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  1. 15 points
  2. 12 points
    The first flightsim which you could mod was USNF. This was back in the 1990th, when i started to create terrains for USNF. Then EAW followed, which had a great gameplay and was able to mod too, but not as easy to mod as USNF. When SFP1 came out i found that it was a good mix between gameplay and easy to mod. SFP1 had a very good graphic for the time. It looked much better than Falcon 3.0 or so. But it was full of bugs. First i thought, that it was a waste of money, because it was nearly unplayable. But i found out, that a community was forming, were guys started to mod. They made not flyable planes flyable and they started to create new terrains. The first was Korea. It was simple, only some blue and red airfields, nothing more. Someone had made a F-86 Sabre and so you could play MiG-Alley. The opponent was the MiG-17, but who cares ... So it began. I thought, that i could make better terrains and i started with Israel terrain. Others followed. Step by step it became better. Then i found CombatAce site ... I wrote the topic "My way to create a terrain", which paved the way for a lot of modders to make their own terrains. ... Great time.
  3. 11 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F3D-2/EF-10B Skyknight by Coyote Aerospace 1/1/2024 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Recommended) This is the release of AngelP's F3D-2/EF-10 "Skyknight". It's being released as a "provisional Beta", due to the LOD needing more work. But rest assured, it's been 'tested to destruction', and other than needing a few more seperated meshes, is fully functional. The aircraft has been split into two differing birds, one the night/all weather fighter for the 1950s (F3D-2) and the Vietnam War era stand-off/escort jammer (EF-10B). Due to the need for certain types of electronics (avionics), 2 different cockpits have been used. The aircraft(s) include the following skin sets: F3D-2: VC-3 (USN) in standard overall Dark Gloss Navy Blue VMF(N)-513 - VMF(N)-531 - both in overall Night Black, USMC night fighters during the Korean War EF-10B: VMCJ-1 in standard Gull Grey/White Most marking are decals; excepting a few squadron flashes. Decal randomization is TRUE. As expected, as many Modex numbers as possible have been matched to their BuNums. These are marked with the star (*). Those unmarked could not be matched, or are just 'generic' in nature. Included are pilot figures, drop tanks (ini only) and the EF-10 gets external jammer and chaff pods. This aircraft is NOT carrier qualfied, although the wings fold with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9, and the canopy hatch with Shift/0. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection dropdown you'll see for each: F3D-2 Skyknight (CAF) EF-10B Skyknight (CAF) these will differentiate ours from any others you might (or most likely DON'T) have. As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. If there's any Notes, give them a read too! :) Wrench Kevin Stein Director of Marketing, Coyote Aerospace "We Aim Higher"
  4. 8 points
    My goal was always to fly F-4 Phantoms in Vietnam, though I enjoyed many other aircraft and eras in flight sims. I started out the Jane's Fighters Anthology on a work laptop around 1998. I went back to college in 2000, so I bought a PC to allow me to do schoolwork at home, but set it up as a mid-range flight sim machine with Jane's USAF (and most of the other Jane's sims at that time). The graphics for Jane's USAF impressed me, particularly the nearly photo-real Nevada terrain. The cockpits and external models look pretty good. But then, I saw TK/Third Wire posting about their upcoming Strike Fighters Project 1 sim that featured the F-4 as one of the primary aircraft. I bought the half-finished/buggy Walmart edition as soon as I saw it on the shelf. I played the SF/WoX/SF2 series almost every day for quite a few years. Until TK had started dumbing down SF2 and finally abandoned it for the free-to-play tablet/phone games. At exactly that time, DCS World had recently released the P-51D Mustang and announced a crowd funded MiG-21bis. Beyond the MiG-21, DCS rapidly got the F-86, MiG-15, F-5, and UH-1. From that point on, DCS became my primary sim. I also migrated to flying in VR as well as flying lots of online multiplayer. I have had SF2 somewhat compatible with VR every now and then, but it cannot compare to the VR experience in DCS World. The F-4 Phantom is finally coming to DCS World, too. I very rarely startup SF2 anymore.
  5. 7 points
    Haha, that sums up what kind of players we are...
  6. 7 points
    F-16D over stock desert terrain.
  7. 7 points
  8. 7 points
    Same with some friends above, I'm a Scale Modeler who likes Vietnam War subject, love sim and FPS games, and then Wings Over Vietnam brought me deep in this tar pit, and I don't wanna get out.. Why? - Wide range of downloadable mods (thanks all kind modders here!) -(maybe) The only game I know that we could fly Pre-Historic Velociraptor to F-22 Raptor.. -This game becomes more like sandbox to me.. (thanks to Blender, and Mue's toolbox) -This game are tolerable with my 90's Casio Scientific Calculator Processor laptop.. -And Lads round here are more kind and feels like family than my own brother.. (wait.. ah.. I'm the only son..)
  9. 7 points
    Around 2010 I was trying to get Jane's IAF working on my new Windows Vista PC and came across SF2 Israel on the internet somehow. The rest as they say is history. The ease of modding and adding researched details makes the game for me. Early on I remember TK taking away subtitles in a patch at one point (gear up/down etc) and everyone begging him on the official forums to bring it back.
  10. 7 points
    I startet with SFP 1, wich I found in a game store more than 20 year ago. I always liked Flightsims & a flyable Starfighter was the reason to buy I love the wide range of modding capabilities and of course the modding community here.
  11. 7 points
    What if...VMFA (AW)-242 Bats didn't convert to F-35's and went instead to the F/A-18F Super Hornet?
  12. 6 points
    Saab Draken F.2A - No.23 'Red Eagle' Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1991
  13. 6 points
    because I love Vietnam war
  14. 6 points
  15. 5 points
    I saw a copy of Wings Over Europe on the shelf at Best Buy in the summer of 2006. Up to that point my flying games were Ace Combat or MSFS 2004. I tried LOMAC but my 13 year old dumbass didn't know what computer specs were so it barely worked on my home PC. I played it bone stock for about a year and then discovered that there were indeed mods for it when I found Column 5's old website and CombatAce soon after.
  16. 5 points
    Back in 2000 I was starting university and in the student residence there was a modest PC with Windows 98, at that time I painted things in paint with a style that decades later would be called pixelart, by chance looking for who knows what. , I found that it installed a demo version of F-22 lightning and from there I left the pixelart aside haha... then I went through F-16 MRF, Comanche and other Novalogic sims, F18 Hornet until I reached Flanker 2.5 there I learned about the modifications with various texture packs that I was downloading from the internet, and one day around 2008 I found a publication that mentioned several flight simulators that I already knew except one called Strike Fighters Project 1... I was struck by the graphics (much better than what I was playing then) and also the novelty of piloting a selection of Cold War fighters. I thought it was interesting to get it. When I got it I think it was the GOG editor, they had a free download of 5 modern era airplanes on their website, there was the f-16, F-18, the tomcat among others, at that moment I said wow how can I fly such a variety of planes, then I met checksix.frw here I found many other planes and textures and then,... and the greatest pleasure was reaching Column5.us... there I said "what kind of spell is this?" and my creative orgasm was total hahaha... from there to CA it was just a step to marvel at this community and here we are, fascinated by a modifiable simulator, the perfect game for an airplane lover who is also a graphic designer...
  17. 5 points
    you'd think they'd be Snowbirds. Guess they wanted a warmer name....
  18. 5 points
    I had my first flight sim on my Amstrad 664, cannot for the life of me remember what it was called though, then I upgraded to the Amiga, and I really went in for Flight sims, I had Falcon, F16 Combat pilot, Birds of Prey, Gunship, F/a 18 , F14 fleet defender, and several more including several of the Janes series. I eventually got my first PC and continued the trend. My first big love was EAW, that got me hooked on modding and editing the sim, I prgressed to the IL2 series, and ended up with Lock on, then I discovered SF Gold........I have DCS, and IL2 Battle of.......well all of 'em actually, but I always come back to SF/FE as it is just so good, user friendly, uncomplicated, and fabulous to mod and skin, DCS is superb, but I am NOT a real fighter Pilot, and although I WAS in the RAF, I was an RAF Regiment Gunner, so I like things simple, as my poor ol' Rockape brain cannot be bothered with having to press 2 million buttons, and flick almost as many switches just to adjust the seat height in the pit heehehehehe. I find this series of sims ( SF/FE) to be fun, stress free ( mostly) and easy to use, fly, and mod/skin. Long may it continue.
  19. 4 points
    The last eye candy , some additional tests and we're done .
  20. 4 points
    In 2003... I discovered SFP1 with later WoV, WoE and WoI. I played FE also. In 2006... I met Combat Ace and the TW games community. Today I play only with SF2. SF2 (and FE2) is in my opinion very playable with its full "moddability". Here at Combat Ace I have found plenty of friends thanks to the games of TK !!! P.
  21. 4 points
    I don't know exactly what it is about the Draken, but I've always loved that shape!! nice job
  22. 4 points
    View File SF2 F3D-2/EF-10B Skyknight by Coyote Aerospace SF2 F3D-2/EF-10B Skyknight by Coyote Aerospace 1/1/2024 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Recommended) This is the release of AngelP's F3D-2/EF-10 "Skyknight". It's being released as a "provisional Beta", due to the LOD needing more work. But rest assured, it's been 'tested to destruction', and other than needing a few more seperated meshes, is fully functional. The aircraft has been split into two differing birds, one the night/all weather fighter for the 1950s (F3D-2) and the Vietnam War era stand-off/escort jammer (EF-10B). Due to the need for certain types of electronics (avionics), 2 different cockpits have been used. The aircraft(s) include the following skin sets: F3D-2: VC-3 (USN) in standard overall Dark Gloss Navy Blue VMF(N)-513 - VMF(N)-531 - both in overall Night Black, USMC night fighters during the Korean War EF-10B: VMCJ-1 in standard Gull Grey/White Most marking are decals; excepting a few squadron flashes. Decal randomization is TRUE. As expected, as many Modex numbers as possible have been matched to their BuNums. These are marked with the star (*). Those unmarked could not be matched, or are just 'generic' in nature. Included are pilot figures, drop tanks (ini only) and the EF-10 gets external jammer and chaff pods. This aircraft is NOT carrier qualfied, although the wings fold with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9, and the canopy hatch with Shift/0. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection dropdown you'll see for each: F3D-2 Skyknight (CAF) EF-10B Skyknight (CAF) these will differentiate ours from any others you might (or most likely DON'T) have. As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. If there's any Notes, give them a read too! :) Wrench Kevin Stein Director of Marketing, Coyote Aerospace "We Aim Higher" Submitter Wrench Submitted 01/16/2024 Category Other  
  23. 3 points
    We have quite a bit of users of the SFx series. There are other sims out like DCS, but I find SF2 a lot easier to mod and create campaigns with. Before this, I was a very old school sim addict, addicted to the Microprose sims from back in the 486 days. SF1 came out and it brought me back into flight sims in 2009. I took a break for 11 years to start a family. Realizing how much stuff is out there for SF2, it brought me back in. One of my kids has additional needs, and discovered became a fan of flight sims. It was a great way to bond and teach him about flying. Using SF2 WoV as his first experience, he was enthusiastic popping off Sparrows from an F-4D. We modded further and now he's running buzz saws of 20mm from French Corsairs in the Madagascar terrain. Guess it's his new favorite aircraft. We converted a Lenovo laptop as a dedicated SF2 gamer, and he has begun modding with me. For those times we travel, he can sit all day at the airport terminal watching commercial aircraft depart and arrive .. Anyway that is my story. What brought everyone else here?
  24. 3 points
    is that the old F-16B? meanwhile, flying escort for an airdrop in the Balkans...
  25. 3 points
    Thunderstreak EDIT: ups one day to early, we still have Wednesday. Sorry.
  26. 3 points
    started because.... Phantoms stayed after I got teh modding bug prior ot that, computer ownership (and therefore flight simming ) was a very on and off thing for me.
  27. 3 points
    I came from the Lock On/Flanker 2.51 community when me and Dave met each other through Eagle Dynamics. I flew many other games and didn't get much into games from Jane's (I did like Apache Longbow though), but for the most part got into the WOX series and then when SF2 came out I moved on to that. I like the replayability and what little modding I have done though, so while I go away I still maintain some kind of presence here and so on.
  28. 3 points
    I've always played flight simulators. Since 1998. My favorites are Falcon 4.0 (FreeFalcon, OpenFalcon, BMS) FSX, FS2004. But I like Strike Fighters 2 because it's easy to mod. Modifying games, not only SF2, is my hobby. It calms my nerves. I love modifying while listening to music or watching a movie on the second display. For me this game mostley is not for playing, but rather as a collection of airplanes. Its too.. to arcade. No matter what game I start playing, after 20-40 minutes I already want to change something. I turn off a game and start looking through resources or seeing what I can add. The first game I started modding was Tank Platoon 2 in 1998
  29. 2 points
    As a kid Flight of the Intruder on the Amiga which was by the same guys that did Falcon probably swayed me towards the Cold War era - thinking it even had inbuilt ROE (?) dont know. Picked up SFP1 about 2004 which had Vietnam era jets so a natural progression - nothing else was like that.
  30. 2 points
  31. 2 points
    Logans MiG-Ye-8 in action: Heading for incoming raid. Intercepting incoming raid. Successful attack The raider is going down Heading home. (Mission flown over Kuril Islands terrain. Normally the bird should have a Red Star marking, but since start of Ukraine War i have some problems with this marking.Thatswhy East German markings.)
  32. 2 points
    F-7A Red Hawk. So it could look, if the Pentagon decide to buy a fighter version of the T-7A.
  33. 2 points
    I remember Janes Fighters Anthology! I had a copy of US Navy Fighters before it became merged with ATF and NATO Fighters. Didn't play it a lot since I was in HS at the time. I do remember they graded you on carrier landings in there.
  34. 2 points
    I was a big janes fighters Anthology and Microsoft CFS 1 and 2 player way back and was a semi-regular on the old Netwings and sim-outhouse forums. I remember 2003? Dave posting some screen shots from the original Strike Fighter Project One there. i was hooked and the first opportunity I bought the game. Unfortunately it was a second hand "Wally World" edition. Took me a while to track down a "real" copy and the rest is thousands apon thousand of siming hours of history.
  35. 2 points
    I didn't get on board until early 2008 when I saw a copy of Strike Fighters Gold (with an F-4E on the cover) in a local department store. My PC at that time was far from being a gaming machine but SFG worked just fine and I quickly caught up with WoV and WoE. This was a great time as WoI came out soon after and Strike Fighters 2 came in at the end of the year. From the very start I just wanted to modify the game to my own tastes and have the ability to place, say, an F-105D in service with the RAF and give it contemporary markings still gives me a kick. This nudged me in the direction of making my own decals and then making my own skins, mainly from templates but sometimes from scratch. I have tried other flight sims but I still find that SF best suits my interests. It's a pity that Third Wire did not continue to support SF on PC as I liked the direction they were going with DLC's and I'm convinced that SF2:Korea was on the horizon. Hey ho.
  36. 2 points
    I liked it's equivalence to European Air War in terms of being able to jump in and fly a quick mission or dig into a campaign. I know people say it's "lite" compared to something like DCS but I think as a COMBAT sim it really excels at delivering that experience. I really don't like DCS for a lot of reasons I won't go into here. Let's just say it is not my go-to sim. If I want a FLIGHT simulator I will go with MSFS or X-Plane. Easy to play, easy to mod, great community, great mods. What is not to like from a easy to access COMBAT simulator?
  37. 1 point
    Just a note, Normally running EAW natively on WinNT machines, EAW won't run or correctly if the filename is not eaw.exe. (Campaigns/Careers will not save correctly) However after some test when running EAW within a Wrapper Program you can have as many game.exe's in the games folder you want, they just need to be named differently, such as eaw12.exe, eaw12a.exe, eaw12x.exe, eaw126e.exe etc. (You should at least have one exe, preferably the standard 1.2 as eaw.exe in your games folder so the noCD function works with it). You just have to have a shortcut within the wrapper program pointing to each exe. (I've added this and more info to my web site now and continue to explore more ideas)
  38. 1 point
    well, at least they didn't put the clutch up in front, by the radiator !!!
  39. 1 point
    Many 2 seaters do not have visual camera models. It was in the release notes for v1.21 that included Recon Wars. BE2C and Aviatik have them.
  40. 1 point
    More Animation Keys need to be added to the nose landing gear doors. This is a beautiful model. I like it.
  41. 1 point
    More testing finds the noCD function is not working correctly if the eaw.exe is renamed. I'm not sure whats going on......
  42. 1 point
    Netwings, there's a blast from the past.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net What's included: Air Base Precision Approach Radar All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder add to Terrains file for example IraqWA_03_TYPES.INI under the IraqWA_03 so it will show up for you to add to the Terrains by using TargetAreaEditor replace the XXX with the correct number sequins from your _TYPES.INI file [TargetTypeXXX] Name=AAS-Surv-Radar FullName=GK-AAS-Surveillance-Radar ModelName=GK-AAS-Surveillance-Radar.lod TargetType=RADAR ActiveYear=1960 TargetValue=200 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=1.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=80 StartIdentifiedChance=20 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=6000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=SmallFire DestroyedModel=asr_destroyed.LOD SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect SecondaryChance=50 AnimationID=1 AnimationTime=4.0 If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ Virgin 1.0 LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike Fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Third Wire for making this outstanding game." Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Mixamo If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net gulfknights.net
  45. 1 point
    but does it got this one? the 141st is on my todo list, and i have a list of about 40-50 serial photo matched to them over the course of the 80s. as well as tga'ing the tigers heads since there was a mix of full color, subdued and none on their fleet but they are also like 13th in line to do without "ooh shiny" or special requests popping up. so closer to three weeks out..... edit: one more better shot
  46. 1 point
    Yes, just as Soulfreak said, that skin is in the Ravenvclaw's F-4E ANG and AFRES pack, it is available for the F-4E_85_ANG.
  47. 1 point
    Let's go to the other side of the Viper World.......
  48. 1 point
    Hi everyone; Well I've tried everything I could think off to get this version to run on my Windows 10 system with no success. Suggestions for CTD issues, followed to the letter! It's not a Win 10 issue because I'm running all the old ThirdWire flight games on this i5 system. Game will work through all the setup screens, but crashes after loading screen to cockpit to fly! Any one out there that has any ideas on solving this problem I'd be glad to hear from you. From what I can see so far this version of Desert Storm is amazing!!! THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Eric...
  49. 1 point



    25 Dec 2010 : Merry Christmas. Strike Fighters 2: Modern Warfare Taiwan V1.01 by Spectre8750 Campaign For SF2, SF2:E, SF2:V, SF2:I or SF2,SF2:E,SF2:V and/or SF2:I Merged Install. This Campaign is a culmination of many to hit on the possability of the situation in the Far East coming to a head and represent the possible Air Battle. The Campaign includes Taiwan, Australia, RAF, Japan, Hungary, USAF, USMC, USN with Carrier support, and China and the Soviet Union. Extra Files are required: The E-2C-R3.LOD for the E-2C "HawkEye" from Skunkworks, all other files for that Aircraft are included and modded. Do not overwrite the other Files. The E-3A.LOD's for the E-3 "Sentry" can be found in Operation Desert Storm in the "ODS_part1.exe" file. You only need the LOD's all others are already included. This Aircraft is not crucial but fun to Include. Also the F-16A(10) uses the F-16A_Netz.LOD's not included but will work if You have SF2:Isreal loaded. If not it is not crucial as it is for the Mercenary Player only and won't affect the Game if not present. All other files are included and modified and needed as is. If you modify included files, I can't guarantee results. Installing the Campaign: Install as per the Knowledge base for Standalone Mods. And Delete The Aircraft and Ground Objects before you dump these files in. Also Included an Icon for the Main Dir to use with the Desktop Shortcut. A Menu ModuleMWT.cat file is included for Menu Screens and Music. Open the "StrikeFighters2 War for Taiwan.INI" file you created and make sure it has the fallowing at the bottom: [Module] ModuleDataFile=ModuleMWT.cat DefaultTerrainData=Taiwan DefaultAircraft=F-16A(20) Now go to the new "Mod" "\StrikeFighters2 Modern Warfare Taiwan\Terrains\Taiwan" Folder and open the TAIWAN.INI file and remove the semicolon in front of the game you have loaded as follows. Example if you have SF2 Israel. ;CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat ;CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat ;CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat Leave all others with a semicolon. You should be ready to go. I want to thank the Following for making This Mod possible with a special thanks to Gepard for the original Formosa Strait Terrain and Stary for the Tile and objects Update: _Thomas_ 101tfs 331KillerBee Actarus AGOSTINO AleDucat aleks AmokFloo ArturR Badger BANIDOS TEAM bib bigal1 bobrock Boopidoo BPAo Camouflage ***** Column5 Crab_02 Craig Crusader DamWaar Dante-JT Dave USAFMTL Dels Deuces Diego Digital Overlord Dr.Welsh Epizikl EricJ Erikgen Erwin_Hans FastCargo Flying Toaster Fubar512 Gaston gerwin Ghostrider883 Gabilon Hawker Howling1 HrntFixr Insky group J.M Langeron JA 37 Viggen Jat81500 Jeanba Joe Baugher Jimbib JSF Aggie Julheim Jv44kt Kesselbrut Kout Kreelin lindr2 LloydNB Mago Manetsim Marcfighter Matthew Ouellette Max Rudakov Mike1 Miracleman Mirage Factory MK2 Moonjumper Mig Master MJ NeverEnough Olivier ANGUILLE olo007 pablitoVPT Paladrian Pappy Pappychksix Pasko pcpilot petr005 Phamtuan Private Rafael Rampage ravenclaw_007 Raptore One raynor rscsjsuso5 Scrapper Sidewinder86 Signum Sony Tuckson spillone Starfighter2 Stary ST0RM SUICIDAL Sundowner Swede SWS Syrinx Talos The Trooper Thunder-Works Team Viper TFlash Tiwaz tomcat TORNO Tunderchief Typhoid UF Josse Veltro2K vrkuboy Wilco WingWiner Wpnssgt Wrench X Ray YEYEYE Third Wire and TK Thanks all, let me know if i missed anyone. Email Me. Have Fun Spectre8750@Gmail.com


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