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Showing most liked content on 03/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 12 points
    Great!!! Now, I'll have to go back and see which one's need the wingfold fixed
  2. 12 points
  3. 4 points
    Latest VSN F-104 mod version released. Includes now the NF-104. Video featuring repaints by me.
  4. 3 points
    Thank you for all these weapons over the years Raven. I've been playing this game since I was 14. You've certainly kept this great game up to date!
  5. 2 points
    We nearly had one, but people voted for the ChingKuo instead.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    This is a major problem for the active homing missiles (guidance type 13). The AA-9B is particularly problematic in this case as the seeker range is set to 120000. There is no such thing as an active homing missile with a seeker range of 120000 meters. You can fix this by going to the data file and changing one line. Set SeekerRange=120000.000000 To SeekerRange=20000.000000 This will prevent the computer from firing at you until it can get an accurate range on you with its radar or it closes to within 20000 meters. This will force it to respect the same constraints the player must follow. You can also reduce the firing range by changing this line. MaxLaunchRange=120000.000000 Note that changing this line will also prevent the player from firing the missile at a longer range regardless of other factors. I recommend against changing the SeekerRange value for semi-active homing missiles (guidance type 12) as the computer must first lock you up before firing regardless of the range of the seeker so there is no point in reducing that number. Also, the missile seekers do not appear to be affected by aircraft RCS. I have had MiG-31s fire at my stealth aircraft from the maximum missile range without ever seeing me on radar. This stopped when I adjusted the seeker range.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Panzerpack for Ukraine terrain ***************************************************** This mod is made for SF2. ---------------------------------------------------------- I. This package contains some tanks which are, or will be in the next time, in use in Ukraine War. This are: For the Ukraine: Leopard1A4 delivered by Germany Leopard1A5 delivered by Germany Leopard2A4 delivered by Canada, Spain and Norway T-64B original ukrainian tanks, former soviet T-72M1 delivered by Czech Republik and Poland For Russia: T-72B former soviet T-72BV former soviet The T-64B, the T-72 and the Leopard1A4 are repaints of the stock files made by TK. The Leopard1A5 is a repaint of the tank which made Gabilon. The Leopard2A4 is a repaint of the tank made by Kesselbrut. Alle LOD files are low poly, which reduce the workload of the computer. With my new made skins the tanks are looking good enough. The tanks are set for a timeframe from 2022 or 2023 onward. They will not appear earlier in the game. I have adjusted the values of the armour to make it more real. I also devided the hull of the tanks into two parts. The upper part has a better armour protection and the lower part a weaker armour, as it is in reality. Example for calculation of armour thickness: T-72M1 has a frontal hull armour of 3 layers of steel ( 50 mm inner plate, 60 mm outer plate, 30 mm add on plate) and one layer of Textolit (105 mm). Since Textolit has only effect against HEAT i use only the steel value to calculate. The formula is x= nominal thickness / cos(angle of armour plate) so we come to x= 140 / cos (68°) ==> x= 373,73 mm ~ 374 mm ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. INSTALLATION: -Unzip into your SF2 mod folder ---------------------------------------------------------- III. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- IV. All files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany February 2023
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    The missiles in SF2 tend to be over modeled as compared to other simulations. BMS Falcon comes to mind as hitting a fighter at 20 miles is effectively impossible with an AIM-120C-5. I reduced the impulse of all AHMs to reduce their effective ranges and the AIM-120C-5 can still reach 30 miles with enough energy for an intercept.
  14. 1 point
    If I were you and have the means, I would try to see if it works flawless in Win 7. My opinion is that It should work. And if it's that , well...you will know at least how your're standing. In matters of games you don't get anything (except Direct X 12) extra from Win 10. If you are a practical guy and you straigthen up your priorities, you'll notice that what is the simple path you will have to walk on. Good luck!
  15. 1 point
    SubLOGIC's Flight Simulator II for the Commodore 64. Man oh man, wireframe WW I biplanes that could actually fired bullets were way too cool !
  16. 1 point
    Thanks, pal for joining and meking mods better
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Last time I've tested my joystick was when I was playing the game under Win 7. I never tried with win 10 or 11. Win 10 is not that forgiving as Win 7 was with some old software/programs. They kinnda eliminated almost all sorts of compatibilites without asking anyone if they would like that. If it wasn't for Direct X12, I would have been still running Win 7 even today on my pc.
  19. 1 point
    I had a similar issue and I solved it with the Default.ini, replacing the old file as my stick wouldn't work for some reason, even though it relatively works most of the time.
  20. 1 point
    This discussion includes Ed Rasimus and other F-4 pilots describing chaff/flare deployment on F-4s, including clarification on the F-4C and F-4D in the 1970s: F-4 chaff/flare loads (narkive.com) As I originally posted: F-4Cs: never, F-4Ds late 70s/early 80s.
  21. 1 point
    This cockpits tested (created for) as a small upgrade for original Stary' s cockpits (use original Su-11 avionics. You will find the original cockpit in the same section ). I plan small reworking avionics for Su-9's. I create mods/tweeks for me (this is my first public expirience).
  22. 1 point
    I can assure you that the F-4D got the countermeasures retrofitted toward the late 70s early 80s. They wouldn't have put on the pylons without putting in the panels. The F-4Cs were going out of service, and therefore did not get updgraded.
  23. 1 point
    mounting the pylons with the AN/ALE-40 is not helping much , you need in the cockpit , front and rear , the AN/ALE-40 control panel and the wiring for it , with out it no chaff and no flares this is the panel in a F-4F rear cockpit there is a F-4C/D flight manual from 1984 - 1990 available at ebay .com , unfortunately they will not ship to germany so i can not buy it , in this manual you should be able to see if there are this control panels or not https://www.ebay.com/itm/221409795156?hash=item338d0d5c54:g:W1AAAOxyeZNTPytq&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoKLirUgBrrwgX44mMW%2BYEGqf3dnuVjbOqUgnWrqZn1dkjevZl%2FcudPuTGTQBZuvND%2FdqtXlZbwblz3PrH%2FWaQTWDjax4vzMx3NaUUCh8hJin7%2BKXj49IFnUvTMgVmcEOftPX8ML%2BQeHqUMfuqfFqxPuacppiBgFr3o2r%2BDWvL6EoNoXwM7yYd0esizV0KgToPajW8mS5HsSzkEr5QZvHxpo%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7KK35jUYQ
  24. 1 point
    For me it was Il-2 1946, I remembered coming home from Junior high school and playing it on my dad's PC course teen me didn't care about the whole "dogfighting and realism" thing with me opting to create ungodly amounts of crashes :v
  25. 1 point
    F-117 Night Storm and therafter F-22 Interceptor on the Sega Mega Drive console - early Nineties.
  26. 1 point
    Not my first game, but it was the first game I ever saw on PC. In the late 70s, my friend down the street's dad was a professor at the university and had a TRS80 at his house. Phone cradle modem, reel to reel and cassette tape. Paul (friend) was so excited to show off Star Trek to us! Not exactly the most blood-boiling game, and certainly not to an 8-year-old. My first game was Microsoft Flight Simulator in 1984 on an Apple IIe. No joystick, and 16 fps [if that] on a green monochrome monitor. Once I moved to IBM, the jig was up for Apple! Then it was Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer, Lucas Arts Battle of Britain, SWOTL and MicroProse titles...anything I could get. I still have the 5.25" and 3.5" disks for many of the games. They would likely crumble to dust if I tried to insert them though. Fond memories of being a loner without a guitar.
  27. 1 point
    F-4Ds eventually got the same wing pylons as F-4Es with the countermeasures mounted at the rear. F-4Cs never got those pylons, and hence never got built-in countermeasures.
  28. 1 point
    Flying the F-4C in 1986 is a challenge. You hope for the F-15s to take on the Flankers, Fulcrums, and Flogger Ks, but no they're off dealing with some Frogfoots, so it's up to the Weekend Warriors from California in their 20 year old crates to deal with them.
  29. 1 point
    The C's and D's were pretty much interceptors by then and more likely to be used to defend CONUS than the Fulda Gap. so not so much of a need for countermeasures some D models went to Ramstein at about that timeframe with Montana and North Dakota ANG while the 86th TFW was converting to Vipers. but pretty sure they would have had countermeasures. push come to shove, do in the data.ini what the crew chiefs would have done: jimmy rig something!!!!
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Yes they have. Everything present on original is back, with more things added.
  32. 1 point
    Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner: the Taiwanese AIDC F-CK-1 Ching - Kuo jetfighter. (22 votes). After the completion of the bonus plane (SU-34) which is for the time being into the pipes, the Taiwanese project will commence. I will keep you posted as usual. Any post poll commentaries are appreciated. :)
  33. 1 point
    Su-35 EAF screenshot by Coupi. Coming soon 🔜
  34. 1 point
    ...and what's an "F" without a "G"?
  35. 1 point
    McDonnell Voodoo FAW.4 - No.74 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1967
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    McDonnell Voodoo FAW.4 - No.111 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1967
  39. 1 point
    Just got into the SF2 series and love it. Now the next move ,FE2 ,a awesome looking sim that my gaming rig can handle easily. Very excited about all the addons and all the mods for it. Will be getting FE2 in the next few weeks-(limited income) ,and will really enjoy it. I'm sure i'll be a regular once i do ! Love combat ace. Can't believe what i've been missing out on all this time. Better late than never ! Regards,Scott
  40. 1 point
    Thanks ! Getting FE2 next week and can't wait to see what's in store . First learn the basic sim , then off to the mods ! Excited to get back into some WW I action ! Regards,Scott
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Voodoo with a six-pack of BL755's
  45. 1 point
    Welcome to the sanatorium!!!
  46. 1 point
    Nice work Ravenclaw...
  47. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    INS Vikrant (R11) ------------------------- 1961 to 1979 style deck INS Vikrant (R11) (Ordered as HMS Hercules) was commissioned into the Indian Navy by then Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Vijayalakshmi Pandit on 4 March 1961 in Belfast. The name Vikrant was taken from Sanskrit vikranta meaning "stepping beyond", i.e. "courageous" or "bold". Captain Pritam Singh was the first commanding officer of the carrier.


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