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Showing most liked content on 07/10/2022 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. 5 points
    Possible replacements after the end of the war without participation of NATO-countries... Note: this picture is a bit bright. normally, the colors are like in the other pictures. must have been during conversion process.
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    European light combat aircraft Airbus Industries "Orkan":
  6. 2 points
    oh. oh thats just evil i just spent two minutes working out how the decal ini would go to make that a boss bird within a regular skin edit: in my head folks. gonna take a pass on that one, sorry
  7. 2 points
    You want great mods - You gota pay. Extremely worth the money! Especially if your a SF2, WOx genre aficionado. This site is still the 'Rock Star' of mods for these sims. "Well done modders and CA Administrators!"
  8. 2 points
    although this is 15 years later than your mod range
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 1 point
    Utilizing Ravenclaw_007 and teams latest F-4E pack to create the Israeli Airforce specific F-4E variants used in the 1973 Yom Kippur war. There were three separate deliveries prior to the war and due to the variations of the Blocks all sorts of different configurations of ECM antenna, strike camera, slats/ flaps, 'slime' lights, MIDAS4 etc not to mention local upgrades of 'slime' lights, MIDAS4 muzzle mods and slat instillations. Now throw in the Operation Nickle Grass emergency aid aircraft during the war! I have rounded them all up into 3 in-game varients: - F-4E Kurnass - F-4E Kurnass Hard-Wing & MIDAS4 - F-4E Kurnass (73)
  12. 1 point

    Version 0.98


    A-37B USAF Pack This is the current end point for two years worth of work. Centurion-1 began by creating a new model for the Super Tweet, several contributors later we are releasing it to you Included are decals, new J85 sound, an updated squadronlist.ini, appropriate weapons, and 3 versions of the aircraft. - A-37B: the original, as used by the USAF, Air National Guard, and several Latin American air arms. no refuel probe - A-37B (76): adds refuel probe, as used by US ANG and USAF Reserve units the second half of the 1970s - OA-37B: Final version as in US service, and as currently used by Latin American air arms. With refuel probe - Photoshop templates for those that want to bring the other air forces into play **********************************KNOWN ISSUES*********************************************************** -Cockpit is missing throttles. Unless Centruion1 returns this is unresolveable -Lod is locked in, unless Centurion-1 returns. -Modders: there is a bleed issue on the right side. any bands like the VNAF had need to be on skin, not tga. small decals like insignia work fine. -This mod uses my master squadronlist.ini. IF installed into another install with other than stock squadronlist, do not install. It will mess up the other things on your install and my mod is adapted to force the decals. NOTICE: this mod currently is AS IS and can only be modded by skinning and ini edits. It's not perfect, but its in house and therefore free. ******************************************************************************************************************************** Installation: drop into mod folders. allow overwrites if it comes up. Delete DAT version, this replaces and upgrades player experience. Modders, put the templates where you wish to work on them DON'T FORGET TO BACK UP BEFORE INSTALLING! ****************NOTE!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE ************************************************************* If you install this in a install that has eburgers SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack, DO NOT INSTALL THE PILOTDATA FOLDER!!!! This will overwrite the Squadronlist.ini in the pack and may break something. If you do not have the Air&Ground pack or NATO Fighters installed the new squadronlist ini will work fine and be a big improvement for units available. ********************************************************************************************************* References: Squadron/Signal A-37/T-37 Dragonfly in action Wikipedia Google Images Credits Centurion-1: original model, template and mapping work Crusader:Cockpit and data.ini tweaks Wrench:various FM and ini tweaks, original hangar screens Eole: Vietnamese versions (North and South), loading screens, additional template work, additional FM and ini work VA56Champ: tga work that helped expedite the process from Thai skins ravenclaw_007: all weapons except for the A-37 Tanks Daddyairplanes:USAF, Peru, Thai and Dhimar skins, final wrap up, template tweaks and decal.ini setup Engine sound: (F80Engine)currently unknown, if this was you let me know so I can give you proper credit. J85-2 sound added by Eole. Special Thanks for Wrench's advise on this project, Eole returning to bring up the Vietnamese, and Centurion for starting this bad boy. Matt, I hope you're doing ok wherever and whatever you're upto. This has taken place over two years time so if I have missed anyone please let me know and I will get you creditted ASAP I hope you enjoy this mod folks! Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 4 July 2016
  13. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    TU_160 Blackjack for SF2 series project by UllyB The Tupolev Tu-160, NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown. Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service.The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernization programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014. *************************************************************************** *The model has Triple dragchute as in the real aircraft and has one historical skin made . Also the model has proper crew windows and proper crew positions inside the plane. *************************************************************************** TO INSTALL: - unzip all in main mod folder CREDITS: project manager - UllyB design, 3D modelling, skin, swing wing & other animations, decals, hangar & loadout pics - AngelP FM tweaking & other corrections- Baffmeister cockpit - the model uses a B-1B bomber cockpit (unknown designer) weapons tweaking & tester - Baffmeister project supervising - Baffmeister & Yakarov79 Special thanks to Stratos, 76IAP-Blackbird and Logan4 for support, help and ideas Special thanks to this wonderful community who gave me ...wings and courage in all these long years. *************************************************************************************************************** I pledge that I will continue the work to this plane bringing, from time to time, upgrades but it will take a while so please be patient.
  14. 1 point
    I'll have a look m8....
  15. 1 point
    Hey Hey I've seen many people having issues with ODS30AE mod about CTDs Black textures and cockpits overall bad FPS and long load times Heres somethings i did to sort of improve my FPS so far and I've not had any CTDs or black textures since and loading times seem a bit faster :D This here can be found in FlightEngine.ini in the flight folder change these settings so they're similar to mine and or do your own tweaks see what works best next up go to your Options ini in mod folder and change stuff as such hopefully this will improve your FPS fix the black textures and possibly fix most of your issues :PPPPPPPP (bonus tip:) If you want crispier PNG screenies scroll to the bottom of your options ini and change from JPG to PNG as such remember to not always go for ultimate settings, ODS30AE looks just as pretty on lower settings ;)
  16. 1 point
    Hello all. I own SF2: Vietnam and have everything maxed out in settings visual wise, except the one that causes the black screen of death. I see there are a bunch of mod's to choose from but am unsure what should be the ones I download for the best eye candy and sounds. I did download "Hollywood Explosions" and "Training Missions". The last one to practice carrier landings, or at least I'm hoping it will as it appears not designed for the Vietnam version. I guess I'm looking for one with the best Vietnam tiles, carrier appearance, and flak sounds. I appreciate your time.
  17. 1 point
    Try this... SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 1 - User Made Campaigns - CombatACE SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 2 - User Made Campaigns - CombatACE SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 3 - User Made Campaigns - CombatACE SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 4 - User Made Campaigns - CombatACE SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 - Terrain Update - User Made Campaigns - CombatACE :) it has "Green Hell" Terrain...this mod is a must have! =V=
  18. 1 point
    Thanks I did try it but have not heard back.
  19. 1 point
    Finally done with Texas Falcons (mine not yours amariani )
  20. 1 point
    A bit of SF2: SWOTL action...
  21. 1 point
    looking fwd to this. thc.
  22. 1 point
    RB-26C Invader, 11th T.R.S. Clark AFB Philippines circa 1957
  23. 1 point
    Vietnam workhorse....A-26K Counter Invader
  24. 1 point
    When colors ran true....F-4B Phantom II CAG bird of VF-11, circa 1968
  25. 1 point
    9°Gruppo 4°Aerobrigata. Grosseto.1963
  26. 1 point
    Nakajima Army Type 2 Ki-44
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    ah yeah my bad i have been trying to get on the website but it seems to not work on my home internet data works fine though heres the first picture
  38. 1 point
    Hello, thanks for the tip, first picture seems to be missing althought.
  39. 1 point
    This screenshot shows mostly everything even with a lot of aircraft flying around your FPS will remain stable (hopefully) and the crispiness of PNG images :)
  40. 1 point
    @yakarov this is a very atmospheric picture. may I ask which terrain is it ? required screenie
  41. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    TU_160 Blackjack - Cold War version for SF2 series project by UllyB The Tupolev Tu-160, NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown. Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service.The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernization programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014. ************************************************************************************************************* TU-160[ColdWar] test package readme (Baffmeister observations & conclusions) This test package requires the addition of the Cockpit folder, Skin folder, and Aircraft Lods to work properly. MODEL ISSUES: No model animation ID for the leading edge flaps. They are presently set up on a rotation axis but they don't look very good so it is probably better to just disable them for the release version. The real TU-160 probably used a combination of ailerons, spoilers and differential H-stab deflections for roll control but only ailerons are available at present. The H-stab is built as one piece so no way to get the differential H-stab deflections functioning. WEAPON ISSUES: Slightly modified KH-15 nuclear tipped missle included. The base quantity was increased from 4 to 6 to match the present capacity of AGM missle bay. The maximum capacity is 12 on the real Tu-160 but considering the effect on frame rates with so many nukes going off 6 might even be to many. Maybe 2 per plane would be enough. The maximum of 12 would be a good option for later versions with conventional warheads. When carrying conventional bombs the accuracy is very poor which is typical for Bombers in game. Maybe someone could put together a "semi smart" bomb that the AI can use that would improve accuracy. BOMB BAY ISSUES: The original was set up with both manual doors and automatic doors to operate the rotary launcher. I don't think that can be made to work so just using manual doors. DATE RANGE: For testing the start date is set to 1986 so you can fly F-14 intercepts on the TW Iceland NA terrain. The actual service entry date for the first TU-160 version was April, 1987. AVAILABILITY: Probably should be RARE or VERY_RARE for a release version but set to VERY_COMMON for test version. Should only take a few trys to get an F-14 intercept against the TU-160 on the Iceland NA terrain. ANTI-SHIP ISSUES: When doing player flown ANTI-SHIP missions I haven't been able to get the AI to successfully "Attack My Target". They can't seem to get within the firing parameters for the KH-15 Missile and end up flying around in circles. It's possible to get them to do an attack if you lead them around first and line them up outside 10KM before giving the "Attack My Target" command. FLIGHT MODEL AND DATA INI ISSUES: The flight model still needs work as do the min/max extents, damage modeling and collision points. *************************************************************************** *The model has Triple dragchute as in the real aircraft and has one historical skin made . Also the model has proper crew windows and proper crew positions inside the plane. *************************************************************************** TO INSTALL: - unzip all in main mod folder CREDITS: project manager - UllyB design, 3D modelling, skin, swing wing & other animations, decals, hangar & loadout pics - AngelP FM tweaking & other corrections- Baffmeister cockpit - B-1B bomber cockpit - Dels weapons tweaking & tester - Baffmeister project supervising - Baffmeister & Yakarov79 Special thanks to Stratos, 76IAP-Blackbird and Logan4 for support, help and ideas Special thanks to this wonderful community who gave me ...wings and courage in all these long years. *************************************************************************************************************** I pledge that I will continue the work to this plane bringing, from time to time, upgrades but it will take a while so please be patient.
  42. 1 point
    I've followed your thread on the development for this mod and amazing work! It's fun to fly but I do have one question...did I install the plane incorrectly? I'm used to seeing effects and weapons folders for example. The plane has sounds but it doesn't have afterburners and is only limited to various unguided bombs, no cruise missiles are available. Will this be possible in the future?
  43. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The Tupolev Tu-160 'White Swan'; NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the comparable XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown. Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service. The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernisation programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014. aircraft model by Veltro2k: Apr 2014 pilot models by The Trooper: Feb 2009 textures and decals by Charles: June 2019 flight model by Charles: June 2019 destroyed model (B-1B) by Klavs81, Dels and FastCargo cockpit (B-1B) by Dels: Sept 2010 Best Sim : Thirdwire unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT
  44. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    I dont own this Mod somebody post it here https://www.deviantart.com/bigshi/art/FFR-41-MR-MAVE-vs-F-A-37-Talon-supersonic-kills-640041898. I tried to find this Mod.After spending a week or so I found this on Deviant art.If the the real creator sees this please inform me(gmail:cyber3xsimon@gmail.com) i will Remove this mod if he wants to or add his name. This is from Anime Yukikaze.It was a Reconnaissance aircraft then later FAF send it to Special Mission with Lt Rei Fukai. Details Working Cockpit HQ Model with effects Custom Hud and Radar Note:While playing campaign the year must be 2000+ ,because the weapon manufacturing date was set to 2000.If you want to play in game campaign then you have to change data file. you can change that in by FFR-41MR_Late_DATA (opens with notepad) and find Weapon Stations then find SpecificStationCode=FAF,change it to SpecificStationCode=.it should work. Advance Sorry for my bad writing. Happy flight
  45. 1 point
    The GTA V Opressor Mk II now on SF2 :) Thanks!
  46. 1 point
    Thank you very much for these aircraft. Very well done 🖒 I sometimes feel sorry for the pilots of these planes though. In a war they would be fighting Super Hornets, late model F-16, F-15 & F-35s, Rafale & Eurofighters. Are these J-7 aircraft still considered a credible threat?
  47. 1 point



    F-31G Wirbelwind for SFP1,WOE,WOV,WOI ==================================== I. This is my mod of Dels F-31A MustangII for use in the first generation sims SFP1,WOE,WOI,WOV II. I decided to make a german bird (thatswhy G for Germany), because the X-31 project was mostly financed by the germans. I also decided to make a more real life combat airplane instead of a test bird. So i switched of the Trust Vector plates and deleted a lot of ammo capabilities, reduced the thrust of the engine. Changed the afterburner emitter. Made some small changes in Flightmodel. I also choosed the F-15 cockpit which is standard in WOE and WOI. Some changes were neccessary because some features not worled properly in WOE, WOI, SFP1. III. All credits belongs to Dels who made this fantastic bird or SFP2 IV This mod is Freeware. Commercial use is NOT ALLOWED. I hope you enjoy this mod. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany Januar 2010 below the original ReadMe file: -------------------------------------------------------- ROCKWELL/MBB F-31A MUSTANG II Ver 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------- By Dels Dated 25th January 2010 ******************************************************** MAY BE USED IAW COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131 ******************************************************** DISCLAIMER ---------- This is a third party add on of the F-31A using a model and cockpit created by me. It is designed for and works in the SF2 series of games. VERSION NOTES ------------- I have created this F-31A as if it went into production and service during the 90's. So it is the F-31A (not X-31) and the skin is for the 421st TFS, 388th TFW 'Black Widows' based at Hill AFB. The X-31 had no official or un-official nickname so I gave it the name "Mustang II". If you don't like it, feel free to change the AircraftFullName= in the F-31A.ini file. The cockpit of the X-31 was a little too ancient, so I modified my F-23A cockpit for this F-31A. This is also what I would expect from an aircraft of the mid 90's. The cockpit has visible pilot legs which were loaned to me by Klavs81, so all the credit to him for those. I have taken a bit of artistic licence as not a whole lot of information was available on the aircraft. In addition to wing and centerline drop tanks, I have also included a special F-31 Dual Rail Adapter (DRA) for use with IRM's and AHM's. INSTALLATION ------------ Very simple, extract the files from the archive to your C:\Users\*NAME*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder. Next, You will need to add the following to your Squadronlist.ini file which should be in your Flight AND Pilot Data folders. This is so the Unit Names show up. (*NOTE* This is not essential). Make sure the XXX is replaced with the next number in sequence in your file: [squadronXXX] Name=421FS DisplayName=421st TFS Black Widows Nation=USAF *NOTE* If you do not have a Squadronlist.ini file in your Flight folder you will need to extract it from the MissionData001.CAT file in your Flight folder using the CatPack utility. That's it. You will need Diego's MODUSAF pilot skin for the pilot, or you can use whatever skin you like by editing the F-31A_Data.ini file. REMOVAL ------- Reverse the above steps. CREDITS ------- Aircraft Model/Skins/Decals, Flare/Weapon positions, FM and Performance figures, Hangar/Loading/Loadout screens, and Lighting positions -All me!!! Cockpit Model and Skins -Also all me!!! Klavs81 - Pilot legs in the cockpit Pilot Skins - Diego THANKS ------ Thanks to all on the forum for their continuing and always useful support. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have had making it. Dels
  48. 1 point



    MDD/HSA AV-8A Harrier, USMC -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:E ONLY!!! -- As stated, above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:E to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit that is ONLY found in SF2E or Full4 Merged game installs. This package represents AV-8A Harriers as used by the USMC when first delivered. The skins (located for me by CA Member Amariani -many thanks!!) have been run through my HomeGrown ™ template, for to reuse the tail markings, courtesy of 331KillerBee/SFP1Ace's WoE-to-SF2 AV-8A conversion pak (which this expands upon) Skins and decals in the pak are for: VMA-231 'Aces' VMA-513 'Flying Nightmares' VMA-542 'Tigers' New decals for the serial, service name and BuNums are incuded. Some decals are modified from stock ones. These make use of the full color National Insignia, and not the LoViz as seen after 1980-ish (or thereabouts). All weapons used are stock in-game items, excepting the 'new' units included. These are either clones of existing or, in the ALE-37s case, from the GunnyPak. The canopy is NOT activated, as there are no more animation slots available for it. Sorry! However, in compensation, there IS a working landing light!! <grin> As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. As usual, the expected "Notes" section for notes and other insane ramblings Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  49. 1 point



    MDD/HSA AV-8S (AV-1) Matador, Armada Española Arma Aérea -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:E ONLY!!! -- As stated, above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:E to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit ONLY found in SF2E or Full4 Merged game installs. If you have neither of these, don't download this, as you'll not be able to use it. This package represents AV-8S (aka AV-1 locally) Matadors of the Spanish Naval Air Arm. A completely new skin, from a Home Grown ™ template was created, as was all but 3 original decals taken from the Matador pak from 2005. All new serial, name badges, and insignia markings were created (and, obviously included!) Some minor edits to the data, loadout and avionics give the aircraft a little more operational flexibility. All weapons used are stock in-game items. The canopy is NOT activated, as there are no more animation slot availalbe for it. Sorry! However, there is a working landing light, and a new SF2-style hangar screen (albeit a photo, as opposed to my usual 'boxart' type) As as extra added surprise bonus, a skin/decal pak for the Royal Thai Navy Harriers is included as well (all 8 of them!). New serials and individual markings were created; all others are stock 3W decals (insignia, finflash) from the game's objectcats. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  50. 1 point



    Rockwell/MBB F-31A Mustang II. Read the Readme.txt file for installation instructions and credits. Enjoy! Dels


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