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Showing most liked content on 11/13/2022 in all areas

  1. 15 points
    new 450 gallon drop tank for the F-105
  2. 5 points
    When one is Bear Hunting, it is safest to drive the correct vehicle & take the appropriate weaponry.... No dinky lil' .30 -.30's out here....
  3. 3 points
    For the Argentine Navy we had only the carrier and the General Belgrano cruiser. Thatswhy i modified the stock Gearing class destroyers to make it working as argetine ship. The same i made with the Sumner class, of which the argentinians had 3 vessels.
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    los de color celeste son los doble mando , hoy ya modifique bastante el perfil a los de esas imagenes aca tenes una captura vieja mis templados son en blanco en mis aviones siempre hay un skin en blanco para que le pongan los colores que quieran pasa que no todos pintan de la forma que yo aprendi
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    These are all great ideas I think that the Vietnam and china one could also include the South china sea for a hypothetical clash for the spratly islands Though Poland and the English channel are all great as well for which i thought cold war hypotheticals for both say the Soviets occupy France or NATO invasion through Poland
  10. 1 point
    Dohari Su-21s arriving at P12 for the annual Horreya airshow Seriously, is there any way to stop these guys from doing this ?!
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    A belated "Roger that!" of appreciation to all those currently serving and to those who have gone before us. Each in their own small way make, or have made, their contribution to the benefits we enjoy and to the societies we live in today...
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I just did my job, no thanks are required. Someone has to do the dirty work so others dont have to .............................. PER ARDUA.
  15. 1 point
    I never served in the military but have uncles who did. One was a mechanic at a home afb in Arizona who served in West germany in early 80's as a mechanic. Maintained f-15-16's. My other uncles served in Korea and two deceased now.
  16. 1 point
    I second this!!! Thank you to all who have served
  17. 1 point
    As a Military and Anime otaku, I'm so glad to find and watch such an artwork as Matsumoto Sensei's "The Cockpit" OVA. the Stories, the arts, are really deep and great IMHO, (and weeb like me, surely can't take my eyes of Leiji's Girls.. ). In this mod, I'm Using @Wrench ETO B-17G, @Veltro2k Skin Templates and @torno Fw-190D as stand In for Ta-152H1. (even in the OVA depicted as such, but the silhouette are Ta-152C). I'm so Thankful for your works, Sirs! This is my first thread in this forums, English are not my daily language, and I do really hope doesn't break any rules here. Thanks Very Much! (I am) "the man who did not sell his soul to the devil" - Hauptmann Erhardt Von Rheindars
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Now, weapons testing for the MiG-21SPS (Non K)
  20. 1 point
    T-54 T-55 model 1971 and some crappy improvements from the dunes. T-62 T-62 model 1972 of course, regarding all differences between models, I picked the most visible differences to be featured in certain models...
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    some of the work i did in the past year , just a small update F-104G Twin Store Carriage Rack Orpheus IV recce pod used at the Dutch F-104G , F-16 and Belgium F-16 Orpheus IV used by the Italian Air Force Matra 116 rocket pod Matra-116MA used at the Harrier GR1 , Vautour and Canberra SUU-42A flare dispenser LUU-2B flare for SUU-42A , 2 flares per tube 2.75i nch FFAR launcher used on many aircrafts like F-86 , F-84 and Fiat G-91 triple assembly of 2.75 inch FFAR launcher more to come
  24. 1 point
    it is , i still face some problems but i´m much better now , i´m also going back to the weapons pack 3 but for now i have to finish some jobs , 450 gal and 600 gal drop tanks for the F-105 (WTR) and some drop tanks for the Hunter as well as all the cockpits for the F-4E´s 450 gall drop tank F-105
  25. 1 point
    I wanna go outside, in the rain..... Of COURSE they're under the jungle canopy... Is that a flicker of flame I see? I'm pretty sure the Hilton I'm going to doesn't have a buffet.
  26. 1 point
    This time something not very useful, not even posing a serious threat. Just a piece of equipment to populate airfield areas. Have to admit, inspired by Gepard's terrain work. RSBN-4N Radio Engineering System of short Range Navigation with AD-30T-230M3 generators KNS-1PM-2 on Zil-130 chassis. Light beacon Zis-151 and ATZ-3 (only a few will see differences with Zil-157). I think 4-5 models more and I will upload something for modders, anytime soon. 2 weeks standard CA time.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    French Huns in camo look cool.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    For now, I am focusing on the regular armies of the Warsaw Pact and then a few countries that fit into my over Israel, over Iran mod. But also regular armies. Such inferior formations like ISIL and similar have absolutely my disrespect as groups not lead by any code, morals, principals, etc - meaning I am not gonna waste my time for those (even if it is just a game). Meanwhile... finally finished OSA-AKM. and some missiles for it.
  33. 1 point
    Thanks for your answers. Anyway. Myself not playing campaign anymore...but will try to look into it..(hope with some help) to do some specific middle-east warfare. BUt later...along with some new userlist.ini, datas, etc...before testing. Meanwhile somewhere in Borne Sulinowo
  34. 1 point
    View File Lockheed F-80C Shooting Star - Export Workshop In the '50 several south american countries entered in jet age with the Shooting Star This huge skinpack portaits these airforces: - Brazil (33 delivered starting in 1958, withdrawn from service in 1973) - Chile (30 delivered from 1958 on, last ones retired from service in 1974) - Colombia (16 delivered starting in 1958, retired by 1966) - Ecuador (16 delivered between 1957 and 1960, six returned to the United States in 1965) - Peru (16 delivered starting in 1958, the type was phased out in 1973) - Uruguay (17 delivered, withdrawn from use in 1971) Why this little, quite heavy (see the FACh camo skin ...) effort? Because this is a fantastic, maybe underated, model made by great 3D master Erikgen and these exotic skins are pretty. (Aren't they?) <ENRICO CI MANCHI!> WHAT'S IN: - 13 new skins - Historical Serial numbers - Brazilian Playcards ... CREDITS: - Enrico Gennari aka "EriKgen" plane model - Kenin Stein aka "Wrench" original FAC skin used as a base from my own house templates - Geary aka "Geary" for some layers I was able to extract from his temps I couldn't use due my old PS suite INSTALL: - You must have Erikgen F-80C installed - deliver all files inside "to mod folder" folder to your own mod folder (isn't it easy?) Carpe diem .... and fly higher and higher, please. @paulopanz Submitter paulopanz Submitted 09/04/2019 Category F-80  
  35. 1 point
    Nice work! I love the F 80, my favorite ground pounder from the Korean War....... well done Paulopanz!
  36. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    In the '50 several south american countries entered in jet age with the Shooting Star This huge skinpack portaits these airforces: - Brazil (33 delivered starting in 1958, withdrawn from service in 1973) - Chile (30 delivered from 1958 on, last ones retired from service in 1974) - Colombia (16 delivered starting in 1958, retired by 1966) - Ecuador (16 delivered between 1957 and 1960, six returned to the United States in 1965) - Peru (16 delivered starting in 1958, the type was phased out in 1973) - Uruguay (17 delivered, withdrawn from use in 1971) Why this little, quite heavy (see the FACh camo skin ...) effort? Because this is a fantastic, maybe underated, model made by great 3D master Erikgen and these exotic skins are pretty. (Aren't they?) <ENRICO CI MANCHI!> WHAT'S IN: - 13 new skins - Historical Serial numbers - Brazilian Playcards ... CREDITS: - Enrico Gennari aka "EriKgen" plane model - Kenin Stein aka "Wrench" original FAC skin used as a base from my own house templates - Geary aka "Geary" for some layers I was able to extract from his temps I couldn't use due my old PS suite INSTALL: - You must have Erikgen F-80C installed - deliver all files inside "to mod folder" folder to your own mod folder (isn't it easy?) Carpe diem .... and fly higher and higher, please. @paulopanz


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