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Showing most liked content on 01/02/2022 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    I got Green Hell 3.5 to run. As usal it was a simple typo which had me let fail a couple of times. To be honest, really happy i was not with the tileset. Thatswhy i have started to merge four 512 pixel tiles to one new 1024 pixel tile. Then i have changed the tiles from bmp to jpg, what allowes a better performance of the game. I also changed the sea tiles to darker color and modified one coast tile to have not anymore only bays beside bays. Screenshots all WIP, a very early stage Right side you see the darker sea tile. On the coastline you see from left two original GH3.5 tiles, then are following two new made tile The new farm files are merged from 4 original GH3.5 tiles Its still a long way to go. New rivers of different size are still to make, perhaps road maps. So i can say, release date X-Mas. But dont ask which year.
  2. 8 points
  3. 6 points
    new year, new boom huge public thanks to GKABS for the new Mk39 and Mk15 models. the ones we have in house currently were based on some old side view drawings that werent too accurate to begin with. not to mention the Mk39 now has a stabilizing chute
  4. 6 points
    nightwing logo wallpaper
  5. 6 points
  6. 5 points
    Happy New Year, you're a bunch of old farts! CombatACE turns 20 years old this year. Thank you for being a part of who we are for the past two decades.
  7. 5 points
    Coming soon TB2 Drone fingers crossed. Big thank you to @guuruu
  8. 5 points
  9. 4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. 4 points
    Checkertail clan in the works...
  12. 3 points
    Happy 20 years CombatACE
  13. 3 points
    The LA-5FN is a sort of Beta and belongs to a friend. Not available so far. The others came from YAP and A-Team. Mandatory screen - P-51D VLR (YAP)
  14. 3 points
    A hotfix has just been uploaded, it is available at the end of the mod's description page. Manual installation knowledge is required.
  15. 3 points
  16. 2 points
    ODS 30 Anni, ground battle.
  17. 2 points
    June 1 Karls Diary We took off at 9.00 in the morning,Oberleutnant Viktor Aeckerle and i. The weather was beautiful as it should be. Our task was to photograph the trenches in St. Mihiel. Although I had only flown in Taube before, Aviatik was easy to learn. The biggest drawback was the lack of front visibility,because the observer sit there.We have not an armament because a camera was heavy that load would to be too heavy. 1st shot from Verdun 2.bmp
  18. 2 points
    Buon anno! Ho passato giorni poco piacevoli ahimè, e mi sono reso conto di non provare più alcuna soddisfazione nel creare nuovi terreni per Strike Fighters e poi condividerli. L'ultima mia release del terreno dell'Etiopia è passata largamente inosservata, e ho investito mesi di intenso impegno per crearlo con una topografia dettagliata ed accurata. Questo mi ha provocato un po' di dispiacere. Ho degli update a riguardo il terreno dell'Italia e dei Balcani. Ho speso dei giorni a cambiare nuovamente l'intero tileset, e stavolta sono deciso ad utilizzare quello che vedrete nelle immagini sotto tratte da TFDtool. L'Italia ora possiede anche un sistema di strade/autostrade che ha richiesto lungo tempo per aggiungerlo manualmente al tilemap, ma al momento non è ben visibile dalle immagini sotto. Non farò altrettanto per i Balcani e il resto dell'Est Europa, data la già immensa complessità del terreno. Ci sono voluti lunghi mesi per aggiungere tutti i percorsi dei fiumi e i laghi, dunque sono un po' schifato dall'idea di dover spendere altro tempo su dettagli a cui i più non fanno caso. Recentemente ho aggiunto tiles per rappresentare piccoli paesi, usati un po' dappertutto dall'Italia all'Albania etc. Detto questo, il terreno ha richiesto un grande sforzo finora, e non voglio che tale sforzo venga sprecato. Farò in modo di ultimarlo seguendo i miei soliti standard, compatibilmente con gli impegni della vita reale. Tuttavia, con quasi assoluta certezza questo sarà il mio ultimo add-on per Strike Fighters. Negli ultimi anni la community di Strike Fighters si è notevolmente rimpicciolita, e non ha senso per me condividere mod in cui mi sono tanto speso, per poi ricevere più critiche distruttive e indifferenza che altro. Penso che pochi, buoni utenti potranno apprezzare il terreno una volta ultimato e rilasciato.
  19. 2 points
    View File Mirage F1CE (1985-1998) Mirage F1CE (1985-1998) This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him. In June 1975, with tension growing with Morocco, Spain decided to strengthen its Air Force and bought 15 Mirage F1C that were allocated to Albacete AB. In mid-1976 there was still some tension with Morocco and Algerian and Libyan MiG-25 flights on the Mediterranean, which would lead the Spanish Air Force to purchase ten more Mirage F1C and two years later order 48 Mirage F1C and F1E. F1CE_Late specifics: - no 550, AIM-9 SW instead - extra AIM-9 on P2 stations - R530, no S530F, CLB4 - no radio-altimeter - Seat Mk6 - AN/ALE-40 Chaffs Flares dispenser Covered units : Ala 14, 141° Escuadron. A big thank to all on Combatace and C6 forums that helped us solving issues we encountered. Any omission in credits is totally unwanted, if I forgot somebody, let me know, I will correct this. This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F-1 Team. Submitter ludo.m54 Submitted 01/01/2022 Category Mirage F1  
  20. 2 points
    Think I joined when someone posted about Biohaz on C5 20 years..
  21. 2 points
    WOW! It sure don't seem like it's been that long
  22. 2 points
    And I'm almost 19 years here... which is more than half of my life 😮
  23. 2 points
    20 years??? Bloody hell where has that gone? Thank you Erik..
  24. 2 points
    TB2 over Vietnam . Happy New Year folks .
  25. 2 points
    Jinkin' & Prayin'.....worked this time....
  26. 2 points
  27. 2 points
    @Icarus999 Thanks to you! Not everyone bothers to say a simple thank you. I also want to stress out that this was all possible to teamwork and to all the support I got from awesome and talented modders. I found myself in some sort of lead role during the project, but without them the mod would have been a mere shadow of what it is now. My thanks go to @yakarov79, @guuruu, @GKABS, @Viper63a, @paulopanz, @daddyairplanes, @1977Frenchie, @dtmdragon, @Crusader, @baffmeister, @Jimbib, @ravenclaw_007, @Nyghtfall, @Veltro2k, @Dels, @RustyKurnass, @Stick. Other previous modders are also credited in the Thanks screen of the mod; many of them did contribute indirectly with their amazing past creations, still used to this day.
  28. 1 point
    Feldwebel Lyuben Anastas Mladenov Feldflieger-Abteilung 32, Bertincourt, Flanders 01/06/1915 0 confirmed kills So this is France. I've been riding the train the whole night, and I finally arrived to the aerodrome. I've been introduced to our Hauptmann, Kurt Seidler, and to who was going to become the observer for my machine, Emil Kuegler. They all seem like good fellers, even if the mood is a bit cold. I took a tour in the hangars, and came to the sight of this wonderful machine, an Aviatik. It's nothing like those flemsy paper machines I flew in flight school. Got to meet my mechanic, a certain Ruben Speißberg, a trustworthy chap. In the afternoon I took the crate for a test flight circling Bertincourt, and I must say - It is quite the bird. Looking forward to put what I learned to test tomorrow. Feldwebel Lyuben Anastas Mladenov Feldflieger-Abteilung 32, Bertincourt, Flanders 02/06/1915 0 confirmed kills Today I had my first sortie. Seidler, as Schwarmfuhrer, and me as his wingman. He was going to take some pictures of the enemy frontline, as high command is currently working on a mosaic map of the current AO. We took off at around 8:25AM, the air was fizzy, the sun was shining, a gentle breeze was striking my face as me and Kuegler put the wheels off the ground. I'm not exactly sure what to expect from the Britons, but we saw no enemy machines for the whole duration of the flight. The view from up there was majestic: we were able to see an artillery barrage in all of its might. We stood up there for a couple of hours, then came back home to have some well deserved beer.
  29. 1 point
    Karl's Diary May 30, 1915 Tomorrow is my first military flight at the two-seater Aviatik. I'm a little nervous. Fortunately, my scout Viktor reassured me that the enemy planes had not been seen in recent days and the weather should stay good.We will see! Karl August von Tabbert,was born the son of a factory owner in Regensburg on 5 March in 1896. Karl was just graduating from college when war broke out and he promptly enlisted in Feldartillerie Regiment 7. He went to the front on 10 September 1914,and soon after being promoted to unteroffizier,was severely wounded. After recovering,von Tabbert volunteered for the Luftstreitskräfte in early 1915,managing to qualify as a pilot. His position was determined Feldflieger Abteilung 19(FFA19).Base was Porcher,Verdun sector.
  30. 1 point
    i came in a little before the 10 year mark, but after Biohazard days. Came for some F-4 mods, stuck around and became a dress maker for the big birds happy 20th CombatAce, hoping theres many more to come
  31. 1 point
    thank you for the continued support. I personally had no issues getting the mod to work but it's great to see the dedication you have to helping people get this awesome mod working for as many people as possible.
  32. 1 point
    Beautiful addition/upgrade to the F-1 Family! Much appreciated!
  33. 1 point
    I remember the transition from Biohaz to CombatAce
  34. 1 point
    Twenty years!!!! i cant believe it, so i dont be old, the time runs with you are fine in a site
  35. 1 point
    Klaus Albert Hoffenstien Sgt. I have been ordered toFA3 LB at Menen so after a weekend pass Hopped a Trolley to the Train station and Adventure June 1 1915.
  36. 1 point
    And so it begins - nice to see more mature WWI pilots (such as the crew from The Blue Max) and some hailing from exotic regions, for DiD IV - will see if I can find enough free time perhaps to join once "1916" rolls in gents' - currently still busy with work and all that jazz. Be careful with those under-powered crates if flying some of the early war FMs for maximal enjoyment in 1915. Looking forward to reports of aircraft barely taking off and (very) long hauls to the front, particularly when the winds are in the opposite direction. And keeping my fingers crossed for a dogfight or two between the early Morane Parasol L and Pfalz A.I early war variants - congratulations to all, beforehand, if you manage to overtake and/or land hits on your opponent in such scenarios. Happy DiDing all, Von S
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Yup. I joined November 11, 2004. Real life has had an effect on how often I visit and how much support I can give but CA has been a solid part of my simming life for a long time. Keep up the good work.
  39. 1 point
    Wow, Happy birthday and Happy New Year to all!!! And maybe more important, thanks to all for the job done for us player!!!!
  40. 1 point
    Already two decades? How old am I already? This site definitely brightens my old man's life. Thank you. Happy anniversary and happy new year.
  41. 1 point
    Hi, What entry i must make, to see the mach and alt readouts?
  42. 1 point
    Happy New Year to all brothers at canvas wings! :)
  43. 1 point
    There is a reason that polished metal finishes went away toward the end of the 1950s. The materials needed to support Mach 2 caused airplanes to start having a "patchwork" appearance when unpainted. By the 1970s, composites further complicated the unpainted colors. The F-4 Phantom was the first Thunderbird aircraft to have the all-gloss white finish because of this with the F-100D (and F-105B) being the last Thunderbirds with the natural metal finish.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    Supermarine Seafire III - Irish Air Corps, 1949 Love the way this was de-navalized - chapeau!
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    I'm really looking forward to this! I've DM'd my character and backstory ... Can't wait for the 2nd! Thank you, Raine, epower and Lou for making this a reality again! Meet Theo Andrews! Happy Christmas ... Seb
  50. 1 point


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