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Showing most liked content on 01/01/2024 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. 6 points
    I just want to drop a little thanks to all the mod makers here at CA. The last 2 weeks have seen a plethora (sp?) of new or imporved mods for the game. Been a long time since we've had so many 'all at once'. This will end the year on a high note for the community, even given what hells are happening around the world. Keep up the good work, everyone. Keep the faith Thanks Again!
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
    North American F-109A Retaliator - 101st Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Massachusetts ANG, 1977
  5. 3 points
    Happy new year !!!
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a complete overhaul/update/fixing of great Dave original package, an handmade reskin using Lod viewer and no templates. The job was started several years ago and finished after downloaded last Kevin's effort. So you'll find, jpg textures, SM files, fixed camo, lines and right shaped stripes and some missing parts added to originals. As I always dislike redoing someone's else work pratice without a valid reason, this job started only for personal use, but when became a complete overhaul, I decided to share. As a bonus a Defence Systems Evaluation skin made by myself using TW silver skin as template (EB-57B) and a second AVON 1 skin for 13 BS. Decals are taken from Dave's package and some are brand new. Remember to delete ALL previous old skins from original pack if installed. I hope you like. Happy new year. @paulopanz 2024
  8. 2 points
    Happy New Year... health and family !!! P.
  9. 2 points
    Why do I get the feeling that standard involves you looking like this during the discussion?
  10. 2 points
    Update! It works! Thanks man! I love this series already xD
  11. 2 points
    Ahhhh, the Graf, where the suns shines every 6 weeks for a total of 2 hours a day in the winter: non-consecutively too. But I thought it was fun: for an AF trooper being attached to a Air Liaison & FO unit (they asked for volunteers), I had the time of my life. You Army guys have good chow, but DAMN that place is cold!!!!!!!
  12. 2 points
    I was just getting to Bitburg & being reassigned to Spangdahlem in 93. Mt. Home was the dreaded assignment nobody wanted at the time. Hell, I went to Incirlik to get out of it.
  13. 2 points
    Daddy.................I Do my best to keep up a smart and military standard of semi aggressive ( to idiots ) state of inebriation. Whilst indeed it can have detrimental effect when attempting to use Photoshop whilst in the seeing double phase, it does give me a sense of euphoria, and a dashing rakish devil may care attitude. That is untill the next morning when one surveys the disasterous results of Kraken, Beer, or Jim Beam.......Ah well, I'm too old ugly and stupid to chaange my errant ways now !!!
  14. 2 points
    View File B-57B Vietnam (Plus) Skinpack This is a complete overhaul/update/fixing of great Dave original package, a handmade reskin using Lod viewer and no templates. The job was starded several years ago and finished after downloaded last Kevin's effort. So you'll find, jpg textures, SM files, fixed camo, lines and right shaped stripes and some missing parts added to originals. As I always dislike redoing someone's else work pratice without a valid reason, this job started only for personal use, but when became a complete overhaul, I decided to share. As a bonus a Defence Systems Evaluation skin made by myself using TW silver skin as template (EB-57B) and a second AVON 1 skin for 13 BS. Decals are taken from Dave's package and some are brand new. Remember to delete ALL previous old skins from original pack if installed. I hope you like. Happy new year. @paulopanz 2024 Submitter paulopanz Submitted 12/31/2023 Category B-57  
  15. 1 point
    No worries, it has no real function in-game as you see. It's just there to look like it does something but no, it just occupies the pylon for looks and nothing else.
  16. 1 point
    I'm not sure... I've had them for years; trot them out every so often to jazz up the look of a plane, but that was all they did. I put all of them in 1 zip. ASQ-213A_AAQ-33.zip Now I remember. They're in the Operation Darius Mod.
  17. 1 point
    I tried running a mission with this pod loaded, but as near as I can tell, it didn't do anything other than be a visual item. What exactly is it supposed to do?
  18. 1 point
    Thanks, Happy New Year 2024 to everyone! Never thought we'd make it to 2024, well done the human race !
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Yeah but it sucked during that Graf rotation, and at that time I was spoiled by the in-garrison accommodations, wasn't too bad. This is what I have for the HTS though, may be what you're looking for: HTS_POD.7z
  21. 1 point
    that is after following the instructions in my first post ther is no need to screw with the game files in the Programs folder at this time. youre just trying to start the car, we'll leave parallel parking for another day
  22. 1 point
    all of the above for Graf's lmao. but our CMTC rotation was always in November. three weeks before Thanksgivivng, go home for the weekend (week for the cooks that prepped the meal) then three more weeks out
  23. 1 point
    Bragg (the bigger alcoholics than Pope ) then Germany and back to Bragg until i bummed my time in the Reserves of course Germany wound up being with a field artillery unit. so i was well acquainted with the paths and trails of Graf and Hohenfels........
  24. 1 point
    From the future, eh? Tell me who wins the Superbowl and I'll split my winnings with you!
  25. 1 point
    little friends taking off, to link up and clear the way for the big boys
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    I´m crazy about it!
  28. 1 point
    Gentlemen, It's the holidays and a new year is right around the corner. Nobody needs harsh words though I understand some people are passionate about their views. Let's please consider getting back to where we were before this topic was ever started and let us not ruin some good friendships over any of this. Yes, some have been wronged but our problem isn't with the people here but the ones taking work and sharing it inappropriately. When it comes down to it, we're all limited to regulate proprietary infringement unless you're willing to spend the time and money it takes to police it. I wish you all great holiday blessings and may 2024 bring health, prosperity, and happiness to you and your families. Kindly, Erik
  29. 1 point
    Let's make a little bit firework. Happy new year!!!
  30. 1 point
    Hallo Guys, We have polished the Fitters for the past weeks and months. the team is doing an outstanding job on cleaning the 3D models, unify the files, skins and loadouts. All the finetuning that is needed, to make it enjoyable aber all these "Years". Im proud of the fitter team! The finishing is complete, and you are asking why it is not released ... cause we are punshing holes into the planes as a final step So stay tuned for an upcoming release of the early fitter versions, with more in the pipeline.
  31. 1 point
    Tactical Recon Now that I have the photos, let's save a trip
  32. 1 point
    @sukhoy34 Bro, I think you're missing rivets, PM me I'm cleaning the panels I can help you with that
  33. 1 point
    Someone it seems might be looking to keep updating the serial nos.
  34. 1 point
    the first time "2 weeks" has been uttered in a good way.
  35. 1 point
    View File [Fictional] Lockheed F-104H Starfighter for SF2 Lockheed F-104H Starfighter for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the stock F-104G to create a fictional F-104H in service with Air/Aerospace Defense Command in the 1966-1986 timeline. Markings are provided for the following squadrons; 111st Fighter Interceptor Squadron (Texas Air National Guard) 178th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (North Dakota Air National Guard) 186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (Montana Air National Guard) 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (a regular USAF unit attached to the 25th Air Division) BACKSTORY On March 15th 1963, two Soviet bombers overflew Alaska and despite a desperate chase the F-102A's of Alaskan Air Command were unable to intercept them. The immediate response to this embarrassing intrusion was to deploy ten F-106A's drawn from various Air Defense Command Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons to Alaska and to recall the remaining F-104A's that had previously been transferred to the Air National Guard back in 1960. Despite the excellence of the F-106A it did come with a pretty hefty price tag (and was actually out of production) and Air Defense Command realised that in order to replace the earlier F-101's and F-102's a cheaper alternative was required. With Lockheed's multi-role F-104G Starfighter in a high-rate of production the relatively low unit cost attracted the attention of the US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara who authorised production of the F-104H a dedicated interceptor version based on the F-104G and an initial order for 200 was made. The F-104H was powered by the uprated General Electric J79-GE-10 engine rated at 11,905 lbf dry thrust and 17,844 lbf thrust with afterburner although initial deliveries were powered by the earlier J79-GE-8B. The F-104H incorporated the advanced Litton LN-3 inertial navigation system and also featured the Autonetics NASARR F-15J-50 radar and fire control system optimised for the air-to-air mode with all ground-mapping, contour-mapping and terrain-avoidance modes deleted. After some debate, the M61 20mm cannon was retained but the main armament for the F-104H was the AIM-7 Sparrow semi-active homing missile, the AIM-9 Sidewinder infra-red heat-seeking missile and the AIR-2 Genie unguided air-to-air rocket with a 1.5 kt nuclear warhead. Entering service in April 1965 the F-104H eventually served with nine squadrons. Whilst the USAF's F-104A's and F-104C's had suffered the highest accident rate of any of the USAF Century Series fighters (25.2 aircraft destroyed per 100,000 flight hours) the F-104H's fared much better and were second only to the Spanish Air Force who actually achieved the perfect safety record of losing none of 21 F-104's over a total of 17,500 flight hours. The F-104H was gradually withdrawn from Aerospace Defense Command service from the late 1970's onwards although two Air National Guard units soldiered on until 1986 when the type was finally retired. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104H folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104H folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Thanks to bobrock for the excellent F-104G template. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - December 30th, 2023 Submitter Spinners Submitted 12/30/2023 Category What If Hangar  
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    While not publicly shown, the previous release of ODS 30AE offered reworked hit boxes and collision points for all of the over 140 aircraft of the mod; some aircraft required major fixes, others only needed small improvements. Referenced model node names have also been corrected in many cases. This (boring and time-consuming) work improves the hit detection of bullets and missiles and of crashes into the ground; overall it puts all of the aircraft of the mod on par with each other, for quality consistency's sake. Another detail that is often neglected regards landing lights. After several days of work, I'm happy to announce that the next release of the mod will offer standardized brightness and range values of landing lights for all of the flyable aircraft of the mod (not player-flyable aircraft will get the same treatment at a later time). Previously, many aircraft were missing landing lights or had broken values that caused rendering issues of landing lights. Each of the over 80 flyable aircraft (sub-variants included, not counting AI-only sub-variants that were also fixed) has been tested carefully to make sure that quality consistency on landing lights is kept throughout the entire roster of aircraft.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 0 points
    I've been to Graf and Hohenfels, but either during the fall or summer, never winter, so I missed that party.


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