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Showing most liked content on 03/20/2020 in all areas

  1. 15 points
  2. 13 points
  3. 8 points
    Okay, this is what I have completed in the last 12 HR. I had to draw the antenna from photos. Its a lot of work to make all of these pipes, but I hope I will get it as close as I can.
  4. 6 points
  5. 6 points
    hmmm quite a few variations
  6. 5 points
    How many toilet paper do you want in order to develop a TOD editor?
  7. 4 points
    Is there a hardcoded max number of objects allowed in each tile's .TOD? I know there is a limit associated with AlphaObjectVertexCount & AlphaObjectIndexCount. I started with Stary's numbers for these, and it seems no matter what I set these numbers to, I can't get more than about 1024 objects. Some WIP shots...
  8. 4 points
    LGBs last check .. ... and ... better go home, bro ;-)
  9. 3 points
    Thanks to piston79 from SimHQ he shared these photos. After looking at these photos I need to make some changes.
  10. 3 points
    Well it's very good question ;-) For sure MFG planes could carry MW-1 ... ..but probably Marine units haven't this weapon on stock. So ... MW-1 isn't in my standard loadouts for MFG, but it's possible to use one ;-)
  11. 3 points
    I assure you that this model is not pirated, but it will not see light so soon and the model was created a few weeks after the flight of the real prototype.
  12. 2 points
    I am working on the P-14 tall king radar and I would like your help with location a good blueprint.
  13. 2 points
    Just finished the model, I just need to work on the skin now.
  14. 2 points
    Here is something that puts things is perspective regarding social distancing and quarantine.
  15. 2 points
    sorry other Kevin, to let the retired NCO explain... Commisioned Officers are the bulk of military pilots to include US Army aviators. these are ranks O-1 through roughly O-6 (Leiutenant through Colonel) with most Generals not flying often if at all Warrant Officers can be pilots in the US Army as well. the other branches did away with WO pilots several decades ago. The Flight Warrant is the only Warrant Officer that can become a Warrant without first being an NCO, even right out of basic training if certain scores are high enough. Their ranks run WO1, CW2 -CW5 and are generally addressed as "Chief", "Sir" or "Mister". a CW5 by the way is rather rare to see, but generally has all the courtesies extended to a Colonel. they are THE expert and can quote things the authors of the manuals have to go back and check. Non flight warrants are still experts in their fields, but must work through the ranks to become a Sergeant (E-5) minimum to gain practical experience in their field. Non Commissioned Officers is what most not familiar with the Army would call Sergeants or Corporals. this encompasses ranks from E-4 (in the case of a Corporal) through E-8( Master Sergeant). they can be aircrew (crew chiefs, gunners, flight medics) and may unofficially get stick time, but are officially not allowed to fly the birds. there are still more senior NCO ranks but again they rarely fly even as crewmembers having alot more unit admin and leadership work to do. in fact the last NCO pilots in US service either got put out or commisioned after WW2, or moved to the Warrant Officer side of the house Stratos, another explanation of commission vs non commission is that the comissioned officer got their position thru education and is appointed by Congress to lead the troops. the Non Commissioned Officer comes up through the ranks and leads the enlisted Soldiers through their experience and gives guidance to the commissioned officers on how to accomplish the given missions. The Warrants are the subject matter experts in most cases, and the pool of available aviators in this case (still generally more knowledgeable than the ringknockers tho)
  16. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Westland Wessex HU 5 / HC 2 This is an update to my previous upload of Westland Wessex HU 5 skins, I have tweaked the files that I previously uploaded, and have included skins for RAF , Royal Navy, and Oman, the original skins are ok should you wish to still use them, however, I would recommend you delete them and use these ones instead, the changes are minor, however there ARE some corrections. As stated in my previous upload, these skins require you to aquire the A-Team original, as you need the lods from there, if you need assistance on installing these skins please contact me via PM. Included skins are as follows 845 NAS based on HMS Bulwark in 1966, 847 NAS involved in the Falklands campaign, and 771 NAS Culdrose Air Sea Rescue. The RAF Skins consist of 78 SQN in early grey/green markings, also a grey/green later marked version from 18 SQN, a 72 SQN skin in winter grey/white, and a late version green/green from 60 SQN, the final RAF skin is for 22 SQN Air Sea Rescue. Finally I have included an Omani Army scheme. I have included all hangar and loading screens, for all 3 versions, also the pilots and the sound file that I use . The RAF and Omani aircraft are not operable from carriers, and all armament capability has been removed from them, as they never were armed to the best of my knowledge, the navy ones of course are, and are carrier operational. I believe everything is included, but of course errors and omissions do occur, so any issues or questions please feel free to message me and ask. One final comment, the serials and codes, are not 100% accurate for the aircraft portrayed, but they are in the right sort of range, so really not a huge issue, as they look right, even if maybe they are out of sequence or wrong for THAT particular airframe. I hope you enjoy these aircraft, as I said in my previous upload, the model is far from perfect, its acceptable, but nowhere near spot on, but, until one of our model making gurus makes a new one, we are stuck with this old lady. Finally, as always, ENJOY !!!
  17. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Cessna 206H Pack by Wingzero 2/29/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended, plus Exp 1) This is a full revamp, for SF2, of the SF/Wo* Cessna 206H "Stationair" by wingzero, originally released in 2010. This mod includes 2 skins: No.7 Squadron, Uruguaian Air Force (FAU) -start date 1998 USAF - this is a "What If..." skin, painted to match the T-41s used for USAF training and liason. All, if not most, markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. As a new 'homegrown' templague had to be created, it's included for skinners wishing to create any other users, or other types of skins. A userlist and loadout ini have been built. Please see the "Notes" section for more details. In-game, on the Aircraft selection drop-down menu, you'll find it as: U-206H Stationair As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One mnight also peruse the "Notes" section for things that might be interesting. The original release had NO readme, but I used the text from the SF1 announcement thread. It's included within the main aircraft's folder. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. 1 point
    View File Westland Wessex HU5/HC2 (DAT) Westland Wessex HU 5 / HC 2 This is an update to my previous upload of Westland Wessex HU 5 skins, I have tweaked the files that I previously uploaded, and have included skins for RAF , Royal Navy, and Oman, the original skins are ok should you wish to still use them, however, I would recommend you delete them and use these ones instead, the changes are minor, however there ARE some corrections. As stated in my previous upload, these skins require you to aquire the A-Team original, as you need the lods from there, if you need assistance on installing these skins please contact me via PM. Included skins are as follows 845 NAS based on HMS Bulwark in 1966, 847 NAS involved in the Falklands campaign, and 771 NAS Culdrose Air Sea Rescue. The RAF Skins consist of 78 SQN in early grey/green markings, also a grey/green later marked version from 18 SQN, a 72 SQN skin in winter grey/white, and a late version green/green from 60 SQN, the final RAF skin is for 22 SQN Air Sea Rescue. Finally I have included an Omani Army scheme. I have included all hangar and loading screens, for all 3 versions, also the pilots and the sound file that I use . The RAF and Omani aircraft are not operable from carriers, and all armament capability has been removed from them, as they never were armed to the best of my knowledge, the navy ones of course are, and are carrier operational. I believe everything is included, but of course errors and omissions do occur, so any issues or questions please feel free to message me and ask. One final comment, the serials and codes, are not 100% accurate for the aircraft portrayed, but they are in the right sort of range, so really not a huge issue, as they look right, even if maybe they are out of sequence or wrong for THAT particular airframe. I hope you enjoy these aircraft, as I said in my previous upload, the model is far from perfect, its acceptable, but nowhere near spot on, but, until one of our model making gurus makes a new one, we are stuck with this old lady. Finally, as always, ENJOY !!! Submitter trotski00 Submitted 03/19/2020 Category Other  
  19. 1 point
    For some time already I have been working on KC-10 tanker. I think I have started this project in 2017. But as expected I can easily find interest in other projects, so this one was not so top priority. Recently - accidentally I have opened a folder named DC/KC-10. And I faced a dilemma to do or not to do...now. So I decided to put it on another hiatus. But hey...there might be some other option. The model is not 100% finished. I still need to model front gear (on the picture below there is front gear visible - but this is just resized copy of central gear.) and crew cockpit and some small bits. The overall model is animated and mostly UVW mapped. I think only the refueling boom needs to be mapped. What I am looking for? Someone - person or team of CA users who will do some skinning work. I can provide with lod and UVW layout. Of course, lod viewer might be helpful. From my own experience, I know that sometimes UVW mapping needs to be changed during the process of creating a skin. This is not an issue. Even if for now I have no intention to focus on this model I might still have a chance to do some changes if necessary. As you can imagine model is quite big, but not huge. Model is UVW mapped on 6 bitmap sheets. SO we can expect some quite reasonable and decent level of detail. If you know my previous work you should know what to expect (and what I expect) from the skin. Generally, this is a tedious job to paint panel lines, rivets, details, etc. But we are not gonna count rivets. But a decent level of detail is possible. We do not need to create skins for countries, air forces and all that stuff. First good base skin needs to be created. All colorful work, decals, users, etc is a song of the future. Time here is not an essence so time schedule is quite flexible. No need to hurry. But If you want new KC-10 in-game..then some work needs to be done. Somehow, someday. Maybe skin will be done while I will not have a chance to work on the model...but still, this is progress. I do not expect that crazy mob will run toward this project...as this is just a useless tanker. But maybe someone would like to gain some skills - as I point this message mostly to young users here at CA. Here is your chance to start to do some modding. Of course, you will need to have gimp, photoshop or similar graphic editor. And of course, the will to participate in this project is needed. I do not want to force someone to do that or put pressure. I can provide reference photos, tips and general support. Perhaps some other reference would need to be researched. Another thing is that I never (yet) exported this model into the game - so some data.ini work is needed also. And here is a sample of layouts. I know that you old farts CA modders are quite busy with your own projects. But as I said before I am hoping that some new users will have a will to participate. Anyway. We will see.
  20. 1 point
    View File WOE Mirage 4000 A & B - French Air Force This aircraft mod represents Dassault's probable initial Mirage 4000A fighter and its trainer B variant in the French Air Force service. Since the company always created several variants of each type based on costumer requirement and evolution of technology, other national oriented types and variants will be uploaded as separate packages. This package comes with 3 skin sets for each variant, 3 squadron specific for A (18 planes), and 3 squadron sets for B (8 planes) and special Tiger Meet skin for a single AC. This is the SF1 version, tested in WOE. There might be some hidden flaws in SFP1, WOV or WOI. Please report if you find some problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The FlightEngine.ini file is extracted from WOE, in order to edit the following part : [NearSceneClip] ... NearClipDistance=0.95 If you're using a SFP1, WOV or WOI install, make sure you can do this edit in the appropriate file. Be aware that it could have an effect on other mods (like "double canopy" issue) then you could adjust the value 0.01 to whatever you want (0.97 ? 1.0 ?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places. In case you have the prototype variant, the 4 "blue tanks" are identical. Please note: The model can be quite heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lods(_nd,001,002,003) as lod1. The model uses the general french weapons, either as part of weapon packs or the Mirage 2000 family. Important: The B variant comes with 2 types of cockpit, the basic setup will use a simple pit that has only the pilots cabin instrumented. The other is a fully modeled front and rear compartment, in which you want to fly you should activate the proper line in the AC's.ini file. CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit.ini <---- basic setup ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit_full1.ini <------ front seat ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit_full2.ini <------ rear seat Be aware - the piloting seat position can not be changed during/in game, so chose wisely! Make sure to read the manual included with the package. ---------------------- Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site: Original 3D work: Cocas Aircraft 3d update and additional changes: Logan4 Cockpit 3d work: Logan4 Aircraft FM: Cliff7600 Aircraft avionics: Loborojo, Cliff7600, logan4 Skin files and decals: Flogger23, Cliff7600, logan4, loborojo Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600 Thanks to Crusader for additional brochure files Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod. Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. Submitter Cliff7600 Submitted 03/17/2020 Category Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's  
  21. 1 point
    In Michigan Governor Whitmer just had a press conference. 549 confirmed cases in the state and three deaths. She has asked for sufficient Federal funds to fully activate the National Guard for the purposes of distribution of necessities to residents in need. Martial Law rumors are False! Michigan businesses are working to locally produce protective equipment and ventilators. Edit: I missed a couple of things. The Governor ordered all evictions in the state halted. Also 152 members of the Detroit Police Department are quarantined following 10 members testing positive for COVID-19.
  22. 1 point
    damn, that thing is BIG!! great work, man!!
  23. 1 point
    Yes you are correct there are more than one versions and there is an update that has been added to the later versions. So What I did I have tried to get them as close as I can sens there is no good blueprint out there.
  24. 1 point
    Great Skins! If we only had a better model...
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    This is just rumor but a friend knows a Michigan National Guard member who says the whole National Guard is being called up and the state borders are going to be closed. Also all nonessential businesses are to be closed, possibly all businesses. Again this is just rumor.
  27. 1 point
    Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the entire BMS development team, I am happy to announce that the latest iteration of the Billion Soft Falcon 4.0 total conversion modification - Benchmark Sims 4.34 U3 - is available for you to enjoy as of RIGHT NOW! BMS 4.34 U3 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message. U3 is an incremental update on top of 4.34 base + U1 + U2, so you need to have the BMS 4.34 Full Installer package and Update 1 and Update 2 available on your PC. You can both update your existing 4.34 base + U1 + U2 installation as well as perform a fresh 4.34 base + U1 + U2 + U3 installation from scratch, as you like. See the installation instructions below for details. This mod may not be used for any commercial purposes. Any such use may constitute a violation of the intellectual property of Billion Soft (Hong Kong) Limited and the non-commercial Terms and Conditions under which Benchmark Sims make this mod available to you. https://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?38540-Falcon-BMS-4-34-U3-Incremental-Installer&p=533414#post533414
  28. 1 point
    My Father flew as a "check" pilot, on BRIXMIT, he always told me he was just flying as a check pilot, for trainees undergoing blind flying instruction, however, Dad was a Flight Engineer, , although he was training as a pilot himself around that time, however when they made it obligatory for all RAF pilots to be commissioned, he told 'em to shove it, and reverted back to Flight Engineer. So the idea of him flying as a check pilot was a little odd also his flying logs for the time are a little......sparse on information, however, flying, in Germany, in Chippies, around this time....Well add 2 and 2 , and Bob is yer Mum's Brother.
  29. 1 point
    some good news....origin of outbreak...only 1 new case in shanghai....maybe the chinese have a vaccine.....wonder if its germ warfare gone amiss...and they have it under their control? did it escape is it man made?.....we can only guess.
  30. 1 point
    If the models have them will do ,if not, not sure...will check
  31. 1 point
    Gilbert XF-120...very nice. One of my personal favorites too. :)
  32. 1 point
    Put this even If the B-51 never passed the proto status, after all it flew, even If not in operational squadrons. What could have been... Had to be the spearhead of the NATO attack on a radar site... The B51 is a fun to fly, is pretty unforviging, specially at low alts and speeds. Crossed the border.. Target hit Getting back to base.
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Here is spooky map: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html Denmark: "the responsible Government Virus Institute cannot recognize the numbers, and they do not know who gives Hopkins the figures [for their map]." Afrika: Generally the clinics there do not have the means to determine anything like this at all. For example: I have been told personally by a doctor for tropical diseases, in the top hospital of my country, that they do not know a single trustable clinic in Nigeria. Not one. When it gets beyond the obvious they will say it is Malaria to be done with it.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Going out for a round over the Desert
  39. 1 point
    F-4G_78 Cockpit , all Radar mods are working now including the Switches for it , and some missing items are now installed at the rear of the Cockpit
  40. 1 point
    Hi there guys, I want to show you the project that I am working on right now: An Orion spacecraft to use in the Moon terrain. I am taking my time doing it but it slowly progresses! Now that I finished the modelling part of the capsule itself, I want to take this opportunity to learn better texturing, and since I already know the basics of unwrapping, I want to ask you for any advice or tutorial in order to paint a decent map (I use photoshop), and also I want to try using Bump and Specular maps here. I will appreciate any knowledge! Thank you My idea is to make something like this, the normal spacecraft composed by modules, but the middle one dedicated to weaponry and military systems, as it would be an Orion capsule retrofitted to serve as a space fighter/attacker. In fact, the middle module could be interchangable depending on the mission (small with missiles for fighters, with automated cannons to escort or large with a lot of hardpoints to attach bombs for bombers). This could lead to different versions of the spacecraft in separated Aircraft folders.
  41. 1 point
    Things got really interesting when somehow even with a F-15C Eagle escort, GR.1 Tornadoes on a CAS mission had to go multi-role. @guuruu really did good with the artwork here: THIS is what I wanted my post 1,100 to be folks! Lots of BOOM!
  42. 1 point
    A bit late but I gotta lotta balls in the air right now. Here's when some MiGs jumped @guuruu's DS Tornado I'm beta-testing:
  43. 1 point
    At least working GPU ;-) Airbase attack. 22 kills with MW-1 ;-)
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Sunset Patrol Over the Kurils...
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    Wanted to get a closer look at the Joshua Trees...
  49. 1 point
    Hi, pilots! And hi gasoline cowboys! Today I will tell you about changes in the new damage model (DM), which we are preparing for release in the near future. Daniel already mentioned it briefly in previous diaries, and now it is time to talk about the new DM in more details. Well, how many lances have broken in talks about broken wings in our community? That guns are “not damaging”, that the Pe-2 is “rock”, tails of Messers are “cut-glass”, the P-47 is "way too weak" and falls apart after a few hits, and many many other opinions, claims and expectations. To be honest, we ourselves have long wanted to double-check the DM of all aircraft and put things in order there, bringing them all to a common concept. As you remember, we already went into this river a couple of times when we changed the DM settings and tried to find a “middle ground” solution with strength and vulnerability. However, it was obvious for us that all these accumulated problems could be solved only systemically, and this would require a lot of time. Finally, this time has come. Firstly, from the very beginning we eliminated several fundamental limitations of the DM-core, which prevented us from moving on. This immediately “untied” our hands and allowed us to simulate combat damage to the aircraft structure much more flexibly. After that, a lot of research was conducted and several methods for calculating the damage of airframe elements from various types of ammunition were tried. The goal of this research was set quite ambitious (however, this is not the first time for us). We wanted to go away as far as possible from using the “game” settings of the DM, and use as many parameters and characteristics of the airframe from real life as possible. This work is not yet completed and right now the new DM is undergoing comprehensive testing (big thanks to our beta testers, and please take more ammo in the hangar!). Nevertheless now it’s becoming clear that the result of this whole work is exactly this one we really hoped for! The main news is that our new damage model now uses data taken from blueprints and technical documentation. Such as: the number of structural elements of one or another part of the airframe, their material and geometric dimensions. An engineer who sets up the DM no longer needs to invent anything and rely on dubious empirical data. Now everything is extremely concrete and objective: what figures from documents you put in the model, such resistance to combat damage you get. Our engineering team carefully collected all this data for all 59 aircraft in the simulator. This is a lot of work, and it took a lot of effort and time. But the result was worth it: now all the planes in the Great Battles have such a balance of vulnerability that they, with a very high probability, had in real life. In the new DM of the airframe, various types of ammunition “work” now in very different ways. Previously, their action differed in the settings of the ammunition itself. Now, the difference in calculation methods, which take into account the principle of causing structural damage in more detail, has been added. For example, armor-piercing bullets and shells make relatively small external damages on the skin commensurate with their caliber. They do not cause “large-scale” damage to the structure frame anymore, but they do hits like a point strike, hitting through a wing spar for example, or breaking a hinge of elevator or aileron. A broken spar, of course, loses its strength, that makes the wing more weak and leads to break it under the less G-load (this is not new in our DM, by the way). But now, using armor-piercing shells to make several damages of the spar in the same area, you need to hit it many times, depending on the spar dimensions and the ammo caliber. In the same way, in order to turn the skin into “rags” or to tear off the landing gear wheel, you need to shoot a rather long time to the particular part of the plane. In other words, firing armor-piercing shells will not be as effective against the airframe as before. The chance to get into the structure frame and break it is not great, and the skin is not particularly affected. Although, with enough desire and having the presence of a sufficient amount of ammunition, you can "cut" the airplanes apart with armor-piercing projectiles if their weight of fire converges and causes enough damage. Explosive bullets and high-explosive fragmentation shells are quite another matter. Only a few hits are enough (depending on the model of the projectile, its caliber, the amount of explosive) to make large holes in that part of the plane where you hit, and everything around it was cut with fragments. Managing such an aircraft will become quite difficult. It will noticeably lose its performances and become not a serious opponent in the battle. The structural frame will also receive “zonal” damage, mainly due to high-explosive impact. So now the effectiveness of this type of weapon against the airframe will be significantly higher than the effectiveness of armor-piercing shells and bullets. The skin will also get damages much faster than the structural frame. Thus, situations when wings or control surfaces fall off an airplane in a battle will arise much less often. To break the rear part of the fuselage by shooting will become very hard. Nevertheless, anything is possible. In addition, in the new DM, we eliminated the problem of inadequate damage to the airframe when firing at those parts of the aircraft that do not contain structural elements. For example, firing at an engine of a twin-engine aircraft or at its propeller spinner can no longer break the aircraft wing. Also, due to the improvement of the DM-core, the old problem of “extra” damages the airframe when the same projectile hit several non-structural collision-zones of this particular part of the airplane was eliminated. A HE shell also will no longer inflict damage on the structural elements of the airframe with its initial kinetic energy of the intact shell, we fixed it. The new damage model now correctly takes into account the type of material of the structural frame or skin. The same bullets and shells will cause different damage to duralumin, wood, or steel structural elements, making “virtual” holes of various sizes in them. It is important to mention that this work is about the calculations of damages, and the visualisation of the DM (textures and 3D-model) has remained unchanged. As you know, all our planes have three fixed levels of visualization of external damage for each part of the airframe. There are “light” damage (bullet holes and small holes from shells), “medium” damage (larger holes) and “heavy” damage (big holes on the airplane). Each of these three levels, switched in sequence. They have been painted by our artists as well as our community enthusiasts with attention to detail for each aircraft. The new calculations in the DM will now switch these three levels of visual damage, taking into account all the features of the action of various types of ammunition and the damage they cause to the skin, which I mentioned above. Thus there is some improvement of DM visualisation too. Because of this new DM fine-tuning the variety of our existing damage textures has improved. They were not properly being expressed in the past. Because of some bugs and errors, parts of the airframe would fly off or fail and a level of damage it should have shown prior to that was skipped or rarely seen. Moreover, there is another improvement of DM visualisation. The visual effects of hitting the plane (sparks, wood chips, etc.), as well as sound effects, will now depend on the part of the plane in which the projectile hit. Even when shooting at the same part, for example, on a landing gear wheel, one can see different effects of hits - sparks from the wheel’s disk (if the disk is metal) or a cloud of “debris” and “dust” from the tire. Also our online players, I think, will be pleased with the news that we found and fixed a bug of no sounds of hitting an airplane in multiplayer (dear God we hope, we hate this problem!). For sure, making such a large-scale work to improve the DM of an airframe, it was reasonable to take a look at the other areas of the DM. Firstly, we slightly changed the settings of the combat damages of an engine from various projectiles. This was only a preliminary step, and I think that in the near future we will conduct an equally thorough review of the DM for engines and various aircraft systems: control systems, fuel systems, onboard weapons, etc. Secondly, we rechecked the data for all types of bullets, shells, missiles and bombs in the game, such as armor penetration characteristics, high-explosive and fragmentation characteristics. Many tests were carried out and many inaccuracies and bugs found were corrected. As well as significantly optimized performance algorithms of DM. The results of this work will affect not only aircraft, but also all other game objects: ground vehicles (including detailed tanks), ships, buildings. The common model of high-explosive ammo was substantially improved. The penetrating explosion (inside the object) has become much more effective than the external one. A model of a "random" fragment for distant explosions was created, which takes into account the distance from the epicenter, the dimension of the target, and of course the type of ammunition. As I wrote above, at the moment the new damage model is undergoing final testing and debugging of core-settings. We are looking forward to completing this work in a couple weeks. And we really hope that the result will delight you and bring you many new positive emotions from playing the "Great Battles". This is invariably our top priority. At the end I'd like to accompany this boring long-read text with some interesting pictures. Here are the first WIP screenshots of the first Battle of Normandy aircraft - P-47D-22 Razorback. It's a big deal since this is the first time we show you something from this newest project: Yours sincerely, Andrey “Petrovich” Solomykin – Lead Engineer
  50. 1 point



    Unified Effects Pack For Strike Fighters Series 2 version 1.0 26 FEB 2011 This effects pack is a compilation of many effects I did over the years for Strike Fighters and First Eagles series of flight simulators by Thirdwire. Build around "Desert Storm FX Pack beta" released in early 2009, this pack replaces most of the stock effects with new ones, most of them volumeric or "3D" in appearance. Also used are few reworked/tuned down effects from my "Hollywood Explosions" mod, aswell as several never before relased ones.


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