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Showing most liked content on 12/01/2024 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    Mirage F1EE(M) is uploaded and waits for approval. A special thanks to our cockpit team for their awesome work ! The usual preview
  2. 7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    Your ideas can be easily implemented by using different Nations.ini. I can include such ini's in a Goodies folder, as i have already done it for Faeroer terrain. No problem at all. SitRep: Test for forest tiles with forest to farm transition tiles.
  6. 4 points
    Not being allowed to openly (and honestly) criticize is almost the same as censorship. Criticism in all its forms is a lesson to improve... Keeping my mouth shut or tempering my words? That will allow for crap to endure, with no chances of improving. CA has so many great mods, we are obliged to keep all content under scrutiny. Forcing silence is forcing decline, and I am NOT here to please people and praise them for mediocre or bad work...
  7. 4 points
    past the tower out of the break right on teh numbers
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
    If a second Civil War isn't popular, the terrain would also be good for Cold War Gone Hot scenarios: - A Red Dawn-style Soviet invasion, with Cuban and other Central/South American support, pushing up from the south and east - A Red Dawn remake with North Korean (!) or Chinese invasion forces pushing from the west - A 'what-if' NATO splintered after the election of left wing governments in member countries, including Canada, and the Soviets are carrying out joint exercises in Canada and push south - Intercept missions against Soviet nuclear-armed bombers flying from off-map bases in Russia and coming down through Canada to attack the US Also, some anti-terrorist/drug runner/bootlegger missions along the border will be interesting to play on this map in various time periods
  10. 3 points
    To say it with Obelix: "Boiled boar in a delicate peppermint sauce. Ugh! The poor boar!"
  11. 3 points
  12. 2 points
    I know it's going to be a long list, especially consider the 184th was the schoolhouse and had over 70 F-16's assigned at one point! I've included this picture of the ramp with most of them on line. I wish I could remember which jets were assigned to which flights; this could be another way of doing it but unfortunately, I don't.
  13. 2 points
    Also, like "The Wingman" series of books -- post-break up USA, with various occipiers and internal factions or zomibes
  14. 2 points
    I agree with allenbj42 as while the US is divided, it's not yet ready for another Civil War, and it wouldn't be about Trump. I figure with the current attitude with Putin a real US vs. Russia scenario is more fitting than political discord. I mean we're fighting each other in social media and so on, but overall we're not at the brink.
  15. 2 points
    The basic layout of the Lakes is done. Next will be to create forrest tiles and place them on the map. Then i will place city tiles on the map. Afterwards i will create transistion tiles and i hope, that the TE will do the job to place the transition tiles on the map. Lets see.
  16. 2 points
    @Muesli The numerous downloads are because this one is split into several files. Just like ODS 30AE is comprised of 4 different files to download, the counter is at least 4 times higher than it should be (not counting failed downloads which are restarted). It doesn't mean that 500 different users downloaded it, just like it doesn't mean that ODS 30AE was downloaded by 6,000 users (in fact, I bet the real number should be in the hundreds, not even the thousands). The download counter probably is the most useless of the stats, it's not a counter about how many users actually downloaded it, it's a number of how many times the download button was clicked (and with mods being split into 6 or 7 parts, it's easy to get a higher number out of a single user downloading it). As for the quality of this package, I agree it's not decent, but the author has respected the site's rules and the modders' wishes (even by compiling one of the most detailed credits list I ever saw). It can only improve over time after suggestions and after the author learns more about modding other aspects of the game. You're free to give a negative review, but please do so without being offensive, or it may have the opposite effect of making other users curious and download what you think shouldn't be downloaded. I'd rather have a messed up mix of mods including other modders' works in here, rather than seeing our own works being re-released elsewhere without consent.
  17. 2 points
    Okay, what I have so far is the following. A-6E EF2000 Eurofighter Typhoon Two-Seater Super Hornet E/F/G Saab Drakens Mirage 2000B Mirage 2000C Also including my previous models list that I am working on. This is not in any particular order.
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
    After tweaking the display limitation, I am able to create new radar scope that look more ilke F-106:s radar scope.
  21. 2 points
    Just found these on an old backup drive.....they may of been posted when I was working on the model.....not sure though..
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    The Iranian version of the Mirage F1EQ is uploaded and will be available soon. This mod is not 100% accurate, Iran used all the EQ versions but for more simplicity we decided to use only one version, the EQ-5, to cover all the IRIAF aircrafts. There is not a lot of informations about the Iranian Mirage, so we did our best to make a realistic aircraft. The preview
  26. 1 point
    Hello ! Here several pictures of my 1:72 WWII fighters I began to build two years ago... an old project ! Next ones : Me 163, Bf 109s, P-47s, etc... P.
  27. 1 point
    Update your 7zip to later than version 24.07. https://cybersecuritynews.com/7-zip-vulnerability-arbitrary-code/
  28. 1 point
    not my site (ownership) and im all about freedom of expression. but i do agree that we need to work with the young bloods starting on this as well. so one could talk directly to him first, then put on blast if he's not willing to try to change (which he actually is, although lessons are admitedly moving slowly) if you tried talking to him before public posting then i completely unequivocally support it. even if you didnt i support your right to bitch in comments, although i might wonder about the content. and i admit, i left this mod alone until i saw you bitch about it ("what's got that Dutchman riled up so bad?" ). and again, im trying to give some suggestions to improve it (for starters credits and scope)
  29. 1 point
    This is a brand new experience, very creative
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    I have all the TMF M2000 max files, including the cockpit. @ GKABS .....I'll get the max files over to you sometime over the next couple of days.
  32. 1 point
    If I can get the Mirage 2000 single seater that will make it faster to make the 2000B that is if @Crusader have it ;)
  33. 1 point
    MiG-21F-13M, east german, czechoslovakian and polish project to improve the MiG-21F-13. It got a small air search radar, the much more powerful R-13F-300 engine and twin launch rails for air to air missiles.
  34. 1 point
    If I´m not wrong, it is an ex Luftwaffe Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    in the holding pattern for the new home field from Gepard "hey look, im Tom Cruise! im inverted!" "DAMMIT CARL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "say again American 1740?" "i said gawddammed snot nosed jet jockeys!"
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    Try this website. Just type in F-16 Falcon. Pete https://docer.tips/ Mandatory Pic
  41. 1 point
    I am the newbie among you all, lol. I've only been here for six years and some change, lol.
  42. 1 point
    "Only" 13 years since I joined CombatACE. Glad to be part of this community, some very good folks I got the pleasure to learn from, work with and dream new mods on.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Y'all are a bunch of newbies, fresh as a baby's backside. Thanks for sticking around so long, not sure where the time has gone. Cheers
  45. 1 point
    come sail away, come sail away come sail away with me......
  46. 1 point
    London Docks after Ju-88 strike.
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point



    (Experimental) Thunderstorm weather mod for SF2 series by Thirdwire series 1 compatibility fix included made in and tested with merged SF2+Expansion Pack1 may 2010 by Stary 21.05.2010 -------------------------------------- This little modification replaces default rain effect with heavy thunder. Random lightnings, heavy rain, distant clouds lighted by electrical discarges and raindrops on screen are modelled. Unfortunately, no thunder/rain sound attached, as current environment engine seems not to allow to do so. -------------------------------------- Thanks to USAFMTL for betatesting. -------------------------------------- file edit: updated with readme, sorry!


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