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Showing most liked content on 01/27/2021 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    Have gone over the general ini and data ini files recently for Geezer's Breguet XIV and Junkers J.1 and I've decided to release those two aircraft for the FE2 community. Our skinners might especially be interested in looking into the Breguet, and in particular the Junkers J.1 since it lacks a complete skin. I'm informally calling this package Geezer's Early Betas since that is roughly the stage of development of the Breguet and Junkers, although the FM is fully finished for both and the AI flies them just fine too. If you decide to fly them yourselves instead of keeping them for the AI only, keep in mind that there may be some visual oddities from/in the cockpits. Pilot seating positions are now correctly placed, etc., although gun muzzle flashes have been commented out on the Breguet since they are incorrectly positioned - tweak muzzle flash locations to taste. Also, do check over the included "Read Me" files for more info. regarding the FMs - the Junkers' engine is slightly over-compressed beyond about 70% throttle (use full throttle above about 1500 m alt.). [EDIT: see post on next page of this thread for relevant info. regarding the Junkers' flight characteristics, as per the latest data ini file.] Also included in the zipped package are improved general ini and data ini files for Geezer's Nieups. 28 and the 28a that are included in the big "consolidated" package near the bottom of page 25 of this thread (prop animations now work correctly on the 28/28a, and lod views are improved at distances too - thank you Crawford for the prop tweak, from a while back - although, there is no static prop available since Geezer never modeled that for the N.28 - which is still an "early beta" model too, I suppose). Thanks once again to all who contributed to the development of these airplanes (Crawford, Jeanba, Coupi, Mike Dora, and of course Geezer with his wonderful 3-d models). The link to download the package is located at the bottom of this post. Von S Animated prop. now works on the N.28/28a, at slow and fast speeds The Junkers J.1 - for those interested in late-war scenarios (requires a skin to be completed by those interested in pursuing such a project) And the Breguet XIV - a nice model, although gun muzzle flashes need re-positioning (pilot cockpit also not fully complete when viewed internally) - also, if you don't like my use of the bomb bays/support areas on the bottom wings as animated wing flaps instead , simply comment out the relevant entries in the data ini (see the relevant "Read Me" file for more info. on where to do that - many batches of the Breguet included flaps roughly in the locations where the bomb supports are located, by the way, on this particular model) EDIT: Download package of the Breguet XIV (French/Fiat and USAS/Liberty editions), also the Junkers J.I, is now available below (and contains latest adjustments to the data ini files, as well as to other files, courtesy of Wilches, Silberpfeil, and others). Many thanks to Wilches for originally hosting those packages. Also included in this post is a smaller zip file that includes a "Read Me" for the Fiat-powered Breguet, as well as the two latest data inis for Geezer's N. 28 and 28a, and that feature animated prop. discs. (Note: point the engine sound entries in the Breguet and Junkers data ini files to the sounds you are using, since I have different sounds indicated there and that correspond with the sound ini lists and wav sound files referenced and/or included in my big FM and realism pack for FE2.) *** See my main profile, under the "about me" tab, for relevant download links.
  2. 6 points
  3. 6 points
  4. 5 points
    a skin of a million layers starts with the first line but nobody ever shows the very first f##### line they do
  5. 5 points
    RCAF F-35A Lightning II from 410Sqn
  6. 4 points
    i´m working on a new F-4B model for SF2 and need a bit help 1. based on the tactical manual from September 1972 for the F-4B was the AERO-3B launchrail used on early F-4B versions , antil when was this Aero-3B / AIM-9B used in the Navy ??? i assume that with the AIM-9D service start ( about 1966 ) the LAU-7A launchrail was used also for the AIM-9B 2. the F-4B was able to carry 1 AIM-7 on the inner wing pylon , did that continou for all Navy versions of the F-4 , i have pictures showing the AIM-7 on inner wing pylon on F-4N dont know with later versions 3. is there a way to limit the drag chute to be used on land based airfields only , i now that we have some entrys so the chute can only be dployed with a certain air speed dont know if there is a way for land based airfields to if anybody knows some answers please let me know
  7. 4 points
    My friend Laurent from France pointed me to this great italian film, so I decided to share with you all, my friend ... specially with Alex aka Spillone of course .... No English this time, sorry ....
  8. 4 points
  9. 4 points
    almost ready to be mapped and sent to the paint barn
  10. 4 points
    When I tried to fly the Breguet, the aircraft didn't show, only the cockpit. In the data.ini change these lines from this: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=DH4Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE to this: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE and the aircraft will show normally. Thank you for all your work to bring us these models, Von S. Sometimes, working in Thirdwire sims, as much as I love them, can remind me of the old Bugs Bunny cartoon featuring the Gremlin.
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. 2 points
    ANIMATION KEYS I'm a little surprised that there is no standardisation of animation keys amongst developers. Perhaps it's small beer amongst all the other things they have to think about. But it's quite awkward to find that the open canopy command is SHIFT+1 in one aircraft and SHIFT+10 in another. Especially when you want to assign the command to a specific switch in your Home-built cockpit. And it often occurs that you miss a cool animation feature because it's tied to another key and you didn't RTFM. F-117, extend antennas, wow! Anyway, I made my own standardised list and altered the animation keys in each aircraft to suit. It's easy to do. Just go into the Data file and search "InputName=ANIMATION" You'll get something like this: [RefuelDoor] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_2 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=2.0 AnimationID=7 Just replace the number after InputName=ANIMATION_(number) to the number key you want to use. I made the above InputName=ANIMATION_3 So whatever the designers assign, I alter to suit this list SHIFT+1 = CANOPY + WING FOLD SHIFT+2 = TRAIL DECOY (SUPERHORNET HAS THIS) SHIFT+3 = AIR-REFUEL PROBE/REFUEL DOOR SHIFT+4 = EXTEND ANTENNAS (F-117 HAS THIS) SHIFT+5 = SLIMERS SHIFT+6 = NIGHT VISION GOGGLES (MARINA MILITARE HARRIER HAS THIS) SHIFT+7 = WING FOLD (NOT ATTACHED TO CANOPY) SHIFT+8 SHIFT+9 SHIFT+10 Okay, egg-sucking tutorial over.
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
    Mannnnn!!!!! That´s incredible! Thanks soooo much to all envolved!!!!
  17. 2 points
    Italian starfighters are my favorite. I just wish we have a "southern theater" NATO vs WARPAC terrain so all the beautiful Italian, Greek and Turkish stuff had a proper playground.
  18. 2 points
    no mate 2 days just adding few items.
  19. 2 points
    2 seaters you say.... WEASEL!! Rhino Hustler Buccaneers
  20. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Janyary 2021 =========== Osa II class missile boat ---------------------------------------- Famous Russian missile boat. INSTALLATION: ------------------------- Copy files to your MODS folder. Delete older SS-N-2C in your weapons folder before install. SO,THE MOST IMPORTANT PART ... CREDITS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- yakarov79 - testing guuruu - ALL BUGS **************************************************************************************************************************************** This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. **************************************************************************************************************************************** THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. **************************************************************************************************************************************** Have fun Wojtek
  21. 2 points
    Beta new CVA-41 Midway by Guuruu !
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points
    Spotted one of our Albatroses coming in for a landing while conversing with fellow pilots and the flight officer - the latter said that such types are rare here on this remote front and that I would be getting an Eindecker instead.
  25. 2 points
    hey all you hip cats, whats shakin' ?
  26. 2 points
  27. 2 points
    BTW, Midway will be updated too. I've new hi-res (maybe mid res ) skins for deck and corrected few bugs.
  28. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Required: 1. My previouse MiG-29UB aircraft to have all needed files kinda sound, effects, etc or just take those files from that pack 2. Sure, you need SF2 *** INSTALLATION: 1. Unpack and copy to your Aircrafts mod folder ---------------------------- Thanx to: 1. Mue for his Lod Viewer 2. Mago for the cockpit ----------------------------- I am too lazy to write any more (i was working on this aircraft all the last night) so read the readme from my Mig-29UB. This is the same.
  29. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    RAF version of the Sukhoi SSJ100 see readme of the Ukraine version for info etc.
  30. 1 point
    The PBR is coming along great I think I surprised myself with how fast I am working on it and I think I will have a surprise for you all soon (Been working on it for more than 10 hours today ). Vietnam here we come again.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    It will be interesting to compare with the next B-21 Raider...
  33. 1 point
    Hey, Eric! From Berlin I wish you and all the rest of the staff a most healthy new year 2021. We can manage most things in our lives with our own resources and energies - to be sound and well though is not always in our hands. Only when we are really ill, we realize how precious the time before was, and how precious any time after our suffering will be. That is what I think we are all learning right now - but I wish for you all, that you will never have to learn it the hard way. The restrictions we have now since quite a long time should be enough to keep us - or make us - humble and meek. Stay healthy, everyone! Olham
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    i'd see A-5s for cash, J-10s for access. with heavy "contractor" support on the J-10 of course. funny how the Paranis started speaking Mandarin over the airwaves! interestingly, my view on how Dhimar should be was modelled on the Tiger Force from Tillmans Warriors. The Dhimaris (in my view) would want up to date weapons, yet as simple as can be within the operational needs so that they can support themselves in the event their benefactors change their minds. So in this instance, i would have gone for a fleet of SAAB/Dhimari Aircraft Corporation F-39C/D and E/F fighters. yes, license built in Dhimar. simplfy the supply chains, effective yet economical. yes Dhimar is analog to Saudi Arabia in being rich. But the house of Saud didnt have too many neighbors aiming to eliminate them in the first half of their history, so while they bought the toys they never really learned to use them. i view Dhimar as yes having the purchasing power of Saudi Arabia, but the military acumen closer to Israel. kinda happens when your neighbors are always out to steal from or kill you.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Marines over Iceland. Including daddyairplanes's awesome F-4J (74), great for people like me, too dumb to fly Tomcats, but that still want something a bit better than an F-4N.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    Damned Spads. Looks like I'm in for a walk.
  44. 1 point
    Oh no where is my Tomcat Escorts LOL
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    A little preview of the next of the Mirage F1
  47. 1 point
    The timed fuse flak is more or less useless in it's stock form. If you placed 1000 flak guns around Berlin or where ever it might be useful but that's not really practical so about the only option is to use an unrealistic warhead weight, as demonstrated. That's the approach used in the SF-2V expansion. At one time there was a way to increase the flak effectiveness my networking the guns and it did work for me in SF-1 but doesn't seem to help much, if at all, in SF-2.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    In my opinion : - IraqWA is in top 3 of all available terrains... - There is no other terrain that can meet requirements. - Hope you will not stop working on terrains anyway. sad ...but true.
  50. 1 point
    Of all bases that you cited, only Prince Sultan is really needed. The others have been used mostly by transport aircraft and heavy bombers. And I added such bases as OffMap ones anyway, to be used for the AI aircraft. I really “appreciate” that people are trying to diminish my efforts at terrain making. I was expecting a remake of Operation Darius on the 2003+ version of the terrain, but that one is now being made with another terrain. If you people want to work on another terrain for ODS, feel free to do so. What strikes me is that the original ODS terrain was much wrong and inaccurate, and people never cared. I could have placed Prince Sultan AB on a wrong location as in the original, and people would have never noticed. I spent three years, between RL commitments, into making a “small” terrain full of airbases, lakes, rivers, everything being carefully placed and tiled according to satellite imagery. I even added historical FOBs and Iraqi Strongpoints, thanks to the military documents I gathered. But I guess only a few notice such details. It's a pity. Alright, rant is over. Over and out.


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