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Showing most liked content on 01/09/2019 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    VSF Squadron/ VA Squadron detachment A-4B and A-4C Skyhawks. VSF Squadrons and VA Squadron detachments were assigned to small ASW carriers for air defense but with the escalation of the Vietnam war they returned to the attack role. VA-34 from the USS Essex actually flew a CAP/ escort mission during the Bay of Pigs invasion with the intention of protecting the Rebal A-26 Invaders but due to a timing cock up were an hour late and missed engaging the Cuban T-33A fighters. VA-93 painted fake black radar-domes and tail RWR receivers during one of their detachments. I modified some of Wrench's decals along with Nyghtfall's latest templates.
  2. 9 points
    Some more Air-Defense Skyhawks from ASW-Carriers 2 of the 4 shady Girls of H&MS-15 on USS Hornet in 1965/66 Fanny Hill... and Polly Adler.
  3. 8 points
    Forging ahead My first flight in SF2 since 2017!
  4. 8 points
    Cool story and nice skins, didn't knew about that A4 role, where did you read about the Cuba part? I found this long long ago. Mandatory pic, early Super Sabres.
  5. 8 points
    Thank you for your kind replies, this AB is based on this Military AB in Kuwait (with some changes that I added to my liking) My work is near the AB (Ahmad al-Jaber Air Base ). Its used by both the Kuwaiti Airforce and the US. the control tower I modeled was from the same AB
  6. 6 points
    Experimenting with winter camo
  7. 6 points
    Gloster Armageddon - seriously I was bored....I'm not much What if guy...
  8. 5 points
    Over the Kuril Islands. still flying there.
  9. 4 points
    Cool picture! I have done a VA-34 A-4B skin with the marking removed based on the only photo I can find of VA-34 in Cuba in 1961. If you google Bay of Pigs and VA-34 or Skyhawk etc the story about the botched Escort mission comes up in a few placed eg https://www.history.com/news/5-things-you-might-not-know-about-the-bay-of-pigs-invasion scroll down to #3. Hard to see in the screenshot but the over sprayed markings are a darker fresher grey
  10. 4 points
    Probably more of a certain type of aircraft...
  11. 4 points
    You should look for a place to land right after takeoff or have a personal refueler on the way to your targets. ;)
  12. 3 points
    Thanks guys, Reinstallation worked first time. I've no idea what I mucked up before, must be out of practice! Changing subject, but still relevant, I'm re-reading "The Two-Headed Eagle" by John Biggins, a fictionalized account of the adventures and misadventures of Otto Prohaska, an Austro-Czech naval officer attached to the KuK Fliegertruppe on the Isonzo Front in 1916. Clearly grounded upon solid research into the period, it gives a dramatized but authentic picture of the Hapsburg Empire in its waning days. It is very far from dry though, with moments of farce and tragedy all narrated by the protagonist with a deep sense of irony. It is the third of four novels in the Prohaska series, all very highly recommended! Cheers Mike
  13. 3 points
    Just getting started on some bump & spec maps, de-icer props now spin, rocket pods are part of the aircraft model , in RL they were automatically jettisioned after use, I couldnt find a way to do it through the weapons editor, only the caps would dissapear, at least this way the whole lot goes but only works well if you fire all the rockets in one hit as the whole lot dissapears as you fire the first rocket. I would ideally like to make the caps and body as parts that could be damaged on firing and drop away as part of the damage model.........I dont even know if it could be done.......way above my head that stuff. Been putting off doing any serial numbers yet..........I hate decals, I have no problem making them, just a boring job for something 99% of folks would never know if they're real or not ( or care probably ) Pit has had another re-vamp...... The work continues.....
  14. 2 points
    With the upgraded Udaloy I & Slava ships by @WhiteBoySamurai and @KJakker in the Kuril reinforcement fleet, it now takes a lot of ASM-3s to sink one of these ships. But I'd rather have a real warship to have to engage than not.
  15. 2 points
    The Voodoo in action...
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Still working on Spudknocker's Iran-Iraq campaign with an imporved initial OOB The Iran units are ok, but the iraqi units are still bugged : very few fighters encountered, wrong loadouts, only "tactical reconnaissance" missions proposed ... Tests are a nice opportunity for screenshots:
  18. 2 points
    Finish my todo lists from 2016, 2017 and 2018
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
    USAF F-84F Desert Thunderstreak (The Mirage Factory's F-84F with fictional desert skin.)
  21. 1 point
    It's great to have Geezer back! Geezer is mostly interested in First Eagles projects but he has done quite a few preliminary mid thirties/early WW2 models that can be made to work in SF2. Geezer has given me the OK to post them as open beta testers so I'm going to upload a few of the more finished ones here and take a closer look at some of the others. This thread is aimed at "do it your self" types and the uploads will be incomplete in some respects. That means things like unfinished skins, [make your own] no bomb racks, [add your own] and unfinished FM's. These aircraft may or may not get finished at some point but at least the "12 people" [Wrench Quote ] who have an interest in SF2-WW2 will be able to add some new and interesting aircraft. I think the thread will be good for exchanging information and files as well. Any new skins can be posted here, as well as edits for nation specific types etc. Some rules: 1. None of Geezers models or skins can be used in a formal upload without his consent. They are beta. 2. None of his models or skins can be posted to another website. 3. Preferably, keep any exchange of files confined to this thread, so everyone stays in the loop. Here are a couple of links to get 2 "finished" Geezer models: https://combatace.com/files/file/16169-geezer-sea-gladiator-for-sf-2-mto-and-eto/?tab=comments https://combatace.com/files/file/16173-geezer-cr-42-sf-2-mto/?tab=comments I will be uploading a CR-32 beta tester very soon.
  22. 1 point
    Today I uploaded the Polmilio PE - another Italian two seater to fly in Gterl's Caporetto terrain. The Pomilio PE was introduced in 1917 and was used for recon and light bombing missions. My plane features a fully functional cockpit, two skins with decals, and a small bomb loadout. My skinning templates are included. My thanks to Ojcar for making yet another great FM for this plane.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I have my doubts that its working with the DX6 code in EAW. If nothing more than some already working AA video settings. EAW seems to have some effects that are native to EAW's code that it will take advantage of if its avalable like Table Fog or even Vertex Fog (I think one is hardware supported the other is software driven). I tried to find out a few times the type of other effects EAW has built in thats a video card panel settings could activate, but I either got no answer or info I already knew. So basically no help or understanding.
  25. 1 point
    Yes I do! I guess I will have to download lots of packages to update ODS to current standards! Just save all the links of the needed stuff. We'll work the rest out later. Unlike usual mod packages, we can divide the download for the new ODS into different packages, one for the campaign files, one for the aircraft, etc. This way, we could update just one of the smaller packages if/when newer 3d models and/or additions happen. Well, you'll see.
  26. 1 point
    That's going to be a welcome addition for the Iraq terrains I made! Keep up the good work, mate!
  27. 1 point
    Thanks for putting it out! This is another great work you are doing in equipping the Corpo Aeronautico Militare with stuff we don't have.
  28. 1 point
    Hi UllyB. Apparently, these distant LODs simply do not exist. Maybe you don't need them at all? Simply edit the INI file, increasing the range of the main LOD file.
  29. 1 point
    you sir are a mind reader.... I was just reading up on these this afternoon. thank you so much for this one.
  30. 1 point
    <cough> copyright restrictions on other material?? <cough>
  31. 1 point
    View File Pomilio PE The Pomilio PE was a two seat, Italian general purpose plane that entered service in 1917. It had a 300hp Fiat 6 cylinder engine with a radiator mounted in the nose of the aircraft. A fin under the fuselage, around the tail skid, helped improve the stability of the plane. The Pomilio PE was used primarily for reconnaissance and was armed with a fixed Fiat-Revelli machine gun over the wing with a ring mounted machine gun operated by the observer. The Pomilio could carry a light bomb load with 3 bombs mounted on the each side of the plane. My Pomilio PE includes 2 skins - a green/yellow speckled camo, and a 3 color camo - each with appropriate decals. I have included a small bomb loadout. I have included my skinning templates with the download. Historical Notes: - My Pomilio PE uses the later style fuselage with a flatter deck behind the pilot because it allowed me to give greater range to the gunner in the game. - I have taken extensive liberties with the speckled camo skin version of the plane. When the camouflage was applied at the factory, it usually covered the metal panels around the engine. The speckled camo scheme was not applied to the top of the lower wing. The national insignia on the top wing did not usually extend into the aileron. The 3 color camo version is much more accurate and is the default skin. Credits: My thanks to Ojcar for making the data.ini file for this plane. Installation instructions: For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PomilioPE" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PomilioPE" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "PomilioPE". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/PomilioPE folder into the Decals/PomilioPE folder you just made. Submitter Stephen1918 Submitted 01/08/2019 Category Other Entente Aircraft  
  32. 1 point
    I'm smelling the Fitter around the corner...
  33. 1 point
    finish the weaponspack-3 and finish my F-4G and the cockpit for it and there is still a lot of work i should finish for other people , Kevin is waiting for a aircraft and the F-5a recon nose needs to be finished to so let´s start working
  34. 1 point
    Outstanding work!!!!!
  35. 1 point
    F-4J, F-4N, F-4B Skins Campaign for the Bering Straits terrain
  36. 1 point
    Daddyairplanes is right. Many countries used their civil airports for both civil and military ops.
  37. 1 point
    As Topic says: what are your plans not wishes! For me: - T-33A Reduxe - Fiat G.91R3, R4, T3 - Boeing 737-200 - Canberra BI.8 and Maybe the new Starfighter gets new life….
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    I like that VERY much!!!
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    It's been a while... and I still get that tingly feeling in my trousers when I do some toying around...
  43. 1 point
    Still plodding on with this....... It took just over 2 seconds to unload 58 rockets...... Yes I know the pylons were never used operationally.........but IT'S A GAME and you dont have to use them..... Pit.....probably about as good as I'm going to do...
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    German JAS-39T Tysk Draken patroling the Shetland Islands. Tysk Draken back to homebase at Faeroer islands.
  47. 1 point
    What if Germany would have bought MiG-29K instead of giving up Russia's debts.
  48. 1 point
    hinking about adding a cannon (what if), the R4 are unusable
  49. 1 point
    Hi! Try this link: WebGis
  50. 1 point
    Stumbled across some old shots of MontyCZ's excellent 1938 aircraft. In one, I've revised the skins of the Avia B534 fighter. He also made an early Messerschmitt Bf109 and Heinkel He111. Almost the full spectrum of 1930s aviation technology - except jets - is possible in one mod. I've also thrown in test shots of some of my stuff, suitable for both the SCW and 1938.


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