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      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.

Strike Fighters 2 Series by Thirdwire

Sub Category  

All SF2 Series Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. 'Rivet Haste’ F-4E USAF pack add-on

      F-4E project ‘Rivet Haste’ add-on for ravenclaw_007 and Co’s F-4E USAF pack 2.0
      2.0 Updates/ corrections
      - Corrected tail tip color from green to red/ orange.
      - Added historicly correct small serial numbers to tail fin
      - Big thanks to mppd for the color reference photos (I could only find a single black & white one) and historical serial numbers.
      - F-4E_72 ‘Rivet Haste’
      You must have ravenclaw_007 and Co’s F-4E USAF pack installed for weapons & effects etc:
      Animation / Function
      - Canopy
      - Hook
      - Air Refuel
      - Gun Vent ______________ automatic when gun is fired or as soon as the landing gear is deployed
      - Brake Chute____________ works with the Air Brake below 150kts
      Features of the ‘Rivet Haste’ F-4E:
      - Slatted wings. The Rivet Haste F-4 were the only Phantoms in the Vietnam conflict to have slatted wings.
      - MIDAS4 gun port.
      - TISEO
      - APR-35/36 RHAW
      - Assigned to the 555th TFW but operated as a separate flight from the rest of the squadrons non Rivet Haste Phantoms.
      - Operated without any tail codes or serial numbers. Aircraft had RRRRibit in yellow on the tail fin along with a green tailfin tip.
      Hangar and Loading screens are in 1920 x 1080 , optional 1024 x 768 Hangar and Loading screens are included in a separate folder
      - Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack and overwrite if ask to
      - If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
      - ravenclaw_007
      - original model by TW , BPAO , Crab_02
      - cockpits from TW
      - Decals for the 34TFS , 469TFS and the original Templates from Sundowner
      - Skins for the 57th FIS made by Soulfreak
      - TISEO made by Crusader
      - Testpilots , EricJ , Slartibartfast , JAT81500 , Dast24 , Centurion1 , Ianh755 , GodsLt
      - new updated model , textures and weapons by ravenclaw_007
      - mppd
      Background on the Rivet Haste project:
      With the soft (slatted) wing, the pinkie switch (basically the very first HOTAS), and the TISEO modifications for the F-4E, the USAF realized it had the tools to make its fighter pilots more lethal. In the late summer of 1972, the Rivet Haste program was established. Rivet Haste would be the Air Force's acknowledgement that years of substandard training and poor doctrine had to be reversed. Rivet Haste combined the slatted wing, TISEO, and 556 mod of the F-4E and teamed them up with handpicked crews with combat experience over Vietnam. They were assembled at Nellis AFB and here the key of Rivet Haste would take place- intensive training with the new F-4Es against the secret MiG force that Air Force flew out of Tonopah north of Las Vegas. Each Rivet Haste crew were paired up to stay together through training to deployment for combat- this allowed the pilot and his WSO to develop their own system of coordination in the cockpit and carry that to combat. Six pilots and six WSOs were in each Rivet Haste group and each pilot/WSO would fly at least three missions against the MiGs at Tonopah. Each month, a new group of six pilots and six WSOs were assigned to Rivet Haste. Crews assigned to Rivet Haste saw it as a quantum leap in air combat training that the USAF had never had before. Unfortunately they arrived in Vietnam to late to score any air-to air-kills and only flew a handful of Linebacker II missions before the end of the war.


         (11 reviews)



    2. 'Spad' Skins

      ****457th TFS/301st TFW 'Spads' Skin Pack****
      You have downloaded a little repainting job for two aircraft, including the first skin I ever did. These are meant and intended for the stock ThirdWire models of the F-105D_66 and F-4D_78.
      These are skins for the 457th TFS/301st TFW, based out of Carswell AFB, right across the lake from my childhood home. I saw both of these aircraft fly over my home more often than I care to count. They are an Air Force Reserve unit. From Vietnam to 1981, they used the F-105D and then made the transition to the F-4, using the D-model first. Later, they would use the E-model Phantom, but only for a few years before finally converting over to the F-16C. Today, they operate the F-16C Block 30 and have seen service in Iraq and Afghanistan.
      Read the README for installation instructions.


         (0 reviews)



    3. 'What if' Delta Dart F.1 (F-106A) Royal Air Force Skin pack

      'What if' Delta Dart F.1 (F-106A) Royal Air Force Skin pack
      Decal are all stock TW Lightning decals so you can change the squadron to any RAF Lightning Squadron and the correct markings should show.
      - 1 Polished Silver Skin
      - 1 All Over Green Skin
      - 1 Two Tone Air Defense Grey
      You MUST have the SF2 F-106A pack installed:
      You MUST have a SF2 Title installed with a Lighning e.g. SF2 Expansion Pack 2
      - Pasko and his team that did the F-106A above.
      - Geary for the F-106A templates.
      Dan (Dtmdragon)


         (2 reviews)



    4. 'What if' F-106A 'Extended Service' Skin pack

      'What if' F-106A 'Extended Service' Skin pack
      - 7 Skins based on the early F-15A ghost greys colour scheme.
      - 2 Skins based on the later F-15A/C mod eagle colour scheme.
      - 1 Skin based on the grey two tone F-16 colour scheme.
      - 2 Skins which are FIS markings repainted over the SEA scheme of aircraft that have returned from Vietnam.
      - 1 Skin which is FIS markings repainted over the SEA Night scheme of aircraft that have returned from Vietnam.
      - Bonus ADC pilot in orange flight suit (you will have to edit the F-106A_data.ini to use it if you want to)
      You MUST have the SF2 F-106A pack installed:
      - Pasko and his team that did the F-106A above.
      - Geary for the F-106A templates.
      Dan (Dtmdragon)


         (6 reviews)



    5. 'What if' F/A-16C Blk 30/32 CAS Vipers

      'What if' F/A-16C Blk 30/32 CAS Vipers

      In the 1980's, the USAF started setting aside F-16s for the planned A-16 modification, a dedicated CAS version. In 1989, the designation block 60 was reserved for the A-16. The A-16 Block 60 was to be equipped with a 30 mm cannon. This project failed because the 30 mm gun would heat up and singe the inner components of the left fuselage.
      The Block 60 did not go into production and the A-16 became wrapped up in the debate about close CAS. The supporters of the A-16 project wanted the USAF to replace its A-10A Thunderbolt with A-16's, arguing that the A-10 was too slow to survive above a high-tech battlefield. Detractors argued that the A-16 had insufficient range and load-carrying capability to make an effective attack aircraft, and, in addition, it would be too vulnerable to enemy anti-aircraft fire.
      However the USAF was ordered to retain two wings of A-10 aircraft for the CAS mission. No order for the A-16 was ever placed.
      When the USAF was forced to opt for the A-10 instead of the A-16, the decision was made to retrofit up to 400 existing Block30/32 F-16C/D's with new equipment to perform the CAS and BAI (Battlefield Air Interdiction) missions, effectively killing the A-16 program. Modifications would include a GPS, Digital Terrain System, system hardening, modular mission computer, and an Automatic Target Handoff System.
      A prototype Block 30 was based at Shaw AFB and went through numerous physical adjustments. Official designation, was to be F/A-16. In January 1992, this plan too was abandoned in favor of using LANTIRN Block40/42 F-16C/D's.
      The USAF was reluctant to let the idea of a dedicated CAS F-16 go, and planned to replace its A-10's with F-16s fitted with a version of the Warthog's Avenger cannon. In November 1988, the 174th TFW New York ANG transited from the A-10A to the F-16A/B block 10, becoming the first unit to operate the F-16 in a CAS support role.
      During Desert Storm, their F-16A/B aircraft were equipped with the GPU-5/A Pave Claw pod on the centerline station.
      If the tests were successful, there were plans for a fleet of F/A-16C's with the same armament. To demonstrate the concept, the AF installed Pave Penny avionics, 30mm gun pods and European One paint jobs on 7 F-16C's. A single F-16D was given similar treatment with a Falcon Eye system as well. These aircraft flew from Nellis with the 'WA' tailcode.
      The F-16s from the 174th were deployed to the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm, but the project proved to be a miserable failure. Precision aiming was impossible for several reasons:
      • The pylon mount isn't as steady as the A-10's rigid mounting;
      • The F-16 flies much faster than an A-10, giving the pilots too little time approaching the target;
      • Firing the gun shook the aircraft harshly and made it impossible to control;
      • Essential CCIP (continuously computed impact point) software was unavailable.
      Pilots ended up using the gun as an area effect weapon, spraying multiple targets with ammunition, producing an effect rather like a cluster bomb. It took only a couple of days of this before they gave up, unbolted the gun pods, and went back to dropping cluster bombs.
      And so the F/A-16C plan was quietly forgotten....

      BUT...... What if the project was a success?

      And so I give you the F/A-16C Blk 30/32 CAS Viper:
      3 separate aircraft:
      - F/A-16C Block 30 1986- 1993 (1986 Service date makes it NATO Fighters 5 compatible, 1991 would be more realistic.)
      - F/A-16C Block 32 1993- 2003
      - F/A-16CM Block 30 2003+
      Unique CAS loadouts including the Pave Claw 30mm gun pods. There are heaps of extra loadouts if you have a look with the mission editor.
      All F/A-16C have the Falcon Eye FLIR pod on the nose in front of the canopy. It was slaved to the pilot’s helmet which had a helmet mounted display. Basically anywhere the pilot looked at night he would see the world in infrared. It was also the West’s first HMD with targeting information, weapons cueing, navigation and terrain avoidance ques.
      There are Euro-one style skins for the early F/A-16C, the latter blocks two have a mix of normal F-16 camo skins and a lighter ghost grey style like on the A-10.

      To install:
      Drop into your C:\Users\xxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters XXXXX
      Included in the folder 'NATO Fighters 5' is a modified 1986 Red Storm NATO Fighters campaign that includes the F/A-16. It will show up as an extra campaign and not affect any of the NATO Fighters 5 campaigns.

      - The Viper Team for their stunning viper packs.
      - Ravenclaw_007 for his new weapon packs.
      - Migbuster fot the F-16C skin templates.
      - Nato Fighters Team.

      Dan (dtmdragon)

      Combat Ace fair use agreement applies.


         (8 reviews)



    6. 'What if' Israeli Air Force F-111 skins plus Bonus real life F-111 ECM corrections and F-111D HUD

      'What if' Israeli Air Force F-111 skins plus Bonus real life F-111 ECM corrections and F-111D HUD
      - IDF camo with white underside
      - IDF camo with black underside
      - IDF Grey

      Can be used with any model F-111 but made for the F-111A.
      I also suggest you add 'ISRAEL' to all the weapon station 'AttachmentType=' statments in the F-111_data.INI
      BONUS (optional):
      Also included is the correct working HUD for the F-111D and the correct internal ECM jammers for ALL the F-111 models.
      These are not 'what ifs'. All the F-111 came with the internal AN/ALQ-94 or AN/ALQ-137 deceptive and noise jammer.
      Likewise the F-111D had a basic HUD.
      You will need:
      FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4
      Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0
      viper63a's SF2 Updated USAF E/F-111/A/E/F Combat Lancers/Aardvarks/Ravens


         (3 reviews)



    7. 'What if' KAW Hawker Hunter F.1 with Campiagn

      'What if' KAW Hawker Hunter F.1A & F.1B with campiagn 1.0
      The back story:
      In order to meet the Mig-15 threat over Korea and with no capable fighters currently in the RAF inventory the British Ministry of Supply instructs Hawker Aviation to undertake a crash production program of its P.1067 fighter. Project ‘Huntsman’. In less than a year since the prototype flew and two years ahead of schedule the Hawker Hunter is deployed to the Korean Theatre in early 1952. Since the Hunter F.1 designation was already assigned to the first full production Hunters due into service in 1954, the Hunters produced under program ‘Huntsman’ are (unusually) designated Hunter F.1A
      These aircraft are basically identical to the future production Hunter F.1 the most obvious difference being that they are finished in High Speed Silver. However the lack of paint means these Hunters are 21 Mph faster and 53Kg lighter than the full production F.1 Hunters.
      Operations over Korea immediately highlighted the Hunters inherent shortcomings. Of most concern was its lack of fuel and endurance with barely an hour’s flight time. Also of concern was the damage done to the fuselage caused by the ejection of spent cartridge links. These concerns (among others) would be addressed in time by future models of the Hunter, but in the skies of Korea in 1952 the lack of range and endurance had to be immediately mitigated. And thus the Hunter F.1B is born with the addition of wing mounted drop tanks installed in theatre.
      What's in it:
      - Hawker Hunter F.1A
      - Hawker Hunter F.1B
      - Various RAF 43 and 222 Squadron Skins in Camo and High Speed Silver.
      - NOTE: The camo skins are included as a bonus but the aircraft data.ini files are set up to reflect the high speed silver skins as I have included the weight reduction and increased speed that comes without using camo paint. I found the figures I used in an article about the trial OD green Sabres in Korea.
      - sounds
      - pilot
      - Modified Korea Campaign using the Hunters. This will not change the original campaign in any way, you will see an additional campaign called 'Korean War Hunters Over Korea' that you can select. Missions will be similar to the Sabre, No 43 Squadron is based at Suwon AB (K-13) and No. 222 Squadron at Kimpo AB (K-14).
      - NOTE: this mod can be added to the Wings Over Korea mod without any change what so ever to the original game play. You will never see these Hunters show up over Korea unless you play the above included campaign or start a single mission with a Hunter.
      - canopy open key=10 automatic closing at take off
      To Install:
      - Designed to be used with the Wings Over Korea mod but should work without it.
      - Put everything in you main StrikeFighters2 KAW mods folder
      - Get the Wings Over Korea mod here:
      - Third Wire
      - Paulopanz Hunter F.1 Skins & Edits for SF2
      - Sundowner Hunter F6 Templates.
      - Do335 Wings Over Korea
      - Evryone else in the WOK/ KAW team
      Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.


         (1 review)



    8. 'What nearly was' Royal New Zealand Air force F-16A/B Block 15 OCU/MLU Anthology.

      'What nearly was' Royal New Zealand Air force F-16A/B Block 15 OCU/MLU Anthology.
      When doing some research about the proposed Kahu II upgrade for the RNZAF A-4K fleet I found some good info on the New Zealand F-16 deal 'that nearly was' in the late 1990s/early 2000s. I decided to make as accurate 'what if' version I could.
      Ive used the Mirage factory F-16A/B Block 15 OCU model which is the version we would have received as they were built for Pakistan but embargoed and put in storage.
      I added a A-4K style UHF antenna just behind the refuelling receptacle.
      I've left the weapons the same as used by the upgraded A-4K fleet in 2001 except for the addition of the Litening targeting pod and Harpoon ASM which were going to be procured along side the F-16. Since the RNZAFs primary role is close air support it was unlikely any extra money was going to be spent on any radar guided missile, such as the AIM-120, as their air-to-air role was seen as one of primarily self defence.
      The terms of the deal included a Mid Life Upgrade at the end of the 10 year lease period when we would have purchased the aircraft. As part of the MLU I have included the integration of the AIM-9X along with the JHMCS as it stands to reason that the RNZAF's AIM-9L models would have been considered to be going out of date by 2009. The Pylon Integrated Dispensing System (PIDS) has also been included as part of the MLU as it is in some European Mid Life Upgrades.
      Also on the MLU aircraft are ALQ-131 ECM pods which there were provisions for in the original terms of the lease but most likely would have been pushed out to the time of the MLU because of the extra costs.
      There are 4 separate aircraft that represent the 13 'A' and 9 'B' model Vipers before and after a Mid Life Upgrade (MLU):
      -F-16A Blk 15 OCU RNZAF (What if?)
      -F-16B Blk 15 OCU RNZAF (What if?)
      -F-16AM Blk 15 MLU RNZAF (What if?)
      -F-16BM Blk 15 MLU RNZAF (What if?)
      I've given the A models the serial numbers NZ6301 through to NZ6313 and the B models NZ6314 through to NZ6322
      2 Different skins for the operational aircraft are included which are; the Pakistani style camouflage scheme the aircraft were already painted when New Zealand placed the order and they would have been delivered in. As well as an all over medium grey used on all current RNZAF aircraft since around 2003.
      8 Special/Commemorative skins are also included such as; high-viz Commanding Officers aircraft, Rugby World Cup All Blacks supporters scheme, a couple of retro Kiwi Skyhawk style skins, an Aggressor skin plus a few others.
      You can use the mission editor to load alternate loadout options that include the AIM-120 or are specific to close air support roles in Afghanistan etc
      Also included is a extensive RWR.LST and set of RWR.TGA files.
      Just Extract the files, then drag and drop into your mods folder and override when prompted.
      Thread in Sci-Fi/Anime/What If Forum with lots of screen shots: http://combatace.com...lock-15-ocumlu/
      Links to Info on the cancelled RNZAF F-16 'deal of century' that nearly was:
      http://f-16.net/f-16_users_article28.html (3/4 of the way down the page)
      These F-16 are a mix match between the best parts of all the F-16 mods available with new/modified/enhanced skins of my own. I've also re written most of the data.ini and avionics.ini files with updated data from the net especially when it comes to the performance of the radar after the MLU update.
      Dave's Mirage Factory F-16C Block 25/30/32/40/42/50/52 3.0 and Mirage Factory F-16B Block 15:
      -Moonjumper (aka Crusader)
      -X Ray
      The NATO Fighters Team for the F-16A Block 15 OCU model
      ace888 for the PAK skin
      ravenclaw007 for the Weapons - Pack 1 vers 1.2
      331Killerbee for the MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2


         (2 reviews)



    9. "Civilian" Gas Truck

      Civilian Fuel Truck
      = SF/Wo* & SF2 series Games (Any and All!) =
      A simple repaint of the stock Zil Fuel truck into something more 'civilian' looking for use around airports and such like. The templates are supplied (they're 1024x, so easy to work with) to allow other skinners the opportunity to create other skins. Also supplied, is a red Phillips 66 skin, easily swapped.
      The inis supplied herein are in ANSI format, allowing for use in both 1stGen SF/Wo* and SF2 series.
      See the 'To Install' section below for more notes, and how to add to Terrains as a seperate item via _types and _targets editing.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! They'll all add a little color to an otherwise drab setting.
      Happy Gassing!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    10. "Digital Integration Tornado" Menu Music for Strike Fighters 2

      Menu music from "Tornado" for Strike Fighters 2, replaces the standard menu music with that from the DOS Sim by Digital Integration.
      Features 9 out of 10 tracks as I could not find a use for "Freedom".
      Drag and drop the .wav files in Part 1 and Part 2 to
      C:\[user]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 [Name of Installation]\Menu
      and that's it! Simple as that, some INI editing might be required.
      Tested on Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic June 2013 version, should work on any Strike Fighters 2 Version.


         (0 reviews)



    11. "Ghosts of Razgriz" F-14 Skin for the TMF Tomcat

      I may not play Ace Combat, but I've always liked their artwork, even though sometimes its a spinoff of real world schemes.
      This is one I found on DeviantArt, and therefore put digital brush to the TMF Tomcat. I used it on the D model but can work with any model Tomcat you wish. Simply drop in the folder of the Mirage Factory Tomcat and go fly.
      Eric Johnson, 2013


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    12. "Operation Desert Storm" for SF2 (Redux) - Part 1 of 3

      "Operation Desert Storm" for Strike Fighters 2
      This package contains an updated, "Strike Fighters 2" compatible version of the "Operation Desert Storm" mod package originally released for "Strike Fighters Project 1" (SFP1). In addition to making the original mod compatible with "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E), this updated version also adds a number of other mods that were released in the years subsequent to the original release of this mod for SFP1.
      This mod package should be installed to "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E) installations (or merged installs incorporating SF2E) that are patched to the Mar2012 or later patch level. If you are running SF2E at an earlier patch level and do NOT intend to update to one of the later patch levels mentioned above, you should NOT install this mod package.
      Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install the original "Operation Desert Storm" mod for SFP1. If you have installed the previous SF2 version of ODS, it is recommended that you NOT install this refreshed and updated version over that earlier version. Create a new install.
      NOTE: this mod is distributed as set of THREE 7zip archive files. If you did not download all three 7zip packages from CombatAce.com, then this mod will not work properly.
      Minimum Requirements
      To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed:
      SF2 VERSION: Strike Fighters 2: Europe (SF2E)
      PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
      This mod does support installations that include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA), however, SF2NA is not required.
      Update Notes
      This mod package is a refreshed and updated version of the original version that was released in April 2012 on CombatAce. It incorporates all the updates included in the "Update 1" package released on CombatAce in January 2013. It also includes further updates, fixes, and additions beyond what was included in the "Update 1" package. All told this refreshed version of the mod includes the following major additions to the "Operation Darius" mod package:
      - new aircraft: H-6D, Mi-8 Hip, IL-76, IL-76B2, NimrodMR1, SH-3D
      - new SF2NA aircraft: EA-6B_86, A-6E_90, E-2C
      - new optional aircraft: A-10A_87, Mirage5AD, Mirage5EAD
      - new aircraft models: F-1CR, F-7B, F-7M, F-16C_B30, F-16C_B40,
      F-117A, JaguarA3_DS, Mirage2000EAD, Su-25
      - new ships: USNTransport
      ...plus numerous other fixes, updates, and skin additions to dozens of aircraft and ground objects.
      Before installing this mod package, please ensure the installation of Strike Fighters 2 that you intend to use is updated to at least the Mar2012 patch level. The latest patches for Strike Fighters 2 can be downloaded from ThirdWire:
      Also, please be aware that the mod requires "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E). This mod can be installed to SF2E installations that incorporate "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). If SF2NA is part of your target install base, there are some additional items for you to install.
      The main installation process consists of three main steps -- or, four if your target install base incorporates SF2NA. Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly.
      This mod requires a separate mod folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as NATO Fighter 4+ or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
      - Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 Europe.exe or StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe (if your target install base includes SF2NA). Rename the copied .EXE file to StrikeFighters2_ODS.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
      - Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your "Operation Desert Storm" mod install will have been created in one of these locations:
      Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
      Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
      Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
      ...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the "Operation Desert Storm" mod files to your Mod Folder.
      - Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
      Now you're ready to install the "Operation Desert Storm" mod proper.
      This is the easiest step.
      - Unpack the three "SF2 ODS" archive packages to a temporary location on your hard drive.
      - Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from all three unzipped packages to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
      If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
      This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
      Open the Options.INI in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following:
      Just below the "Instant Action" section is the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1992 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
      Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
      CampaignName=19910117 Desert Storm
      PlayerUnit=336th TFS
      Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
      * STEP 4: Extra Step for SF2NA Users *
      This last step is for those whose install base include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). Included with this mod are a number of custom files that allow SF2NA users to enjoy some of the new functionality included with SF2NA, including:
      - Updated F-14 cockpits and avionics that use the new AvionicsF14A.dll included with SF2NA;
      - Carrier battle groups in campaigns
      - SF2NA US Navy ships that are restricted to actual vessels that participated in Operation
      Desert Storm.
      - New mission types in campaigns, including Escort_Jamming missions for the EA-6B and EF-111A
      (AI only) as well as Early_Warning missions for the E-2C and E-3A.
      TO INSTALL: drag and drop the contents of the \_For_SF2NA folder into your Mod Folder, allowing Windows to merge and overwrite any folders and files it prompts to.
      * * * * *
      THAT'S IT. Your ""Operation Desert Storm" for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
      Optional Installs
      This mod includes a number of optional files that you can add to your Desert Storm installation. Note that some of the following optional installs require you to have other ThirdWire products beyond those listed in the minimum requirements.
      A. SF2NA Tomcat Updates
      Included in the \Optional\3W_F-14s folder are some optional items that you may consider installing, if your installation base includes SF2NA. Included are:
      - DATA.INI files for the F-14 Tomcats that use the ThirdWire flight model
      - COCKPIT.INI and AVOINICS.INI files for the Tomcats that use the ThirdWire cockpit
      To use these files simply drop them in the appropriate F-14 folders in \Objects\Aircraft. (Note: the *.TMF versions of these files are copies of the files you replace when using these optional files.)
      B. Optional Aircraft
      1. A-10A_87
      Included in the \Optional\Aircraft directory is an optional A-10A Warthog, using a new model and released by Spectre8750. To install it, simply copy the \A-10A_87 folder to the \Objects\Aircraft folder in your Desert Storm Mods folder. Once installed this A-10A version will be used in campaigns in lieu of the stock A-10A_78.
      2. Mirage 5AD & 5EAD
      Also included in the \Optional\Aircraft directory are two aircraft used by the UAE -- the Mirage 5AD and Mirage 5EAD. Please note that these aircraft require you to have the following additional products from ThirdWire installed as part of your base installation:
      - Mirage 5AD: Mirage 5D from Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I)
      - Mirage 5EAD: Mirage IIIO from DLC #17
      To install these aircraft, simply copy the \Mirage5AD and \Mirage5EAD folders to the \Objects\Aircraft folder in your Desert Storm Mods folder. These aircraft are not used in campaigns but will be available for single missions.
      A Note on Anti-Ship Missiles
      For this mod most third-party (i.e., non-stock) anti-ship missiles have been converted to use the ASM/cruise missile functionality introduced w/ SF2NA. At the same time, the older versions of these missiles have been preserved, as the new ASM cruise missiles can be used by AI only against ships.
      So, for many anti-ship missiles you will now find two versions:
      1) "Standard" guided version
      These versions are the "old" style missiles setwith WeaponDataType=1. They can be used by AI against land and sea targets. These missiles retain their familiar names (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon, Kh-59M Ovod, etc.).
      2) ASM/cruise missile version
      These versions utilitize the new cruise missile functionality set by WeaponDataType=7. They can be used by AI only against ships. These versions can be distinguished by their names:
      - U.S./NATO missiles have the ASM tag (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon ASM).
      - Soviet/WP missiles follow the naming convention used by ThirdWire's
      Soviet cruise missiles (e.g., Kh-59M AS-13 Kingbolt).
      At the same time aircraft that typically carry these missiles have been updated to accommodate the ASM versions. Loadouts for these aircraft have been updated to use ASM versions by default for Anti-Ship, Naval_Attack, and Cruise_Missile loadouts.
      A Note on Laser-Guided Bombs (LGBs)
      AI pilots in Strike Fighters have long had problems employing LGBs. AI pilots in the player's flight can drop LGBs, but will treat them as dumb bombs. AI pilots in flights not controlled by the player (i.e., AI-only flights) cannot use LGBs at all, and will typically get stuck circling the target.
      To address this problem I have created EOGB versions of all LGBs for AI pilots to use (AI pilots have no problems with EOGBs for some reason). These AI versions are identical in all respects to the LGB versions save for the Guidance Type, which is set to "Electro-Optical Guided" instead of "Laser-Guided."
      By default aircraft that use LGBs for certain loadouts (usually Stike, Attack, SEAD, or Anti-Ship) are loaded with these AI (EOGB) versions instead of the LGB versions. You should make it a habit to check the Loadout screen and switch the bomb version on your own aircraft to the LGB version.
      You can distinguish between the AI (EOGB) and LGB (Player) versions by the weapon name -- for example:
      LGB version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II LGB
      AI version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II (AI)
      While this solution introduces an extra step for the player in the preparation to start a mission, it allows AI pilots and AI-only flights to use these weapons.
      A Note on the Water Shader Effect
      This updated version of ODS for SF2 implements a different water shader effect from Fubar512, replacing the water shader effect from the original release that caused costal tiles to have an odd, shimmering appearance.
      If you run into problems with this replacement water shader, do the following:
      1) Remove the following files from the \Terrains\DS folder:
      At this point, the game will revert to using the stock SF2 watershader and WaterNormal.BMP. If you wish to restore the water shader used in the original release of this mod, proceed to the next step.
      2) Restore the water shader effect from the original release by unpacking WaterEffect_Fubar512.zip (found in \Terrains\DS\_Water) to the main DS terrain folder (\Terrains\DS).
      If you later decide you prefer the new water shader effect included in this updated version of the mod, simply unpack WaterEffect_V1.zip (found in \Terrains\DS\_Water) to the main DS terrain folder (\Terrains\DS).
      If you do encounter problems with this replacement water shader effect, please report them to the forums at CombatAce.com.
      Changes, Fixes, & Additions
      This mod is a conversion and upgrade of the original "Operation Desert Storm" mod released for SFP1. This version incorporates the following major updates and additions over the original:
      New Aircraft
      A-6E_90 F-15D MiG-23BN_IRQ
      A-10A_87 F-16C_B40 MiG-23MF_IRQ
      AC-130U F-16C_B40_RBAF MiG-23MLAE_IRQ
      AH-64A F-1CK MiG-23MS_IRQ
      Buccaneer-S2B F-1CR Mirage5AD
      C-130E F-1EDA Mirage5EAD
      C-130H FA-18C Mirage2000C
      C-130K H-6D Mirage2000EAD
      C-130K-30 Hawk65 NimrodMR1
      E-2C IL-76/B2 SH-3D
      EA-6B JaguarA3_DS Su-20B
      EA-6B_86 KA-6D Su-22
      EC-130H KC-130F Su-22M
      F-7B/M KC-135A Su-22M3
      F-14A+ KC-135E Su-22M4
      F-15C_RSAF Mi-8 Su-25
      Upgraded Aircraft *
      A-10A_78 F-14A F-117A
      A-4KU F-15C JaguarGR1A_DS
      B-52G F-15E MiG-25PDS
      EF-111A F-16C_B30 Tornado_GR1_DS
      F-4E_86 F-111E Tornado_GR1_RSAF
      F-7A F-111F Tornado_IDS_IT
      * The above are aircraft that were either converted to newer models
      or that received major upgrades of some kind. All aircraft from
      the original version of this mod were updated or tweaked in some
      way -- at the very least for SF2 compatibility.
      New Ground Objects
      AH-64 CG-59 M167-VADS
      AMX-30 CG-60 Iowa80s
      AMX-30B2 CGN-25 M1939
      Arab_DSHK Chieftain2 M1939_G
      Arab_DSHK_G Chieftain5 PAC2_AMG
      Avenger Chieftain11 PAC2_LS
      CG-16 CVN68 PAC2_RS
      CG-47 Humvee RolandRad
      CG-52 Humvee_M1025 USNTransport
      CG-53 Humvee_M1046 ZPU-1
      In addition to the above updates and additions, the following major changes were made:
      - All aircraft brought up to SF2 standards
      - All naval aircraft made SF2NA compatible
      - All ground SAM & radar ground objects brought up to SF2 standards
      - All ships made SF2NA-compatible
      - All weapons & guns converted to SF2 format
      - All major modded INIs made SF2 compatible
      - All effects made SF2 compatible
      - DS terrain made SF2 or SF2NA compatible
      - Overhauled "Desert Storm" campaign
      - Added Red-side "Mother of All Battles" campaign
      Please note that the above list does not constitute an exhaustive change log, as this
      update incorporates too many minor fixes and tweaks to list or account for here.
      Suffice it to say that this version of "Operation Desert Storm" for SF2E represents
      a major overhaul of the original mod for SFP1.
      This release adds a number of new items to the "Operation Desert Storm" mod package. These new items are from the following modders, who generously allowed their use:
      Home Fries ..................................... Optional 3W A-6E_90 & EA-6B_86
      Spectre8750 .................................... Optional A-10A_87
      Dels ........................................... AH-64 Apache helo & ground object
      Crusader ....................................... Harrier avionics mod
      Dels & wpnssgt ................................. B-52GH MegaPack (for B-52G)
      ravenclaw_007 .................................. Buccaneer S2B
      Dels ........................................... AC-130U, C-130E, C-130H, EC-130H
      Daddyairplanes ................................. C-130E/H upgrades & new skins
      Dels, Sundowner, & Dave ........................ RAF C-30K Super Pack
      Hawker/Agemmenon & 331KillerBee ................ EA-6B Prowler
      Fubar512 & Wrench .............................. EA-6B upgrades & fixes
      Paul Nortress .................................. EA-6B skins
      The Mirage Factory.............................. F-7B & F-7M Airguard
      The Mirage Factory ............................. F-4E ARN-101 (F-4E_86)
      Crusader ....................................... F-5E avionics mod
      The Mirage Factory ............................. F-14 Tomcats
      Spectre8750 .................................... F-14 fixes & upgrades
      JSF Aggie, Paul Nortress, Hrntfixr ............. F-14 skins
      Dave, Caesar, & SupGen ......................... F-14A SF2NA avionics & cockpit upgrade
      FastCargo & team ............................... F-15C & F-15E
      Viper Crew ..................................... F-16C_B30 & F-16C_B40
      FastCargo ...................................... EF-111A, F-111E, F-111F
      slick_cowboy ................................... F-111E/F new skins
      liamp51 ........................................ re-textured F-111A cockpit
      Dels ........................................... F-117A new model
      The Mirage Factory ............................. F/A-18C model & skins
      Spectre8750 .................................... F/A-18C upgrade
      RussoUK2002 .................................... Hawk 65 model
      RussoUK2004 .................................... Hawk Mk.65 updates
      Veltro2K ....................................... IL-76 & A-50 (IL-76B2)
      Oli & Sundowner ................................ Jaguar GR1
      Bpao, Jeanba, Tom Venom, & Sony Tuckson ........ Jaguar A
      Stary .......................................... Jaguar & Mirage F1 cockpit repaints
      Monty CZ & wpnssgt ............................. KA-6D Tanker
      Paul Nortress .................................. KA-6D skins
      Daddyairplanes ................................. KC-10 new skins
      Pappychksix & 331KillerBee ..................... KC-130F
      Bpao ........................................... KC-135A/E Tankers
      Marcfighters ................................... Mi-8 Hip
      Paulopanz ...................................... MiG-21PF skins
      Rafael & BPAo .................................. MiG-23 models
      Lindr2 ......................................... MiG-23 upgrade packs
      eburger68 ...................................... MiG-23 SF2 upgrades
      CrazyhorseB34 .................................. MiG-25PDS upgrade
      Baffmeister .................................... MiG-25 updated flight model
      RussoUK2004 .................................... MiG-29A updated model
      The Mirage Factory ............................. Mirage F-1CK, F-1EDA models
      Bpao, Centurion-1, Brain32, & Ludo.M54 ......... Mirage F-1CR model
      FRPignon/cangas ................................ Mirage F-1CR mod/update
      Paulopanz, Denis Oliveira, Coupi, & Ludo.M54 ... Optional Mirage 5AD/EAD
      The Mirage Factory ............................. Mirage 2000C
      Ace888 & The Mirage Factory .................... Mirage 2000EAD
      Veltro2K & Wrench .............................. Nimrod MR.1
      Florian ........................................ SH-3D Sea King
      ArmourDave & AmokFloo .......................... Su-20/22 models
      Lindr2 ......................................... Su-20/22 upgrades
      eburger68 ...................................... Su-20/22 SF2 upgrades
      Florian, Baffmeister, & Paulopanz .............. Su-25 (new model & skins)
      WingsOverIsrael ................................ Su-25 IrAF camo skin
      Sundowner & Ianh ............................... Tornado IDS
      Bobrock, X-Ray, & Soulman ...................... Tornado IDS skins & decals
      Sundowner, AD, & Dave .......................... Tornado GR1
      Ianh ........................................... Tornado GR1 fixes & updates
      Paulopanz & Spillone104 ........................ H-6 & Tu-16 Packs for SF2
      whiteknight06604 ............................... Tu-22 Iraq AF camo skin
      Stefano ........................................ AMX-30 & AMX-30B2
      EricJ .......................................... Arab_Dshk
      Abhi ........................................... AN/TWQ-1 Avenger
      WhiteBoySamurai ................................ Leahy, Ticonderoga, & Bainbridge class ships
      Florian ........................................ USN AOE Transport
      Fubar512 & MiGBuster ........................... Carrier Deck Illumination package
      SFP1Ace ........................................ Chieftain tanks
      aleks1 ......................................... CVN-68
      SUICIDAL & TORNO ............................... Humvees
      ID(io)T Team, Torno, YeYeYe, & Spitwulf ........ Iowa '80s battleship
      Fubar512 ....................................... Iowa '80s configuration
      JSF_Aggie ...................................... ThirdWire LHA upgrade
      Julhelm ........................................ Firecan radar (new model)
      BANIDOS TEAM ................................... M-167 VADS
      bigal1 ......................................... M270MLR
      rebel ryder & Nicholas Bell .................... M1939 flak guns
      YEYEYE ......................................... PAC-2 system
      Florian ........................................ RolandRad
      CrazyhorseB34 .................................. RolandRad desert skin
      Kesselbrut ..................................... ZPU-1
      SUICIDAL ....................................... New Destroyed Tank LODs
      Kout ........................................... Main screen
      cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed ............ Environment mods
      Fubar512 ....................................... Improved water shader effect
      Spectre8750 .................................... Fake Afterburner Node
      Capitaine Vengeur .............................. Coalition Pack (medals & icons)
      Brennus ........................................ ODS desktop icon
      OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, Florian/ ....... Pilots
      AmokFloo, & PureBlue
      Malibu43 ....................................... Revamped ground campaign
      Dave, Sundowner, Crusader, JSF_Aggie, Dels, .... Testing & minor fixes
      Caesar, Gocad, Malibu43, & CrazyhorseB34
      (Used in an earlier release of this mod package)
      Swede & Wpnssgt ................................ F-16C_B30 & F-16C_B40_RBAF models
      Oli & Sundowner ................................ Jaguar A
      Erwin Hans ..................................... Mirage 2000EAD model
      TORNO/Banidos Team ............................. Mirage 2000EAD skin
      101tfs, YEYEYE, Erwin Hans, & Lindr2 .......... Su-25 (based on Su-39)
      Credit for the original "Operation Desert Storm" mod package goes to Dave, JSF_Aggie, and the team of modders that contributed to that original release for SFP1. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete "Operation Desert Storm" mod, see the original ReadMes included in \_OriginalReadmes.
      If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
      eburger68 & USAFMTL (Dave)
      28 April 2012
      26 November 2014


         (9 reviews)



    13. "Operation Desert Storm" for SF2 (Redux) - Part 2 of 3

      ODS for SF2: Part 2 of 3.
      Eric Howes


         (4 reviews)



    14. "Operation Desert Storm" for SF2 (Redux) - Part 3 of 3

      ODS for SF2: Part 3 of 3.
      Eric Howes


         (5 reviews)



    15. "Taliban Grouse"

      This is a "What If" nation missile system based off of the real SA-18 Grouse (or what I could find though internets sources).
      It is set for the "Taliban" nation for my Afghanistan install but can be adapted of course for any map or nation:
      It uses Pasko's "SAM Gunner" since I have no modeling skills and is setup for SF2. It can be of course adapted for SF1 but that requires a bit of work that can be found in the SF2 Knowledge Base and is a drag and drop as all files and folders are already organized.
      Afghanistan rules of thumb:
      Kandahar-Shindand-Herat-Qala I Naw "ring" stay above 24,000ft MSL + for traveling. When you break that (usually 23,000 ft) you may get shot at. Other areas roughly 22,000 ft MSL + is a good altitude to stay above but again use flares conservatively. It's not very accurate but if enough are fired you will get shot down. I've seen earlier versions of this shred SEAD flights.
      This is strictly for What If scenarios or installs rather than real world setups as so far there is no heavy use of SAMs in-country.


         (0 reviews)



    16. "Waterworld" Terrain

      "Waterworld" Terrain for SF2
      Full-4 Merged (Reccomened) and/or SF2:V
      Just a bit of silliness. I was asked to create a 'quick and dirty' mostly ocean terrain by Fubar512, so he could test some ship mods. This is it. Just a little something fun, and slightly different. Yes, there are Easter Eggs. In fact, the WHOLE map is an Easter Egg!
      This terrain contains 2 land-airfields (one for each side) and 6 CV stations; 3 each for Blue and Red. I made use of the "Allowed Missions" statement, so you won't be seeing any CAS or Armed Recons (with no place to drive too...well, you get the idea). Plenty of shipping routes, however.
      No tiles (excepting one special, and one for use with GH3) are included with this, but it uses the VietnamSEA tile set, as pointed to via the 'use this cat' statement in the terrain's main ini. If one wished to, you can easily just drop Stary's GH3 set, or any other Vietnam-named tiles directly into the terrain folder. Once the terrain has it's own internal tileset, you can use any cat pointer =EXCEPT= the IsrealME.cat.
      The cities on the map have the minimal amounts of targets possible ... this is more for those liking to keep their feet wet. Also, you might just want to consider this terrain a "myth-mash" (see notes below). Bonus point awarded to ID the source of several of the place names.
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading.
      Happy Swimming!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    17. "What If..." 2011 MiG-21MFU (Upgrade), New Iraqi Air Force

      "What If..." MiG-21MF(U), New Iraqi Airforce for SF2
      =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*)
      *Note: should work in any install with access to the MiG-21MF lods. Which, iirc, are available in all versions*
      While doing research for the "Operation Darius" mod, I came across some statments about rebuilding the New IrAF, possibly using upgraded/updated/rebuilt versions of many that were outside Iraq when OIF kicked off. This mod is the result, albeit beyond speculation, into the realms of pure fantasy.
      This assumed (oh! that word!) that the GoI chose to refurbish 18 MiG-21MFs that were in Serbia in 2003 to modern 21st Century capabilities. Think along the lines of the Mig-21-93, Lancer or even closer, the HAL-built Bison for the Indian AF. These aircraft would be used for border security, in-country airspace control, ground support and martime strike. If required.
      This aircraft has a modern HUD, TEWS, full avionics suite with multi-mode AA and AG radars, and a defensive pak with jammers and expendable decoys (ie: chaff and flares). It's speced/cleared for weapons of NATO, French and US origins, as well as being able to (re)use old Soviet/WarPac munitions. Offensive weapons mounts carry standard IRMs and medium range radar guided missiles (Magics and R-530F)
      This mod also makes use of dtmdragon's 'generic' RWR listing, so make sure you have that installed and updated. As expected, the canopy operates via manual animation keystroke, the ever popular Shift/0.
      All new serial numbers using the 2010-stle 'YI' codes have been created, as is the new IrAF insigina (same as the new flag). This is the same prefix code now seen on NIrAF C-130s, Cessna 182s, various helicoptors, and T-6A Texan IIs now in service.
      2 versions of the insignia are included; one is full color, the other a Low-Viz version. It's set for the full color now, but you can switch it, if wanted, by a simple edit of the decals.ini.
      No weapons are included (other than a "new" 2-IR mount); they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things.
      Good Hunting!!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    18. (Fictional) A-TACS Camo for Florian's Alpha Jet

      A-TACS (fictional) Skin for Alpha Jet
      Hello guys, first upload so please be gentle, this is a fictional skin I created for Florian's Alpha Jet using a desert type A-TACS pattern.
      1- Decompress A-TACS.rar into a temporary folder
      2- Add the A-TACS folder to your Alpha Jet A folder located in your SF2 mod folder (by default in Windows 7: C:/Users/(your user name)/Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2/Objects/Aircraft/Alpha Jet-A)
      3-Go Fly!
      All credit goes to Florian, who made the original model and templates, I just did some minor photoshop work
      Tested in SF2 full 5 merged in both Alpha Jet versions available (with and without ECM)
      GOOD HUNT!


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. (Fictional) USN AH-64 Longbow Apache Skin

      Longbow Apache AH-64 My new skin...
      by WingsOverIsrael......


         (1 review)



    20. (Fictional/ What if) Fenrir -Ace combat X

      Fenrir- version 1.0- works too in WOI with oct 2008 patch
      you can upload skins and edited FM's, respecting the freeware lincensing.
      if possible, you can also give some credit to me :D
      BTW Read the read_me...
      Special thanks to:


         (4 reviews)



    21. (Marcfighters) KC-10A Extender in the 90s

      (Marcfighters) KC-10A Extender in the 90s
      This is a redux of the Marcfighters KC-10 mod. It incorporates each wing that used the KC-10A in the early to mid 1990s. This includes the units that still operated the Extender at the transition from SAC to AMC, as well as the transition to Travis and McGuire AFBs. Also included are the two skins for the KDC-10 tanker version used by the Royal Netherlands Air Force
      Installation:     Unlike many of my mods, i reccommend just deleting the previous mod if you have it on hand. This is a vast leap over the older skin set, and coversall available tankers rather than just 6 for each camo style. Allowing overwrite should not hurt anything, just dont complain about clutter if you go that path.
                                Otherwise, like always, unzip and install into any SF2 mod folder.

          5 skins for the 458th ARG, 22d ARW, 4th Wing, and the 60th and 305th AMWs in 1995
          multi camo decal sets for these skins
          nose art as appropriate
          tweeked skins for the KDC-10 aircraft
          original decals for these aircraft
      Known Issues
          the model and flight model are the same that Marcfighters included in the original (SF1) ODS mod. it was meant as eyecandy, and had no pit. as released i have commented out the cockpit, but had a sitting on the nose pit so i could load it in game
           to check work. there are also no windows for the cockpit, the entire fuselage is one piece (cause marking limitations)
          it is sluggish, and flies nose down.
          given there is a newer model known to be in the pipeline (eta two weeks), i am putting the lipstick on this pig but not working too much ini improvement. over 3/4 of the work on this should transfer easy to the new model when it comes.comments on how she flies will be referred to this warning.
      Credit and Thanks
          marcfighters                                          original model
          daddyairplanes                                     skin and decal work
          KC-10 FB group                                    reference on the old days of this tanker
          Anthony Spencer                                  more detailed reference on the KC-10
          Stratos, NightshadeP/R, allenjb42    extra eyes to catch my mistakes
      I hope you enjoy this mod
      Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes
      28 June 2020


         (0 reviews)



    22. [Fictional] A-6S Pelicano (Pelican)

      Grumman A-6S Pelícano (Pelican) for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 (Vietnam or Quad-Merged)
      I modded the stock A-6A Intruder from SFP:V to make it look like a fictional bomber and recon plane for
      the spanish navy.
      In addition to F-8S Cisne belonging to the 8a Escuadrilla, the Spanish Navy bought the A-6 Intruder.
      The plane took his place in the 9a Escuadrilla and his duties were Recon and Strike.
      1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
      Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
      Kindest regards


         (0 reviews)



    23. [Fictional] A-7A Corsair II - Ejército del Aire

      Vought A-7A Corsair II 'Ejército del Aire' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-7P (DLC) to give a fictional A-7A in service with the Ejército del Aire with markings for 121 Esc. and 122 Esc. of Ala 12.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-7A_Esp folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-7A_Esp folder into your main Decals folder.
      3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the TF30_Dry file into your main Sounds folder.
      Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 3 - 29/12/13


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    24. [Fictional] A-7B Corsair II - Armada Española Arma Aérea

      Vought A-7B Corsair II 'Armada Española' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-7B to give a fictional A-7B in service with the Armada Española Arma Aérea (Spanish Naval Air Arm).
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-7B_Esp folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-7B_Esp folder into your main Decals folder.
      3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the TF30_Dry file into your main Sounds folder.
      Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 3 - 29/12/13


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    25. [Fictional] A-7E Corsair - Marineflieger

      Fictional A-7E Corsair II German Navy Air Arm service.
      This is based mainly on stock files.
      Basic modding skills are required to run this mod.  (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) 
      Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
      A fake pilot is required to run this mod. Also, the Thirdwire Corsair cockpit is required from the original game. 
      I have attached the needed files for weapon loadouts. 
      You might want to edit the loadout.ini file to match your weapons in the weapon folder.
      AS-34 Kormoran and the fictional launcher 'Aero5' for Kormoran are made by Ravenclaw.
      All skins are done by me in 4096x4096 format based on my templates.
      New Bump maps. 
      All decals are made by me and cover all historical  serial numbers.

      Report bugs. *
      Expect the unexpected.
      Live long and prosper.
      Jarek Hereda
      * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it.  Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..


         (0 reviews)




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