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Showing most liked content on 10/28/2019 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Su-25T From North Korea engaging South Korean ground forces.
  2. 7 points
    Having several free models that can be put into the game but, time is needed as well as skill...
  3. 7 points
  4. 6 points
    This is what I completed so far but after, seeing KJakker post (Thanks for the photos ) I need to go back and make some changes
  5. 5 points
    Something about Crusaders missions over Cuba are always fun While not recommended for a long life, when the short ranged SAMS miss, gunning them before they can fire again is quite satisfying.
  6. 5 points
    Modern Syria, just for Civil war there, and foreign powers intervention... Hmeim Airbase near the coast. Bekaa valley. And Syrian desert.
  7. 5 points
    people wonder why not two weeks lol eh
  8. 5 points
    A long time favourite of mine, I know we already have Skippy's old model but I'd like something a little more detailed,.....so........ A loooooooooong way to go........gear animation is driving me nuts.. Then the pit....
  9. 4 points
    Hello ! Is-it a WIP cockpit for the Su-25T ? Needed screen ! Beautiful Chinese J-7...
  10. 4 points
    Fourty years ago... the Mirage 4000 flew !
  11. 3 points
    Nice did you get any pics? Texaco at your service and been working on updating VFA-143 with new revised tail art.
  12. 3 points
    To be honest you have hit the nail on the head there with IL-2. Whenever I want to fly WW2 aircraft I always go to IL-2, because it has got everything I want from a WW2 Combat Flight sim. I don't need to look elsewhere. And I would bet that other people feel the same way. One of the main reasons I am here at Combat Ace is that I love flying jets as well and because I am not Modded with IL-2 I have not got access to loads of different post-war and modern jets.
  13. 3 points
    There is this. Blender 3D: Noob to Pro on WikiBooks. Blender 3D: Noob to Pro in PDF format.
  14. 3 points
  15. 3 points
    Hi, ladies and gentlemen! The separate skin package (which will be released alongside the main aircraft package) will contain 20 custom skins, of which 13 are Ace Combat themed skins, the other 7 are miscellaneous "what if" skins inspired by other videogames and concepts. Here below a sneak peek at the unique 14 liveries that will be available.
  16. 3 points
    Recon over South England (revision of Battle of Britain terrain, still WIP, thatswhy some old tiles to see in screenshot.)
  17. 3 points
    Shipnames and tactical numbers are now made as decals. Position and size are not perfect, its just a try.
  18. 3 points
    Royal Canadian Air Force Lancaster on RESCUE patrol. (i know real one's were not armed, but wanted to do this skin long time ago:))
  19. 3 points
    Remade my hangar screen model...if Mue could enable us to add 2 lods...maybe could add your own a\c to it....?...
  20. 2 points
    The main reason I never get into WW2 modeling is - time. I've built 80% of Luftwaffe 1937-45 force in 1/72 scale - and it took me around 20years... so I guess 3d would take also a vast amount of time. Interest in the subject is a reason why am not modding WW2 - I would not get out of home ever anymore.....
  21. 2 points
    2-ship Airbase Strike... Target hit, and so was I. Repeatedly and fatally... For a few seconds, I thought I could at least get away from the target before ejecting, but that was NOT going to happen. Hopefully my wingman let everyone back at base know I got out okay.
  22. 2 points
    time indeed....suprising how long stuff takes.
  23. 2 points
    The stall modeling in SF2 (e.g. the Stall*TableData) is still a big unknown to me. The regime between -AlphaDepart and AlphaDepart I mostly understand. Currently I'm implementing the SF2 P-51D FM in JSBSim/FlightGear. In the normal non-stall/non-departure regime it already "feels" quite similar to SF2. But I still have to run some validation tests. Yes, while sifting through the TW forum archives I noticed that back then there were several FM guys active. And according to the questions they have asked, it seems they know that they are doing. I think one guy was from avhistory.org and wanted to port CFS? flight models to SF.
  24. 2 points
    I have notice that new SF2 players are often unaware of this threads existence. Could both the Extending the drawing distance for fading objects thread (this thread) and Mue's shimmering TODs and target objects thread be pined or moved to the Knowledge Base?
  25. 2 points
    The prop engine flight model didn't exist in SFP1. First Eagles provided the WWI engines, but TK only made that sim because a certain person bankrolled it. Wings Over Israel was released with the first true support for WW2 aircraft flight models. I never delved into the WW2 aspect of the SF flight model, so I have no clue about what bugs were in it that might hinder attempts to develop decent flight models, but since they were rare birds in a sim focused on jets, I am sure TK didn't spend a lot of time on it, so it might not have everything you might want in terms of engine modeling and it might have bugs in the things it does provide. Having actually written an application to analyze and help edit SFP1/WoX flight models, I can say it takes a tremendous amount of research, time, and effort to get even one flight model as correct as the game engine permits. In many ways, the jets are much easier to model since more modern flight manuals contain countless tables of performance data that help figure out the actual lift, drag, and thrust curves. But even then, much of the information needed for stability and inertia parameters has to be done by trial and error and calibrated to personal preference. So, why would anyone try to develop the countless flight models needed for so many different aircraft to a decent level of detail when WW2 air combat sims are a dime a dozen and several already existed with diverse plane sets and/or great flight modeling? I only managed to create one decent flight model, the F-4B for SFP1 SP2a. As soon as TK release the next patch level, Wings Over Vietnam, my F-4B flight model was broken. While later patches allowed it to work ok again, it never was quite the same, especially because TK changed how the flight model engine handled stalling/departure, a critical aspect of hard winged Phantoms. I also developed a major bug in my flight model editor after adding new features to accommodate TK's patches. I didn't have the old source files nor the time/energy to track down what got broken, so I gave up developing flight models all together. There were/are several SFP1/SF2 veterans that produce new flight models and/or tweak old ones. But they mostly have moved on from this game or only pursue their own pet projects. It is possible to create a sort of template for a particular aircraft configuration and then massage it to fit particular aircraft. If you can find an existing aircraft in the stock game or available for download with a decent FM and similar to the aircraft you want to model, it is the best, least time consuming way to go. But you still have to perform flight test after flight test to tune the FM to any decent level of precision compared to published data for the real aircraft. To do a good job, you have to understand what the FM tables actually are and the consequences of tampering with them. Fixing one issue almost always causes another, unless you fully understand the interaction of all the aerodynamic coefficients, and even then it is still a lot of trial and error.
  26. 2 points
  27. 2 points
    Defending the Motherland, although the SAM and AAA units seem to be doing a pretty good job without us..
  28. 2 points
    Capun locking out and banning 98.6% of the WW2 modders (well, actually just about anyone that had 'words to say"). (considering that I carried, ALONE, WW2 modding on this site for MANY years ... I just got tired of not having many of the aircraft required for the various theaters. One of the reasons I never finished the CBI map, that covers almost 20% of the planet, is most of the IJAAF aircraft are either so old they're shit, or many are not longer available to the 'general pubiic' It can still be done, it there were enough people (modelers, FM gurus, etc). Some of the terrains DO need reworking or complete replacements; it's just a matter of interest.
  29. 2 points
  30. 2 points
    HOLY SH!T!!! (I think I sucked up my seat cushion.)
  31. 1 point
    AGM-129 is in here https://combatace.com/files/file/13046-cruise-missile-update-pack-for-sf2na/ but its extremely basic, with no intake even (its intake was flush on the underside) will look at the Genie later this evening
  32. 1 point
    That's an interesting idea and one I have thought about. Even my simplified approach to WW2 FM's consumes a surprising amount of time and at this point I find WW2 to big to bother with considering the amount of different aircraft involved and the lack of availability for some models. Getting back to Streakeagle's comments, many of the WW2 fighters used similar airfoils so it is quite possible to put together a "generic" FM that could be fine tuned to get "decent" results for specific aircraft. Unfortunately, the Spitfire and Mustang, both modeled by Thirdwire, have unique airfoils so aren't particularly good choices to use as a base for a generic WW2 FM. The S-99 is a bit better but even that one has some uniqueness with the slat installation. A confession, I did use some aspects of the TW S-99 FM as a bit of an experiment when putting together a FW-190 FM and got it to perform more or less as I wanted it to but it did require much tinkering. But that's the other issue as noted by Streakeagle. It's hard to get accurate turn performance data for the old WW2 fighters so I based desired turn performance on anecdotal information and sometimes on Soviet turn time tests. The results are still impressionistic. The Spitfire turns better than the BF-109 which turns better than the FW-190 which turns about the same as the Hawker Tempest and Typhoon and they all turn better than a P-47. I still like the idea of a European Air War type sim based on the TW game because of the trim free zone and for myself I wouldn't even bother with any torque/P-factor and whatever else is available because it probably wouldn't be accurate anyway. Unfortunately, the work required is immense and there are other sims available for that era that would probably be a better choice for anyone interested.
  33. 1 point
    Don't bother. Ravenclaw_007 made a better one.
  34. 1 point
    View File Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.14 NF.11 with new two-piece blown canopy rather than the heavy-framed version. It also had a longer nose giving a length of 51 ft 4 in. Prototype modified from an NF.11 was first flown 23 October 1953 and was followed by 100 production aircraft built by Armstrong Whitworth for the Royal Air Force. France: 2 test aircraft were used in a wide variety of experiments, including radar and missile tests and during the development of Concorde. What's in: - a new plane - 25 RAF, AA skins - pilot, weapons, sounds - all planes built serials Credits: - Vetro 2k: original T.7 model - Yakarov79: nightfigher upgrade, IDF Skins - paulopanz: skins, decals, srcreens etc Operations: - key 10 canopy open Enjoy! @paulopanz PS: This ugly bird is the last of night fighter Meteor and the last plane of our complete Meteor line up by Yakarov79. Thank you very much mate! Submitter paulopanz Submitted 10/27/2019 Category Meteor  
  35. 1 point
    Be sure to give the ventral bays a modified "EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-98.0" in order to throw the missiles clear when launched. Here are AIM-9/120's that I have been using on the existing F-22A & F-35A/B/C. F-22 F-35 Launch Bay AAM.7z
  36. 1 point
    I'm gonna jump on the Craphead....err....Crapun.....errr so sorry Capun bashing bandwagon, because I cannot pass up the opportunity to diss the tosser , to say I dislike him slightly is maybe taking British understatement to the very limits of credibility. But enough about that oxygen thief....err I mean modder ( cough , cough) and to just say that the SF series isn't really meant to be a follow on to the excellent EAW, and other sims from the period, rather it was really to take the Century series, and beyond and run down that route, with the occasional Prop aircraft represented, ie the Skyraider, and some others, but the main emphasis on the jet age. I would like to see more of the prop era ie from WWI through to the mid to late 40's developed on the FE platform, there are of course some issues, although you can get some stuff to work in FE, not all of it will ( I may be misinformed here, so correct me if I am wrong ) Stephen 1918 is actually working on some Spanish Civil War stuff, which is nice to see, but there are far fewer modders on FE than there are on SF , also the FE engine is a bit crap compared to SF ( you cannot use JPG skins for example) but the options ARE there for modders to maybe shoehorn WWII stuff onto that engine....Just a thought, maybe I am misguided somewhat , however maybe its an option ?
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Please, enlighten us to that "original" statement, if you would
  39. 1 point
    Patroling the Mediterranean sea with the mighty Merlin Reaffirming the supremacy of the British Empire over the seven seas Converting british tax payers' money into pure TF-30 sound and fury Finally passed that damn license driving exam
  40. 1 point
    maybe there is more than one vertex on both ends of that edge? not Blending myself but trying to help
  41. 1 point
    From Moscow ehm Kuznetsov with love.
  42. 1 point
    Older generation brother out for a run Breaking for an attack run.. Older guy can still pull the G Clearing the air over the attack area
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Kuz is firing unguided rocket from depth-charge launcher (ASW weapon system) at enemy ships.
  45. 1 point
    fixed...but you'll have to delete the whole caporetto terrain folder with the new version (2.1)...available now
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    Some Colorful Clunks inbound soon, for North American installs. I'm going to upload the CF-100 MK-4A first. It had the lower thrust Orenda 9 and is a bit of a cow so will phase it out about a year after the introduction of the MK-4B. I figure they would have upgraded the engines on the 4A's during any heavy maintenance checks. Skin credits to Frenchie1977! Somewhere over the Great White North. [the American part]
  48. 1 point
    Those who played Ace Combat 7 know whom this aircraft belongs to... Mage Squadron, 508th TFS, Fort Grays Air Base, Osean Air Defense Force Spare Squadron, 444th TFS, Zapland Air Base, Osean Air Defense Force (Disavowed) Strider Squadron, 124th TFS, New Arrows Air Base, Osean Air Defense Force's Long Range Strategic Strike Group
  49. 1 point
    Be patient, it's coming to SF-2 faster than it is to the Russian Air Force !
  50. 1 point
    Some moving images as one likes to say :)


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