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Showing most liked content on 07/20/2019 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. 6 points
    1981. Neu Brandenburg strike with fighter cover. ... on the way to the target ... ... strike ... ... escape ...
  3. 4 points
    Didnt realise A4000M was so huge close up...look at that tail...maaaaaaassive...like the C-117 some cool planes this year again...love the B52 Angle of approach...cool landing... also a gorgeous Hunter....and awesome Spanish Armada Harriers.
  4. 3 points
    On Friday morning, 19 July 1957, a USAF F-89J serial number 53-2547 under Project Plumbbob, launched a Genie MB-1 unguided rocket at an altitude 18500 feet over NTS Area 10. After reaching Mach 3 and traveling 4250 meters in 4.5 seconds its W-25 warhead was detonated by a signal from a ground station. The resulting explosive yield was 1.7 kilotons. MB-1 named Shot John was the first and only fired live, nuclear-armed, air to air anti-aircraft missile. real photo. Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Field Office.
  5. 2 points
    You can install all in one without any problem. The reason is - less mess. Some just want to have specific installs focused on an era, war, country, etc. It is only for user convenience. A lot of useful info about merging or not campaigns you can find in a knowledge base.
  6. 1 point



    This terrain now uses the 250 meter resolution as described here.... http://combatace.com/topic/89389-kamchatka-250m-version-with-adjusted-tileset-etc/ Thanks Stary. Please be aware that due to the terrain resolution, number of objects etc this terrain may take a while to load or not even run at all...Reading the README's is vitally important..!! What's new ? We now have seasons but the winter version dose'nt have snow as I cant seem to get it right. Quite a few new tiles and tod's for the new airfield layouts by myself. Lots of new objects including several complete RAF style airbase layouts made by myself. I have included a few ground object files, some downloaded from here [ships] and some made by myself [RAF trucks and radar etc] but to make sure everything shows I would get just about every UK ground object you can from the CA downloads section.....there are just too many for me to add to the file and keep its size fairly small. FINALLY a big "THANK YOU" to EVERY body that has made any mods for the SF2 series..........there's a good chance some of you work is used here ....Thanks again.
  7. 1 point
    The JF-17 Thunder is one of the rarest and least known fighter aircraft in the world. Operated solely by the Pakistan Air Force, it is a capable fighter in the same class as the F-16. On conditions of anonymity, we spoke to one JF-17 pilot to learn more. https://hushkit.net/2019/07/19/flying-fighting-in-the-jf-17-thunder-interview-with-pakistan-air-force-fighter-pilot/ Also it seems Flying and fighting in the Su-30 - must be bonus week! https://hushkit.net/2019/07/20/flying-fighting-in-the-sukhoi-su-30-flanker-a-pilot-interview/
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    AirClips.com was exclusively invited to join Captain Inge and First Officer Claudia on their Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F rotation from Frankfurt to Mumbai watch all of it...its very good,..my kind of women....action gals....very casual and humourous but also very professional...impressive women...not just because they are women,because they are so good and funny.
  10. 1 point
    Oh yeah, that's more like it! Now that I've got the Harpoon Block I and Block 1Bs available for my Hornet's, things are different. I loaded up 4 CF-188Bs with AGM-84A's, 4 with AGM-84C's and 4 with Walleye II's. The AGM-84C's did the trick and after 5 hits sunk the carrier. I fired last and it was a hoot to see my 4 AGM-84As plunge into the sea where a carrier had once been. Wow to the punch of the Walleye II - a single hit sunk a frigate. One of my pilots after firing off all his AGM-84As went guns against a Destroyer, landed 107 hits on it and survived to tell the story despite having 3 SAMs fired at him - psycho, absolutely psycho!
  11. 1 point
    Step 23 on here has info on what is required in the data ini
  12. 1 point
    skin fixed for the runway
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    For me, it's about load times. The faster the sim can load the game, the better.
  15. 1 point
    Simple: to eliminate the possibility of cross-contamination between mods. Some things are not meant to be mixed together. That's why we built them that way
  16. 1 point
    Just remember that the old Ark’s full air group was: 14 Buccs, 10 Phantoms, 4 Gannets, 8 Sea Kings, and 2 (plane guard) Wessex. At least that’s what she carried when I had the privilege to be on board back in 1978. Mike
  17. 1 point
    Last update for tonight. sorry for all these posts
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Hi and thanks for the kind words Currently bug fixing and balancing the campaign as the austro-hungarian forces are winning too easily. Next step afterwards: Packaging the whole thing and include FE2 description (I might need help there as I've only FE-Gold) 2-3 weeks cheers
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Looks like you might need a lift home...
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    My turn... Russian Tu-22M3 Backfires on the hunt for the Hasagiri...
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Rhino's From Down Under ---- and gents, PLEASE, keep it ONLY Phantoms in this thread, ok???
  29. 1 point
    mal wieder Was von mir ich habe die E-152 in 3 Versionen gebaut die E-166: die E-152M: und die E-152PFM bin noch beim Mapping (Wings, Tail und Body noch provisorisch) habe ein großes Problem und brauche Eure Hilfe: wenn ich eine Mission starte und das FlightModel steht nicht auf easy explodiert mein Flieger auf der Rollbahn sobald die Mission fertig geladen hat. in der Data.ini habe ich in der Gear-Section schon so einiges probiert kann da jemand helfen ?
  30. 1 point



    this is a nice skin for your mustang ONLY FOR IL2 SERIES!!!
  31. 1 point



    India-Pakistan Terrain -For SF2, Full-4 Merged, Reccomended (plus ExpPak1)- India-Pakistan Mod, Part 1 This is the first part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains the Terrain itself. Follow on packs will the the full GroundObjects, Weapons, Menu Screens, and later, aircraft. (ExpansionPak 1 will be needed for the Vampires, and possibly some others) This terrain is designed for use with a stand-alone Indo-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in a seprate Word Doc, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base. However, it can be placed into any /Terrains folder. Just be advised you'll be missing a LOT of things! Please read the aformentioned Doc for details. Usage in a 'all is everything' install is NOT reccomended. Doable, yes. Advisable, no. You've been warned. It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. Happy Landings! For the India-Pak Mod Team, Wrench kevin stein
  32. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    I liked Starys mod but thought the winter tilesets weren't wintery enough to my liking so I made my own set of hard winter tiles. To use, just drop these into the GermanyCE folder and they should unpack to their own winterhard folder. Then open up the GermanyCE.ini file and change [season001] Directory=Winter StartDate=1/1 EndDate=03/15 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 to [season001] Directory=WinterHard StartDate=1/1 EndDate=03/15 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 These are just textures btw so if you haven't already grabbed Starys GermanyCE v3 mod, do so now or these won't work at all. /Julhelm
  33. 1 point



    India-Pakistan Terrain Tweeks Pak - For SF2, Any and All - This is a relatively small tweeks pak for the India-Pakistan terrain. It is to be applied to the original I/P terrain download available at http://combatace.com/files/file/11805-india-pakistan-terrain/ There has been a few small changes in the 'eye candy' department, and a slight cleanup of some of the airbases. A few new terrain =AND= GroundObjects have been added, and included for ease of installation. These changes are not major and will not effect much, except adding the recently released fuel truck repaints, both the red and yellow 'followme' jeeps, and little things like that. A new TFD and HFD are included, as some retiling had to be done. Also, a new "india1" planning map was created. It's just very basic, showing the region. As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!) Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  34. 1 point



    My first attempt at modding... Here are some sounds for the P-51 and Spitfire for the SF2:I expansion pack. Enjoy! -Nightshift82


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