjects=100 MaxObjects=100 Experience=60 Morale=100 Supply=100 Intelligence=100 UpgradeType=NEVER Of course you must have the skins Camo1 and Green for the vehicle. Interestingly in a campaign the insignias will not shown on the groundvehicles, but the tactical numbers and different skins are visible. For single missions insignias and tactical numbers are shown, but no different skins.
1 pointSir, I have been posting on boards for almost 20 years and the one thing that annoys me most is when people come into a thread where a question is asked and either don't read it properly, ask a redundant question or post a useless comment. Trust me that was a statement of truth and nothing else. To paraphrase... 'If you ain't got anything useful to say, say nothing' I apologise if I caused offence but I have no time for unhelpful posts in a thread where I have a probkem
1 pointIt effects the spawning of ground objects, not the skin they use. For ground object skins, what I said above applies. Only Green and Tan skin folders are read by default in stock terrains. Say you want a different Green skin for Germany, you name its folder Green2, but it's not Green, so the game does not load it, simple as that. For campaigns this is not an issue, and I think the campaign is the core of the game. Single missions, those you can always save them and edit them with Notepad and assign different textures to all of the ground objects you wish.
1 pointThere is a "Controls" folder in your Mod folder (if you have one). Unfortunately, if you did not save the .txt file you will have to remap your controls in the Options menu. Once everything is remapped, copy the file to your install folder so if you ever have to reinstall again, your settings can be copied back to your Options folder. It's also kinda nice to have if you do a stand-alone mod, just copy that file and you will not have to remap everything again.
1 pointI'm sorry, but if indeed it didn't help. there is zero reason to be rude about it, Baziillus first language, is not English, so be a little understanding about peoples comments when they maybe do not come across perfectly. I am sure he was only trying to make a courteous comment. I have noticed a few occasions , where you have asked questions, and when members reply, TRYING to assist you, that you either do not reply , and acknowledge, or you make rather sharp comment.....basically, if you aint got anything good to say, say nothing....End of DIT !!
1 pointFor ships it does not work. For groundobjects like tanks or so it was working in WOE. So i guess it should work in SF2 too. But this has to be tested. EDIT: Seems to be that i was wrong. The NATION in texture.ini does not work with ground objects. BUT it is possible to place insignias and numbers on the tanks. Screenshot: czech and polish T-54
1 pointIn real life the Strela shooters were not using UAZ jeeps. They were part of the motorized infantry units. The shooters were placed on BTR or BMP vehicles as you see on following picture: Strela 2 on BTR-60 (SPW-60PB) during fire exercice at Zingst training ground near Baltic Sea. Strela 2 on BMP-1 during a parade.
1 pointAFAIK it is not possible to use the target editor with the original LOD based Iceland terrain made by TK. The other Iceland terrain, which is in the download section, workes fine with mue's target editor.
1 point
1 pointa guy is around 1.75m (average height of Russian conscript male in 70s) Osa-AK.
1 point
1 point
1 pointThere are new cockpits for the F16 made by member here,why not ask if you may have copy of it to use....I did for the model im working on using F16 pit as russian copied version.... cant recal who made the pits but just ask im sure the creator will help. you can animate parts of pilots too...I did in the DC3 cockpit..making feet move with rudder pedals.hawk pit and others.
1 pointWhy not? )) The armchair aces would not feel like an invisible man in a virtual cockpit. The main thing is that the other limbs of the pilot do not interfere with reading the readings of the instruments. )) If done correctly, it would look pretty good. Something like that...
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