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  1. 7 points
    P-40L (325th FG, North Africa & Italy, 1943)
  2. 6 points
  3. 5 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Hello and thank you for downloading my work. What's included: Two USMC USA, NATO, and Israel M109A2 howitzer models one with the Spades up and the other is down. All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please change the XXX with the correct number from your //Soundlist: [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=155MM_M126 SoundFileXXX=TankEngine SoundFileXXX=GKTankTrack SoundFileXXX=50caliber [TankEngine] Priority=LOW 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=250.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [GKTankTrack] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=500.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [155MM_M126] Priority=NORMAL Looped=FALSE NumBuffers=2 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1500.000000 MinDist=400.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [50caliber] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1000.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 If you need any further help please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ 1.0.0 LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Third Wire for making this outstanding game. compufat for helping me with making these textures big thank you. Credit goes to https://www.textures.com as I use a lot of their photos to create the skins. Google for some photos and information. And finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net Site https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net
  4. 4 points
    Pilot's anticovid mask. Tnx
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    1964, somewhere off the coast of Southeast Asia a US carrier airwing prepares for strikes over Vietnam and 'neutral' Laos... The target for the Skyraiders is a VC barracks on the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos.. But the enemy AAA is fierce, and coming off target I take some hits that knock out my engine.. If I roll due east I wonder if I can stretch a glide back across Laos and Vietnam all the way to the beach...?
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
    Hi everyone, If you use an email provider like Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo, and others they will start bouncing our emails back to us if you place our emails in your spam folder or mark them as spam. You can whitelist our domain within these email platforms if you wish to receive future emails. The email providers are trying to prevent spam utilizing this new bounce system so once we start getting emails back that have bounced and to maintain our email reputation, we will start turning off email notifications for your account. That means you will no longer receive email notifications from us. You may choose your communication preferences here: https://combatace.com/notifications/options/ Thank you.
  9. 2 points
    I agree with Gepard, a larger horse team looks better. I made a troika version of the tachanka. In FE it functions as a truck (transport) and it shows up in Armed Recon missions. The gunner will shoot at enemy aircraft if they come into his target area. Since he faces the rear, he's perfectly positioned to shoot planes lined up for a strafing or bombing run. This turned out to be a bigger project than I thought. I got caught up in the challenge of getting the gunner to move in a big enough range to be effective. The file size is much larger that I like, I'll try to bring the size down. Then I have to make the LODs and finish the skins.
  10. 2 points
    View File USMC USA, NATO, and Israel M109A2 Howitzer Hello and thank you for downloading my work. What's included: Two USMC USA, NATO, and Israel M109A2 howitzer models one with the Spades up and the other is down. All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please change the XXX with the correct number from your //Soundlist: [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=155MM_M126 SoundFileXXX=TankEngine SoundFileXXX=GKTankTrack SoundFileXXX=50caliber [TankEngine] Priority=LOW 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=250.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [GKTankTrack] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=500.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [155MM_M126] Priority=NORMAL Looped=FALSE NumBuffers=2 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1500.000000 MinDist=400.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [50caliber] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1000.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 If you need any further help please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ 1.0.0 LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Third Wire for making this outstanding game. compufat for helping me with making these textures big thank you. Credit goes to https://www.textures.com as I use a lot of their photos to create the skins. Google for some photos and information. And finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net Site https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net Submitter GKABS Submitted 12/15/2021 Category Ground Object Mods  
  11. 2 points
    Nothing done for this community, but "wanting" stuff badly... That's the spirit.
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    Cool Photos Of The Delivery Flight Of The Kuwait Air Force’s First Eurofighter Typhoons from Italy 🇮🇹 to Kuwait 🇰🇼
  14. 2 points
    The Balilla was fast, but inert, clumsy and difficult to fly. In fact, it did not correspond to the tactics of "dogfighting" on the turns that prevailed then. The plane sharply lost altitude on turns and could hardly get out of the dive - this became the cause of many disasters. And if we add a very capricious engine to this "bouquet", then the picture will become quite sad... Fortunately, in FE our engines are always reliable This is so, but not quite so. As for the Balilla, after WWI it was produced only by the Poles in 1921-1924. The Polish copy turned out to be even more unsuccessful than the original, so only 57 aircraft were built instead of the originally ordered 100. Already in 1925 the Balillas began to be removed from service and replaced with the SPAD-51. The last Balilla were written off by the Poles in 1927.
  15. 2 points
    Correct, that is the SVA5 variant that Laton did many years ago. The Balilla had slightly worse performance than the SVA5 (about 10 kph slower top speed and slightly slower rate of climb). Surprising, however, is that the Balilla seems to have been produced longer than the SVA5 - well into the 1920s. Happy flying all, Von S
  16. 2 points
  17. 1 point
    Just sharing the pilot position for for Geezer "RAF Euro Pilot Oxy" to be used with the beautifull Spitfires released by Cliff7600. The original aircraft data ini position worked fine to me in all Spitfires, but if you had facing some problem with this position using Geezer pilot in those Spits you could try this: Open your "Aircraft data ini" file and find the name "Crew", them you must to exchange two (2) lines manually. // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=RAF Euro Pilot Oxy <------------------------------------ You must add this line SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.00,-1.43,0.43 <------------------------------------ You must add this line This position will work in all "Aircraft data ini" of those Spitfires released recently by Cliff7600
  18. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Ethiopia, African Horn (1977-1990) Terrain December 13th, 2021 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged I am proud to present a brand new terrain made from scratch! Initially proposed in private by tiopilotos, I later decided to create it in order to offer an accurate playground for different conflicts never recreated in Strike Fighters. The terrain completely covers Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, and a great portion of Somalia and Yemen. The tileset, based on JSF_Aggie's Desert repaint and Centurion-1's Desert 4 add-on, has been greatly expanded with necessary transition tiles. Expect long and very accurate river courses and all major lakes, the reddish deserts of the Horn of Africa and the green highlands of Ethiopia. Numerous target areas, such as civilian airports and airstrips, have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range. This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look. The terrain spans from July 13, 1977 (the beginning of the Ogaden War) to May 21, 1990 (the day before the unification of Yemen). This terrain is adapt for historical scenarios such as the Ogaden War and the Second Yemenite War of 1979 between North Yemen and South Yemen. Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible. Off Map Airbases have been added and long range AI flights can be generated from them. Having SF2NA is a must, as I have enabled naval ops; if your mod folder contains American, British and French aircraft carriers, sometimes you'll see fleets being generated in single missions. Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain the most needed ones from Wrench's old Eritrea/Ethiopia terrain release. >Credits (in no particular order): -Wrench, for working on Wingwiner's original Eritrea terrain, producing new target area layouts. -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs. -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too. -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding. -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting! -JSF_Aggie, for his great Hi-Res Runway Textures v2.0 which I included, and for the hi-res desert tileset. -Centurion-1, for expanding JSF_Aggie's tileset with more variety for the Desert4 terrain by Piecemeal. -tiopilotos, for his continuous support in all my terrain modding efforts. Thank you very much! -Stary, for old .TOD files which add trees and buildings on some tiles of this terrain. -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine! -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much! -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included. Although scratch-made, the terrain makes use of most objects and target layouts from Wrench's Eritrea terrain; because of this, I included the ReadMe file from that package, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE. This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
  19. 1 point
    View File Ethiopia, African Horn (1977-1990) Ethiopia, African Horn (1977-1990) Terrain December 13th, 2021 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged I am proud to present a brand new terrain made from scratch! Initially proposed in private by tiopilotos, I later decided to create it in order to offer an accurate playground for different conflicts never recreated in Strike Fighters. The terrain completely covers Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, and a great portion of Somalia and Yemen. The tileset, based on JSF_Aggie's Desert repaint and Centurion-1's Desert 4 add-on, has been greatly expanded with necessary transition tiles. Expect long and very accurate river courses and all major lakes, the reddish deserts of the Horn of Africa and the green highlands of Ethiopia. Numerous target areas, such as civilian airports and airstrips, have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range. This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look. The terrain spans from July 13, 1977 (the beginning of the Ogaden War) to May 21, 1990 (the day before the unification of Yemen). This terrain is adapt for historical scenarios such as the Ogaden War and the Second Yemenite War of 1979 between North Yemen and South Yemen. Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible. Off Map Airbases have been added and long range AI flights can be generated from them. Having SF2NA is a must, as I have enabled naval ops; if your mod folder contains American, British and French aircraft carriers, sometimes you'll see fleets being generated in single missions. Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain the most needed ones from Wrench's old Eritrea/Ethiopia terrain release. >Credits (in no particular order): -Wrench, for working on Wingwiner's original Eritrea terrain, producing new target area layouts. -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs. -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too. -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding. -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting! -JSF_Aggie, for his great Hi-Res Runway Textures v2.0 which I included, and for the hi-res desert tileset. -Centurion-1, for expanding JSF_Aggie's tileset with more variety for the Desert4 terrain by Piecemeal. -tiopilotos, for his continuous support in all my terrain modding efforts. Thank you very much! -Stary, for old .TOD files which add trees and buildings on some tiles of this terrain. -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine! -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much! -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included. Although scratch-made, the terrain makes use of most objects and target layouts from Wrench's Eritrea terrain; because of this, I included the ReadMe file from that package, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE. This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Submitter Menrva Submitted 12/13/2021 Category Full Terrains  
  20. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Ethiopia, African Horn (1993-2028) Terrain December 13th, 2021 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2, Recommended Full-5 Merged I am proud to present a brand new terrain made from scratch! Initially proposed in private by tiopilotos, I later decided to create it in order to offer an accurate playground for different conflicts never recreated in Strike Fighters. The terrain completely covers Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, and a great portion of Somalia and Yemen. The tileset, based on JSF_Aggie's Desert repaint and Centurion-1's Desert 4 add-on, has been greatly expanded with necessary transition tiles. Expect long and very accurate river courses and all major lakes, the reddish deserts of the Horn of Africa and the green highlands of Ethiopia. Numerous target areas, such as civilian airports and airstrips, have been added in order to expand playability, targets of opportunity and year range. This terrain features a fresh new 250m resolution heightmap (instead of the stock 500m resolution), allowing for greater details and precision in elevation changes; overall it provides the whole terrain with a better look. The terrain spans from April 27, 1993 (the day Eritrea declared independence from Ethiopia) to December 31, 2028. This terrain is adapt for historical scenarios such as the Eritrean–Ethiopian War and for territorial disputes between Eritrea, Yemen and Djibouti. Somaliland is still considered as Somalia since Somaliland is not officially recognized, though you can spot the Somaliland flag over some of its cities. Targets reflect Real World events as accurately as possible; for instance, some airfields will appear at a given date, cities change their name at a specific year and so on, all according to Real World changes. Off Map Airbases have been added and long range AI flights can be generated from them. Having SF2NA is a must, as I have enabled naval ops; if your mod folder contains American, British and French aircraft carriers, sometimes you'll see fleets being generated in single missions. Ground Objects are not included. You can obtain the most needed ones from Wrench's old Eritrea/Ethiopia terrain release. >Credits (in no particular order): -Wrench, for working on Wingwiner's original Eritrea terrain, producing new target area layouts. -swambast, who provided me with invaluable help in tracking and fixing common and uncommon bugs. -gerwin, whose TFDtool has proved to be essential in today's terrain making. If the terrain is pretty accurate to RL it's also because of him. I included his very nice Airfield 7+8 Addon Pack, too. -mue, for the improved shaders he made, which I have included and reworked for the terrain, and for the tools he made for SF2 modding. -luk1978, for the waternormal bitmap he shared at the SF2 screenshots thread. Your mods are very interesting! -JSF_Aggie, for his great Hi-Res Runway Textures v2.0 which I included, and for the hi-res desert tileset. -Centurion-1, for expanding JSF_Aggie's tileset with more variety for the Desert4 terrain by Piecemeal. -tiopilotos, for his continuous support in all my terrain modding efforts. Thank you very much! -Stary, for old .TOD files which add trees and buildings on some tiles of this terrain. -Gepard, for his great tutorials about terrain making, in the SF1 Knowledge Base at CombatACE. It's a gold mine! -krfrge, who has produced a tutorial for recreating SF2-like planning maps, which prompted me to work on templates and my own high quality planning maps. Thank you very much! -comrpnt, for his Approach and Airfield Lighting Pack mod packages for SF1 series, which I reworked and included. Although scratch-made, the terrain makes use of most objects and target layouts from Wrench's Eritrea terrain; because of this, I included the ReadMe file from that package, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. Any changes to the terrain package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE. This terrain may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
  21. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    EmlD Nieuport 27 E (trainer) "Issoudun Nieuport series" for First Eagles 2 This is the last pack for the "Issoudun Nieuport series" Featuring now the Nieuport 27 E used by United States at Issoudun, France to train their pilots. This is a full aircraft type, trying to represent the trainer Nieuport 27 used by United States. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This pack features EmlD Nieuport 27 that I renamed Nieuport 27 E (trainer). You will find several versions for some of the planes with different colors at your choice. ** What you find in this Nieuport 27 E Pack: - Three (3) Nieuport 27 E Skins in several versions & Colors options. All used by 3rd Air Instructional Center (3rd AIC) at Issoudun France. 1- Nieuport 27 E, "Jazbo" flown by Captain Keeling Gaines Pulliam, Jr. Commanding 21st Aero Squadron From March 16, 1918 to October 15, 1918. (several versions) 2- Nieuport 27 E.1 N.8655 "Old Doc Yak" flown by Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt (son of the former President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt) of 36th Aero Squadron. (several versions). 3- Nieuport 27 E named "ISIS" flown by 31st Aero Squadron pilots. 4- One Nieuport 27 (N27) of Lt Jacques Michael Swaab (Nieuport 27 skin) 5- Geezer pilot figure new textures (US Pilot) that I painted to be used with Geezer's "wwiPilotNew3". The LODs are adjusted to use JPG textures but I included a folder with the BMPs files for First Eagles 1 users. You will find (4) four pilots layout options. The new texture has a "US UNIFORM" as standard layout. To use the others with scarfs, you must to exchange the file names: -To use the "DARK BLUE" scarf you must to rename OPTIONAL-DARK BLUE-Pilot And Scarf.jpg to Pilot And Scarf.jpg __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -To use the "LIGHT BLUE" scarf you must to rename OPTIONAL-LIGHT BLUE-Pilot And Scarf.jpg to Pilot And Scarf.jpg __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -To use the "US FLAG" scarf you must to rename US FLAG-Pilot And Scarf.jpg to Pilot And Scarf.jpg __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -To use the "US UNIFORM" you must to rename US UNIFORM-Pilot And Scarf.jpg to Pilot And Scarf.jpg __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6- A new cockpit textures in two options (1024x1024 JPG & TGA) & (2048x2048 JPG & TGA).(Included BMP files) for First Eagles 1 users. 7- New hangar screens (several versions). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - The LODs are adjusted to use JPG textures this is only for FE2 users. - I painted new textures for the cockpit. I drew a new "GLASS.tga" to complement all of them. The gauges & needles were made as close as possible to the real instruments. - I'm releasing two versions: One in 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) and other in 2048x2048(JPG & TGA). - I set the 1024x1024(JPG & TGA) as standard for the planes. - I painted as well, new hangars screens for these planes. The screens are in 1920x1200 size with some options for your choice. *OBS: If you are running a low-end computer I do not recommend the use of 2048x2048 cockpit textures. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The aircraft will fly only reconnaissance "RECON" missions. There is two options of flight model one by peter01 and other by VonS. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: *FE2 INSTALLATION - Drop or copy the folder "Nieuport 27 E" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. - Drop or copy the folder "US Pilot" from mine "pilots" folder to your "Pilots" folder. - Drop or copy the folder "Nieuport 27 E" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. That's all. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *FE2 INSTALLATION for N27 of "Lt Jacques Michael Swaab" - To use the Lt Jacques Michael Swaab (Nieuport 27 skin) Drop or copy the folder "Swaab" from mine "N27" Aircraft folder to your "N27" Aircraft folder. Drop or copy the folder "Swaab", from mine "N27" Decals folder to your N27 "Decals" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N27.ini" file. [TextureSetXXX] Directory=Swaab Name=Lt.Jacques Michael Swaab Nation=USAS Squadron= Specular=1.800000 Glossiness=1.800000 Reflection=0.000000 Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N27.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before. That's all. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins for aircraft, pilot, cockpit and hangars. - EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 3d models. - Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d model (wwiPilotNew3) - peter01 for the excellent flight model ini file. - vonS for the excellent flight model ini file. - Panama Red for the excellent Nieuport 24 cockpit 3d LOD edition. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Thanks EmlD, Geezer, peter01, vonS and Panama Red for their fantastic work. - Thanks to Stephen1918 and Crawford for help with information on the Nieuport's fuel gauge. - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Yes, this has been a vexing problem in the FE/FE2 series owing to the nature of the TW sim. engine - WOFF has some random engine unreliability thrown in which is a nice addition (and engine cutoff in negative Gs), but ROF probably has even more realism in that department (with over-revving damage and other engine problems) - although I think that we have overall better FMs than those other two sims (lack of dangerous, sustained spins in WOFF, too much turbulence over-amplification in ROF, etc.). If I ever stumble on some way of introducing engine unreliability into the FE series, I will of course post here --- ideally, I would like to introduce such a feature, if possible, using one of the general ini files that would include parameters for all aircraft --- since it would be cumbersome to implement such tweaks per data ini file. Cheers all, Von S
  24. 1 point
    We also need the Roland Walfisch it is long overdue !!!!
  25. 1 point
    What a work! All versions carefully reproduced to the best! More Seafires are scheduled to be released?
  26. 1 point
    The only Su-34 for SF2 world came from a chinese and it was pirate stuff. Thatswhy you cant find it here.
  27. 1 point
    What if Brazil selcted for its FX-2 program the F/A-18E Super Hornet instead the Gripen ? But they did not.... they selected the Gripen E... but What If they use the standard camo in use in the FAB today instead of the Swedish air superiority gray? But thy , at the end chose this...
  28. 1 point
    Now, that's sound really interesting! Venezuelan K-8 Karakorum.
  29. 1 point
    13 December 2021: We have updated the website with some new info and pictures on our WOTR Expansion work-in-progress, hope you guys enjoy! https://www.wingsoverthereich.com
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    The terrain is my personal heavily modified Vietnam, the trucks & stuff are things I've made in the last few weeks. Wip Da Nang...set up as 2 seperate bases .
  33. 1 point
    Hi all, I'm OK. But as GKABS correctly assumed, I was and still am very busy with real life work. And now even more so. In september we had a sudden change at work that eventually increased my workload again. So, SF2 modding is still on a back burner .
  34. 1 point
    1944, and the air battle over Germany rages on...
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    no me convenció ese ultimo tono tostado del A4C
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Kamchatka Peninsula 250m heightmesh update with corresponding tweaks and rejuvenated/extended tileset and layout for Strike Fighters 2, best fully-merged installation v1.0 by Stary July 2016 ^^^^----------------------------------------------^^^^ This is test rebuild of Baltika's and Wrench's Kamchatka terrain, based on Kamchatka v2.0 which is major update to original Baltika's terrain by Wrench. This is semi-experimental update aimed at demonstrating and testing in wider userbase usage of denser resolution heightmesh. I can >>not<< guarantee the stability of this terrain due to engine limitations and what I observed and what seems to be slight memory handling issues of the SF2 engine Credits: Baltika and Wrench for their work on Kamchatka map. Gerwin for TFD tool and BMP2TFD Combatace and Thirdwire All the nice people around here Extended information, please read carefully! The height mesh: The stock Thirdwire .hfd terrain format uses publictly available DEM (digital elevation model) databases to produce 500 meters vertex spaced terrain meshes with 2000 meters tiles covering them. This is proven, easy to use system but 500 meters is awfully 1999 technology for 2016 systems. Thus given my efforts into NA LOD-based terrains creation stalled due to lack of knowledge and tools I decided to reproduce one of more interesting yet obscure maps available, the Kamchatka Peninsula. The mesh in this download currently uses 250 meters resolution which is twice the density and detail* compared to original terrain. Please note that due to being based on low resolution hfd file output the actual height representation is somewhat off compared to real terrain! Not much and not that it really matters much. "If it looks good it is good" New heightmap was created in several steps which I now describe to help other more advanced terrain modders possibly use this method: First steps -Gerwin's TFDTool and Photoshop: -I used Gerwin's TDF tool to output the heightmap via F9 key -Also created the textures bitmap as a helper file via F7 key -The created file in grayscale is 3000x3000, which corresponds to 500m resolution on 1500000m map (3000/2=1500! Magic!) -Thus I rescaled the file to 6000x6000 pixels, the same with the texture bitmap which I copied to greyscale file for reference -The 6000x6000 or twice the original is the 250m per pixed heightfield file -I filled the blue water areas TFDTool creates with pure black 0,0,0 -Then I spent some time in Photoshop working on several layers and using several brushes and tools to slightly tweak the grayscale height image, mostly to brighten the higher areas and adjust some more interesting places. Mostly blur, stroke tools and some slight wave-y filers to add some detail to now ARTIFICIALLY pumped up resolution (further on this below) -Pro tip: to get rid of any water/shore artifacts is easy way, the so called tsunami waves or coast areas on slopes I selected the texture map layer, selected all water areas (select by pixel color) and created another pure black layer on top of the main height layer, that drops slight shadows around it (2 to 4 pixels black shadow) -this way the heightmap gets toned down for few pixels (two is good value) when near the water areas; think smart not hard as The Ancient One says :P when the heightmap was considered ready I flattened it and converted to 8bit palleted file using the stock Thirdwire terrain editor palette (you can do this palette by exporting any heightmap as bitmap from within the TE and saving it's palette to file, most programs allow palette saving) Second step -Thirdwire Terrain Editor, the 042106 version: so now I had the TE-format palleted 8bit heightmap but to import it without further data loss I needed to adjust the TerrainEditor.ini settings via notepad: -the line that specifies the min-max scale of height present in the file is this line: [bitmapImport] HeightScale=15 <---- this line, by default uses value of 10 MinLandHeight=0 <---- by default 1 experimenting with this value gives you the similar results as using PGUP/PGDN keys when using Gerwin's bmp2tfd tool, basically sets the global vertical scaling of min-max values in file To create new 250m resolution the values at creating new map are as follows: Terrain Map Size: 1500 (km, like original Kamchatka terrain) Texture Tile Resolution: 2000 (meters, like all common SF2 maps and tilesets) Height Field Resolution: 250 (meters, compared to defaul 500 meters) Then if you do have the texturelist loaded yo ushould get new flat terrain with textures filling the areas, just impor t he heightmap from the created 6000x6000 paletted bitmap and save. This is basic procedure, same can be used to create 125 meters resolution terrains (I did so for Korea3 terrain so far) BUT those are unstable and I am still trying to get perfect values in BOTH flightengine.ini and given terrain's _data.ini *now the heihgt information/detail gets lost every time we index the heightmap so one must then increase the HeightScale= value to get more or less proper -OR GOOD LOOKING height values. Also be warned that Gerwin's TFDTool doesn't properly translate non-standard maps (1000 kilometers ones go ok though) that is why the TE hassle That said -the height scale is a bit OFF in this map so if you are a purist complain all you want, I wanted better looking mesh more than geographical accuracy. To have the latter we need to come up with otehr height data sources for denser terrains. I have yet to look into the tools and programs I own what could be of use. Installation: Before installing this mod BACKUP your Kamchatka terrain!!! There is possibility you won't get this terrain working at all so I warned you! To install this exctract the zip and move the content of the included folder to your Kamchatka terrain, overwrite when asked. This way now you have new terrain tfd and hfd files, new inis, TODs and new reworked tileset in both summer nad winter flavours in their respective folders. The mod has all the nedded tweaks into kamchatka.ini and kamchatka_data.ini already present, HOWEVER to use this terrain in efficient way (ie, not to experience CTDs when loading the map every signle time) please do adjust few things in your installation: The essential is making small adjustments to your flightengine.ini file [backgroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=70000 by default uses value of 80000, and while I now use the original value to prevent possible memory crashes use the 70000 value which lowers the loaded terrain "bubble" around the camera. Also if you do use very extended trees/objects drawing distances (with or without additions of Mue's extra distance fading shaders) I recommend lowering the DetailMeshSize= values, start with something like 8 or 10 and try if the map loads for you, can then increase this further, it might be very VERY system-dependent Known Bugs: YES this is test and YES you might get constant CTDs when loading missions; might be very computer or installation dependent. I have medium-high system and work ok with the values I use in inis. Also can't guarantee if some crazy large scale missions wouldn't prevernt the terrain OR textures to load, as I have hit some engine limitations during more brutal force tests. That is why the tileset, albeit I have it in 1024px resolution too, is 512 version. Also you should have much less of issues when using ObjectsFade=TRUE and not using Mue's extender draw distance shaders. That is because the sim engine apparently does not have to load ALL the TODs at once during mission loading, just later when need be. Anyway that is my assumption, I might be totally wrong Legal stuff: CA Fair Use license apply, not to be used as base or part of any sort of payware That should be all, have fun (I hope) and if you are terrain modder, try my method. Again, 500m res is soo 1999 :P Stary
  47. 1 point



    Kamchatka Terrain for SF2 (by Baltika, Ver 2) 7/26/2013 = For SF2, FULL 5 Merged - SF2NA REQUIRED!!! = This is a rebuild of Baltika's Kamchatka terrain. It has been rebuilt (almost) completly, and is designed to REPLACE, in total, the original 1stGen Version. The Targets and movements inis have been redone, and are more reflective of the Real World ™. Place names have been changed to local spelling (where discoverable, spellable and pronounable). The Original Easter Egg ™ is still intact; several others have been added, as expected. This terrain was (re)built and tested within my SF2:NA mods folder. It makes use of the various statements and bits (water bmps, etc) that are =REQUIRED= for proper CVBG and SAG operations. It is suggested that it =ONLY= be used in a pure NA environment. It will NOT work properly in ANY 1stGen install; so don't even bother asking. NA is also required, as several 'in port' ships are stock items. Like the Original Release, it is a "2 Season" terrain. Winter and Not Winter. It should be noted at this time, you =WILL= be needing all of WhiteBoySamauri's Soviet Ships, JMSDF ships, JGSDF ground objects, and any JASDF aircraft you can lay your hands on!! To say nothing of "the usual suspects" US and Soviet ground objects (trucks, tanks, APCs, AFV/IFV, even more ships, etc). Some are provided, but the rest you'll have to locate yourself. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all (read: there are NO rivers on this map. See Notes for more details). Several cities and other physical features, and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values. Just someplace to fly over. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but -BEFORE- installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading, as it explains a few "oddities" you WILL experience! Please also read and -OBEY- the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. *Please Note: there are a few items still missing from the terrain, as well as a new tile set. It is being released "as is", with the caveat that when the new ground object and new tiles are ready, there =WILL= be an Update Pak. Until then, enjoy!* Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein


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